Nautical. ‘A sloop or cutter with a jigger-mast abaft, on which a mizen-lug-sail is set’ (Smyth, Sailor's Word-bk.). Hence dandy-rig, dandy-rigged…
单词 | θ204745 |
释义 | society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > vessel propelled by sail > [noun] > vessel with specific number of masts > types of vessel with two masts > yawl > types of (2) dandy1858 Nautical. ‘A sloop or cutter with a jigger-mast abaft, on which a mizen-lug-sail is set’ (Smyth, Sailor's Word-bk.). Hence dandy-rig, dandy-rigged… jigger1860 Nautical. A small vessel of the smack type furnished with a ‘jigger’ sail: see 2b; a similar vessel used as a fishing-vessel on the N.E. coast of… |
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