pertaining to or characteristic of Lucian and his style; marked by a scoffing wit.
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释义 | society > leisure > the arts > literature > literary world > [adjective] > relating to or characteristic of specific writer (147) Lucianical1561 pertaining to or characteristic of Lucian and his style; marked by a scoffing wit. Xenophontean1593 Pertaining to, characteristic of, described by, or resembling (that of) Xenophon. Sidneian1599 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Sir Philip Sidney or his works. Anastasian1621 Of or relating to the papal librarian, author, and translator Anastasius Bibliothecarius (810–878), or to his works. Theophrastical1662 Menippean1693 Characteristic of, exhibiting, or resembling the style of satirical writing associated with Menippus, esp. in the use of parody or burlesque and… Varronian1693 Of or pertaining to the Roman author M. Terentius Varro (116–27 b.c.); admitted as genuine by Varro. Herodotean1748 Of or relating to Herodotus; spec. reminiscent or characteristic of his historical writing, esp. in being very large in scope, extremely… Shaftesburian1752 Of or pertaining to the moral philosophy or literary style of Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of Shaftesbury (1671–1713), author of… Cervantic1760 Characteristic of or resembling the style of Cervantes. Alfredian1762 Of, associated with, or characteristic of King Alfred the Great, his writings, or his language. Swiftian1762 Pertaining to or characteristic of Swift or his works. Richardsonian1763 Characteristic or reminiscent of the style, form, or content of the works of Samuel Richardson. Pepysian1765 Of, belonging to, or characteristic of Samuel Pepys, his library, or the age in which he lived; (of a written record or account) resembling the… Rabelaica1768 = Rabelaisian, adj. Rabelaisian1769 Relating to, characteristic of, or resembling Rabelais or his satirical writings, which are noted for their earthy humour, their parody of medieval… Johnsonian1775 Of, belonging to, or characteristic of Samuel Johnson or his literary style. Cf. Johnsonese, adj. Radcliffian1801 Characteristic or reminiscent of the style, form, or content of the works of Ann Radcliffe, esp. in regard to their Gothic quality. Southeyan1817 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Robert Southey or his style, language, or imagery. Lucianic1820 Xenophontic1822 Thucydidean1826 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Thucydides or his work. Walter Scottish1827 Of or characteristic of Sir Walter Scott, his writings, or his style. Voltairean1833 Of, belonging to, or resembling Voltaire; holding opinions like those of Voltaire, or expressing them in his style. Juvenalian1839 Characteristic of Juvenal, the Roman satirist. Dickens-like1841 Befitting or typical of Charles Dickens; resembling his writings or style; (also) reminiscent of the places, people, etc., described in the… Dickensian1842 Of or relating to Charles Dickens; belonging to or created by Dickens. Voltairish1842 Resembling Voltaire. Hazlittian1844 Of, relating to, or characteristic of the English critic and essayist William Hazlitt (1778–1830) or his work. Theocritean1846 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Theocritus or his writings, esp. his pastoral poetry; of the style of Theocritus; hence pastoral, idyllic. Dickensish1849 Resembling or characteristic of the writings or style of Charles Dickens; typical of Dickens; (also) reminiscent of the places, situations, etc… Ruskinian1850 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Ruskin or his writings. Ruskinesque1854 Characteristic of Ruskin or his writings. Dickensy1855 Resembling the writings or style of Charles Dickens; characteristic of Dickens; (also) reminiscent of the people, situations, etc., described in… Dickenesque1856 Resembling the writings or style of Charles Dickens; reminiscent of the places, situations, etc., described in the writings of Dickens; = Dickensesque… Macaulayesque1856 Characteristic of or resembling Lord Macaulay, his historical method, or (esp.) his literary style. Ruskinite1856 = Ruskinian, adj. Thackerayan1857 Of or pertaining to, or characteristic of, William Makepeace Thackeray or his works. Ruskinese1863 = Ruskinesque, adj. Macaulayish1865 = Macaulayan, adj. Walpolian1867 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Horace Walpole or his writings. Also applied to neo-Gothic architecture of a type popularized by Horace… Dickensesque1868 Resembling the writings or style of Charles Dickens, esp. in having vivid descriptive passages, satirical observation of society, and humour and… Voltairianized1872 Baconian1874 In modern times used with reference to the theory that Francis Bacon wrote the plays attributed to Shakespeare. Balzacian1874 Of or pertaining to or characteristic of Balzac or his style. Morrisian1879 Of, relating to, or resembling the work (esp. the decorative fabrics and wallpapers) of William Morris; (also) characteristic of Morris, or of his… Isidorian1882 Of or pertaining to Isidorus or Isidore; spec. to St. Isidore, archbishop of Seville 600–636, author of several historical and ecclesiastical… Poe-like1882 Reminiscent of Edgar Allan Poe or his work; = Poe-esque, adj. Peacockian1886 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Peacock or his writing. Poe-esque1886 Of, relating to, or reminiscent of Edgar Allan Poe or his work: spec. macabre, Gothic. Also as n. Zolaesque1886 characteristic of or resembling the style of Zola. Macaulayan1887 Relating to or modelled on Macaulay's method or style. Bunyanesque1888 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of either (a) John Bunyan (1628–88), the English writer, or (b) Paul Bunyan, the legendary American hero. Fieldingesque1888 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Fielding, his writings, or his (often picaresque) style. Junian1888 Of or pertaining to the ‘Letters of Junius’, a series of letters which appeared in the Public Advertiser, 1768–1772, the authorship of which is one… Meredithian1888 Of, relating to, or characteristic of George Meredith or his writings. Tacitean1890 Pertaining to Tacitus, or resembling his pregnant sententious style. Hugoesque1893 Resembling the character or style of V. Hugo. Also substantively with the. Hardyesque1894 Characteristic or suggestive of Thomas Hardy or his work. Cf. Hardyan, adj. Kiplingesque1894 resembling Kipling in style. Shawian1894 = Shavian, adj. Maeterlinckian1895 Of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Maeterlinck or his writings. Dickinsonian1896 Of, relating to, or reminiscent of Emily Dickinson or her work. Stevensonian1897 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of R. L. Stevenson or his writings. Also as n., an admirer of R. L. Stevenson or of his writings. Austenish1898 characteristic of Jane Austen's work. Austenian1901 Of or pertaining to Jane Austen, novelist, 1775–1817, or her writings. Leverish1903 Pateresque1903 Of, relating to, or characteristic of the English writer Walter Pater or his writings or aesthetics. Cf. Paterian, adj. Trollopian1903 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the English novelist Anthony Trollope (1815–82) or his writings. Malorian1904 Relating to or characteristic of Sir Thomas Malory or his style of writing. Shavian1904 Relating to, characteristic of, or resembling George Bernard Shaw or his works or opinions. Brontesque1905 = Brontëan, adj. Chestertonian1905 Of, pertaining to, resembling, or characteristic of the English author Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874–1936) or his writings. Jamesian1905 Of or pertaining to the American (later naturalized British) writer Henry James (1843–1916) or his works. Also as n., a follower or admirer of Henry… Leveresque1905 Characteristic of the novels of Charles Lever in matter or style. Jacobean1906 Of or pertaining to Henry James (1843–1916), American novelist and critic. Carrollese1907 Resembling, or characteristic of, the style of ‘Lewis Carroll’ (C. L. Dodgson (1832–98), author of ‘Alice's Adventures in Wonderland’). Hardyan1907 Of or characteristic of Thomas Hardy or his work. Cf. Hardyesque, adj. Stendhalian1907 Characteristic or suggestive of the writings of Stendhal. Turgenevian1908 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Turgenev or his writings. Ouidaesque1909 Characteristic or suggestive of the novels of ‘Ouida’; spec. (of a male character) impossibly perfect; handsome and accomplished to an implausible… Galsworthian1912 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of John Galsworthy or his work. Poeish1915 Of, relating to, or reminiscent of Edgar Allan Poe or his work; = Poe-esque, adj. Paterian1918 = Pateresque, adj. Sitwellian1920 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Edith Sitwell (1887–1964), Osbert Sitwell (1892–1969), or Sacheverell Sitwell (1897–1988), siblings and… Conradian1921 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Joseph Conrad (1857–1924), Polish-born writer of novels in English, or his work. Mallarméan1924 Of or relating to the works or theories of Mallarmé. Theophrastian1924 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Theophrastus or his writings, esp. his Characters, a set of thirty sketches on disagreeable aspects of human… Wildean1924 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Irish writer Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854–1900), or his works. Pirandellian1925 Of, resembling, or characteristic of Pirandello or his plays, esp. with reference to the relationship between illusion and reality. Proustian1925 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Proust, his writings, or his style, particularly with reference to the recovery of the lost past and the… Flaubertian1926 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Flaubert. Wodehousian1926 Of, relating to, or characteristic of P. G. Wodehouse or his works, esp. his comic fiction. Joycean1927 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Joyce or his work. Stracheyan1927 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Strachey or his style of writing. Theophrastic1928 Yeatsian1928 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Yeats or his writing. Lawrentian1930 Of or pertaining to the English author D. H. Lawrence (1885–1930), or his work or style of writing. Firbankian1931 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Ronald Firbank or his works and opinions. Melvillean1931 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Herman Melville or his works, esp. the sea stories. Leavisite1934 Of, relating to, or characteristic of the literary critic F. R. Leavis, his writings and ideas, or his followers; = Leavisian, adj. Runyonesque1934 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Damon Runyon or his style, language, or imagery; esp. characterized by plot or language suggestive of… Kafka1936 used attributively. Woolfian1936 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Virginia Woolf (1882–1941), English writer, or her work. Twainian1938 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of ‘Mark Twain’ or his work. Rilkean1939 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Rilke or his work. Audenesque1940 Resembling in matter, style, or quality the works of Wystan Hugh Auden, poet and critic. Hemingwayesque1942 Characteristic of the works of E. Hemingway. Brontëan1945 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of, the Brontës (esp. the sisters Charlotte (1816–55), Emily (1818–48), and Anne (1820–49)), or their literary… Kafkaesque1947 Of or relating to the writings of Franz Kafka; resembling the state of affairs or a state of mind described by Kafka. Leavisian1947 = Leavisite, adj. Morrisan1949 = Morrisian, adj. Orwellian1950 Characteristic or suggestive of the writings of George Orwell, esp. of the totalitarian state depicted in his dystopian account of the future, Nine… Faulknerian1951 Of or pertaining to (the writings of) William Faulkner (1897–1962), American novelist. Hemingwayan1951 Greeneian1952 Of, relating to, or characteristic of Graham Greene, his writings, or his style. Arnoldian1953 Belonging to or characteristic of either Thomas Arnold or his son Matthew Arnold. Thurberesque1954 Of or pertaining to the American cartoonist and writer James Thurber (1894–1961), the characters in his work, or his style of writing or drawing. Tolkienian1954 Of or pertaining to Tolkien or his writings. Beckettian1958 Relating to or characteristic of the plays and novels of Samuel Beckett; spec. designating a bleak and sometimes comic atmosphere of spiritual… Hemingwayish1959 Nabokovian1959 Of or relating to Vladimir Nabokov; resembling or characteristic of his writing, esp. its ironic, witty, or erudite style. Pinteresque1960 Of or relating to Harold Pinter; resembling or characteristic of his plays. Also occasionally as n. Pinterish1960 = Pinteresque, adj. Vernean1960 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the science fiction of Jules Verne. Waughian1960 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Evelyn Waugh or his writing. Bradleian1961 Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of: (a) the English idealist philosopher Francis Herbert Bradley (1846–1924) or his writings; or (b) his… Gravesian1961 Resembling in matter, style, or quality the work or manner of Robert Ranke Graves, poet, novelist, and man of letters. Kafkian1962 (attributive) = Kafkaesque, adj. Jules Vernean1964 Snovian1966 Of or pertaining to the writings or ideas of C. P. Snow. Pinterian1967 = Pinteresque, adj. Lucianesque1969 in a Lucianic style. Tolkienesque1970 characteristic of or resembling Tolkien or his writings. Thoreauvian1975 Resembling or characteristic of Thoreau's writing or philosophy. Stubbsian1979 Of or pertaining to William Stubbs (1825–1901), historian and Bishop of Oxford, or his historical opinions. Subcategories:— mother of Anthony Trollope (1) — of specific character or work (10) |
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