

单词 θ51682
the world > food and drink > drink > drinking > [verb (intransitive)] > drink intoxicating liquor > drink toasts or healths (17)

intransitive. To address a salutation to; to drink a health to. Obsolete. rare.

to drink (a person's) hailc1325

to drink (a person's) hail: to drink to a person's well-being or good fortune. Cf. drink-hail, n. rare.

to drink good lucka1529

to drink good luck (formerly also †to drink a good luck): to make a toast to a person's future success. Usually with to.


transitive. To drink with or to (a person) as a gesture of fidelity, goodwill, etc.: †(a) to give assurance or promise of friendship or allegiance…


To drink a bumper to (any one), to drink health or success to.


intransitive. To drink healths; to drink deeply. Originally Scottish.

to drink off (or eat) candle-ends1600

to drink off (or eat) candle-ends: a romantic extravagance in drinking a lady's health by which gallants gave token of their devotion. Obsolete.


intransitive. To drink a health or healths. Also to health it.

to begin to a person1629

Phrases. †to begin the board, dais, etc.: to sit at the head of the table. †to begin a toast: to propose a toast. †to begin to a person: to…


intransitive, and transitive with it. To drink a toast in the form of a bumper (bumper, n.1 6).


intransitive. To name a person to whose health or in whose honour, or a thing or sentiment to the success of which or in honour of which, the…

to drink hob or nob, hob a nob1756

hob or nob n. or hob a nob, hob and nob (probably = give or take, give and take) used by two persons drinking to each other. to drink hob or nob, hob


intransitive. To drink to each other, drink together.


= hob-nob, phr. adv.

to look towards (a person)1833

intransitive. colloquial. to look towards (a person): to drink to a person's health. Chiefly as a toast, in I look towards you, here's looking toward


transitive. To wish (good health, etc.) to a person as a toast; to propose (a toast). Also intransitive.


A Chinese drinking-toast, a call to drain one's glass. Also as v. intransitive and transitive, to drink (as) a toast.





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