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the world > plants > particular plants > trees and shrubs > tree or shrub groups > plane-trees > [noun] (18)

A tree of the genus Platanus, a plane tree; (in form Platanus) the genus itself, constituting the family Platanaceae. Cf. plane, n.1 1.


Originally: a large, spreading tree, Platanus orientalis, having broad, deeply lobed palmate leaves and bark that scales off in irregular…


A plane tree, esp. Platanus orientalis.

plane treea1425

= plane, n.1 1.

platan treea1425


A plane tree, esp. Platanus orientalis. More fully plantain tree.


Chiefly Scottish and English regional (northern). The sycamore, Acer pseudoplatanus, the leaves of which resemble those of Platanus. Also called f

dwarf plane tree1578

†(a) the guelder rose, Viburnum opulus, which has leaves somewhat resembling those of plane trees (obsolete); (b) a naturally or artificially…


The Persian name of the Oriental Plane-tree; also, timber from this.


(a) (chiefly U.S.) the buttonball, Platanus occidentalis (more fully buttonwood tree); (b) (more fully buttonwood mangrove) the button mangrove, Con

platanus tree1670

Norway maple1731

a Eurasian maple, Acer platanoides, which has greenish-yellow flowers appearing before the lobed leaves and is widely planted as an ornamental.

water beech1735

either of two North American trees often found growing near water, the American plane, Platanus occidentalis, and the American hornbeam, Carpinus c

American plane1781

American plane (more fully American plane tree) the North American buttonwood or Virginian plane, Platanus occidentalis; cf. 1.


In North America, a plane or tree of the genus Platanus, esp. the buttonwood, P. occidentalis.


the buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis, the seeds of which occur in globular clusters (more fully buttonball tree).

London plane1860

Used attributively in various special collocations. Platanus× hispanica (P.× acerifolia), a hybrid of P. occidentalis and P. orientalis, often…


= sycamore, n. (in various senses).





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