

单词 θ22654
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Guttiferae (St. John's wort and allies) > [noun] (17)

= herb John, n. 1.

grace of God?c1400

Any of several medicinal herbs; esp. St. John's wort (Hypericum species). Also with the. Cf. grace, n. 4a, Gratia Dei, n. 2. Now historical and rare.

floure jonett1423

? The great St. John's wort.

St John's-wort?a1425

Any plant of the genus Hypericum (see hypericum, n. 1); esp. H. perforatum (see perforate St John's-wort n. at perforate, adj. compounds), the…

St. Peter's wort1526

In the genitive. †(a) cowslip, Primula veris; †(b) feverfew, Tanacetum parthenium; (c) any of various species of hypericum (including several North…


Botany. A large genus of plants (herbs or shrubs), of very wide distribution, the type of the N.O. Hypericaceæ, having pentamerous yellow flowers…

St John's grass1538

= St John's-wort, n. 1.


A St. John's-wort (genus Hypericum).


A name for plants of the genus Hypericum, formerly supposed to possess the power of curing persons possessed with devils. Obsolete. rare.

orange grass1811

†(a) (apparently) fine-leaved sandwort, Minuartia hybrida (obsolete); (b) a small St John's wort, Hypericum gentianoides, of eastern North America…


= orange grass n. (b) at orange, n.1 adj.1compounds 1c(b).


Orange grass, Hypericum gentianoides.


A plant that exudes gum or resin; a plant of the order Guttiferæ.

rose of Sharon1849

A kind of St John's wort (genus Hypericum); esp. the Eurasian species H. calycinum, a low-growing shrub with dense foliage and yellow flowers (also…


Originally English regional (southern). Any of several St John's-worts (genus Hypericum), esp. H. perforatum and (in full sweet amber) tutsan, H. a


U.S. St John's-wort, Hypericum perforatum (family Hypericaceae). Also called hypericum, Klamath weed.

Klamath weed1922

the local name of a species of St. John's wort, Hypericum perforatum.





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