

active pursuit active resistance active retirement active role in active service
active support active supporter active surveillance active user active volcano
activism activist activist investor activist movements activists claim
activity activity ceases activity centre activity decreases activity level
act justly act normally act of altruism act of atonement act of betrayal
act of bravery act of charity act of compassion act of courage act of cowardice
act of creation act of defiance act of desperation act of devotion act of disobedience
act of forgiveness act of generosity act of God act of heroism act of homage
act of hubris act of kindness act of mercy act of negligence act of piracy
act of protest act of rebellion act of remembrance act of resistance act of revenge
act of sabotage act of solidarity act of subversion act of treachery act of treason
act of valour act of vandalism act of vengeance act of worship actor
actor performs actor plays act out act promptly act properly
act quickly act rationally act responsibly actress act strangely
act suspiciously act swiftly act the goat actual actual bodily harm
actual expenses actual experience actuality actually actual number
actual size actuarial actuarial table actuary actuate
act unilaterally act up acuity acumen acupressure
acupuncture acupuncture points acupuncture sessions acupuncturist a curate's egg
a cut above a cut above the rest acute acute admission acute anxiety
acute appendicitis acute asthma acute awareness of acute bronchitis acute case
acute crisis acute danger acute depression acute discomfort acute embarrassment
acute episode acute hearing acute hospital acute illness acute infection
acute inflammation acutely acutely aware acutely conscious acutely ill
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