

单词 choroid plexus

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choroid plexus
2. choroid membrane: a name for the pia mater (Chambers Cycl.), and for the velum interpositum of the brain (Mayne Exp. Lex.); apparently obsolete in both senses; see also 1 choroid plexus: a plexus of blood vessels connected by a thin membrane derived from the pia mater, in each lateral ventricle of the brain, forming a cord-like border on each side of the velum interpositum; also applied to similar structures in the third and fourth ventricles. choroid artery, posterior choroid artery: two arteries arising respectively from the internal carotid and the posterior cerebral arteries on each side, and contributing to form the choroid plexus. choroid vein: a vein connected with the choroid plexus.
1696 E. Phillips New World of Words (new ed.) Choroides, the folding of the Carotid Artery in the Brain.
1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) Choroides is us'd for the inner Membrane that immediately invests the Brain.
1731 N. Bailey Universal Etymol. Eng. Dict. (ed. 5) Choroides Plexus.]
1835–6 Todd's Cycl. Anat. & Physiol. I. 493/1 After having given off the choroid artery, the internal carotid divides.
1842 E. Wilson Anatomist's Vade Mecum (ed. 2) 377 The Choroid plexus is a vascular fringe extending obliquely across the floor of the lateral ventricle.
1881 New Sydenham Soc. Lexicon Choroid vein of cerebrum, a vein in the outer border of each choroid plexus.
extracted from choroidadj.n.
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