

单词 θ84432
the world > existence and causation > causation > chance or causelessness > chance [phrase] > by chance (13)
by perchance1495

A chance, a possibility. Usually in by perchance: by chance. rare.

at a venture1517

at a venture, at random, by chance, without due consideration or thought; = adventure, n. phrases 1a.

per accidens1528

By chance, by virtue of some incidental or non-essential circumstance; contingently, indirectly. Frequently opposed to per se.

at hazard (also hazards)a1533

at hazard (also †hazards): (a) in or into danger; at risk; so as to take a risk; at stake; (b) by chance, fortuitously; without design or plan…

at random1543

Haphazardly, without aim, purpose, or fixed principle; heedlessly, carelessly; (also) erratically, indiscriminately, unsystematically. Cf. sense…

by occasion1562

†by occasion: by chance, casually, incidentally (obsolete). †by occasions: = on (also upon) occasion (obsolete). on (also upon) occasion: as need or…

at range1568

The action or an act of ranging or moving about (now rare); (Scottish) a walk, a stroll. Also in extended use.

by the way1572

Without giving one's full attention; (later) spec. as a secondary or subordinate task.

by (also at) (a) peradventurea1586

by (also at) (a) peradventure: by chance or accident; at random, randomly. Obsolete.

hit or miss1609

hit or miss: Whether one hits or misses; at random, at haphazard, happy-go-lucky. (Cf. hitty-missy, adv. adj.) Also attributive and substantive.

at the by1611

Phrases with a preposition. at the by (see quot.). of the by: of secondary or subsidiary importance. Obsolete.


adv. = hab nab at hab, adv. 1; hit or miss; however it may turn out; at random.

hit and miss1897

hit and miss = hit or miss at sense 22a. Also (with hyphens) attributive and spec., as hit-and-miss governor n. a type of governor used in…





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