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the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular cultivated or ornamental plants > particular flower or plant esteemed for flower > [noun] > orchids > early purple orchids (29)

Any of several European plants; spec. the early purple orchid, Orchis mascula.


Any of several European orchids; esp. the early purple orchid, Orchis mascula. Cf. standelwelks, n.


The plant Orchis mascula.

adder's grass1551

The early purple orchid, Orchis mascula. Obsolete.


The early purple orchid, Orchis mascula.

cuckoo orchis1578

Orchis mascula.

fool's ballocks1578

an orchid of, or formerly of, the genus Orchis, with reference to the form of the tubers; esp. the green-winged orchid, Anacamptis morio; cf. fool's s

Palma Christi1578

Any of several orchids (species of Dactylorhiza) having palmate tubers. Obsolete. rare.


Any of several European orchids; esp. the early purple orchid, Orchis mascula.

fool's stones1597

an orchid of, or formerly of, the genus Orchis, with reference to the form of the tubers; esp. the early purple orchid, O. mascula (more fully ma


plural (a) the testicles of a fox; (b) an old name for Orchis mascula.

goat's stones1597

any of various European orchids originally regarded as members of a distinct genus Satyrium, esp. Himantoglossum hircinum and Orchis mascula; (also)…

goat stones1597

any of various European orchids originally regarded as members of a distinct genus Satyrium; = goat's stones n. at compounds 3b.


plural. An old name for an orchid, from the form of the tubers: in quot. 1597 apparently applied to Spiranthes autumnalis. Obsolete.

dead man's finger1604

A local name for various species of Orchis, properly those with palmate tubers, as O. maculataand latifolia; in Shakespeare probably the Early…

long purples1604

any of several plants having long purple flower spikes, esp. the early purple orchid, Orchis mascula, and purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria; (in…

dead man's thumb1652

A local name for Orchis mascula, from the shape of the tubers. (Cf. dead man's finger(s, n.)

man orchis1670

A purple-flowered, chalk-loving British orchid of the genus Orchis, probably the aggregate of the military orchid (O. militaris) and monkey orchid…

monkey orchisa1678

= monkey orchid, n.

meadow orchis1753

any of several orchids of meadows, belonging to or formerly included in the genus Orchis; spec. the green-winged orchid, Orchis morio.

military orchis1784

= military orchid n.

male orchis1785

the early purple orchis, Orchis mascula.

ram's horn1832

English regional (southern). Originally: the green-winged orchid, Anacamptis morio (also ram's-horn orchis). Later: the early purple orchid, Orchis ma

lady orchis1846

= lady orchid n.

dead man's hand1853

A local name for Orchis maculata and O. mascula (cf. dead man's finger(s, n. 1).

scorpion plant1866

(a) a Javanese orchid, Arachnanthe moschifera (Renanthera arachnitis), having creamy-white or lemon-coloured flowers, somewhat resembling a spider…


An orchid of the genus Phalaenopsis (see Phalaenopsis, n.); a moth orchid.

walking orchid1910

the heath spotted orchid, Dactylorhiza maculata.

soldier orchid1934

= military orchid n. at military, adj. n.compounds 2.





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