

单词 mean
1. verb uses2. adjective uses3. noun use
(mn )
verb uses
Word forms: means , meaning , meant
1. verb [no cont] A2
If you want to know what a word, code, signal, or gesture means, you want to know what it refers to or what its message is.
In modern Welsh, 'glas' means 'blue'. [VERB noun]
What does 'evidence' mean? [VERB noun]
The red signal means you can shoot. [VERB that]
Synonyms: signify, say, suggest, indicate  
2. verb [no cont] B1
If you ask someone what they mean, you are asking them to explain exactly what or who they are referring to or what they are intending to say.
Do you mean me? [VERB noun]
Let me illustrate what I mean with an old story. [VERB noun]
What do you think he means by that? [VERB noun]
I think he means that he does not want this marriage to turn out like his friend's. [VERB that]
Synonyms: imply, suggest, intend, indicate  
3. verb [no cont] B1+
If something means something to you, it is important to you in some way.
The idea that she witnessed this shameful incident meant nothing to him.
It would mean a lot to them to win. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
[Also V amount]
4. verb [no cont] B1+
If one thing means another, it shows that the second thing exists or is true.
An enlarged prostate does not necessarily mean cancer. [VERB noun]
Just because he has a beard doesn't necessarily mean he's a hippy. [VERB that]
Synonyms: presage, promise, herald, foreshadow  
5. verb [no cont] B1+
If one thing means another, the first thing leads to the second thing happening.
It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO. [VERB noun]
Trade and product discounts can also mean big savings. [VERB noun]
Failure to act now will mean that our society will change beyond recognition. [VERB that]
Synonyms: result in, cause, produce, effect  
6. verb B1+
If doing one thing means doing another, it involves doing the second thing.
Children prefer to live in peace, even if that means living with only one parent. [V -ing]
Managing well means communicating well. [VERB verb-ing]
7. verb [no cont]
If you say that you mean what you are saying, you are telling someone that you are serious about it and are not joking, exaggerating, or just being polite.
He says you're fired if you're not back at work on Friday. And I think he meant it. [VERB noun]
He could see I meant what I said. So he took his fur coat and left. [VERB noun]
8. verb [no cont] B1
If you say that someone meant to do something, you are saying that they did it deliberately.
I didn't mean to hurt you. [VERB to-infinitive]
If that sounds harsh, it is meant to. [VERB to-infinitive]
Did you mean to leave your dog here? [VERB to-infinitive]
I can see why you believed my letters were threatening but I never meant them to be. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
Synonyms: intend, want, plan, expect  
9. verb [no cont] B1
If you say that someone did not mean any harm, offence, or disrespect, you are saying that they did not intend to upset or offend people or to cause problems, even though they may in fact have done so.
I'm sure he didn't mean any harm. [VERB noun]
I didn't mean any offence. It was a flippant, off-the-cuff remark. [VERB noun]
10. verb [no cont] B1
If you mean to do something, you intend or plan to do it.
Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the new books you meant to read. [VERB to-infinitive]
You know very well what I meant to say. [VERB to-infinitive]
I mean to look after my body. [VERB to-infinitive]
11. verb [usually passive, no cont]
If you say that something was meant to happen, you believe that it was made to happen by God or fate, and did not just happen by chance.
John was constantly reassuring me that we were meant to be together. [be VERB-ed to-infinitive]
Synonyms: destine, make, design, suit  
12. I mean phrase B2
You say 'I mean' when making clearer something that you have just said. [spoken]
It was his idea. Gordon's, I mean.
Is something upsetting you–I mean, apart from this business?
13. I mean phrase
You can use 'I mean' to introduce a statement, especially one that justifies something that you have just said. [spoken]
I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I mean, I was the one who asked him.
14. I mean phrase B1+
You say I mean when correcting something that you have just said. [spoken]
It was law or classics–I mean English or classics.
15. know what it means to do sth/know what sth means phrase
If you know what it means to do something, you know everything that is involved in a particular activity or experience, especially the effect that it has on you.
I know what it means to lose a child under such tragic circumstances.
16. mean something to sb phrase
If a name, word, or phrase means something to you, you have heard it before and you know what it refers to.
'Oh, Gairdner,' he said, as if that meant something to him.
Does the word 'Fareham' mean anything to anyone?
17. to mean well phrase
If you say that someone means well, you mean they are trying to be kind and helpful, even though they might be causing someone problems or upsetting them.
I know you mean well, but I can manage by myself.
18. you mean phrase B2
You use 'you mean' in a question to check that you have understood what someone has said.
What accident? You mean Christina's?
'What if I had said no?' 'About the apartment, you mean?'
19.  See also meaning, means, meant
20. to mean business phrase
If you say that someone means business, you mean they are serious and determined about what they are doing. [informal]
Now people are starting to realise that he means business.
Synonyms: be serious, be determined, be resolute, be set on something  
21. if you know what I mean convention B2
You can use expressions such as you know what I mean and if you know what I mean to suggest that the person listening to you understands what you are trying to say, and so you do not have to explain any more. [spoken]
None of us stayed long. I mean, the atmosphere wasn't–well, you know what I mean.
She was a bit stuck up, know what I mean?
(mn )
adjective uses
Word forms: meaner , meanest
1. adjective B2
If you describe someone as mean, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to spend much money or to use very much of a particular thing. [mainly British, disapproval]
Don't be mean with fabric, otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy.
regional note:   in AM, use cheap, stingy
Synonyms: miserly, stingy, parsimonious, niggardly  
meanness uncountable noun
This very careful attitude to money can sometimes border on meanness.
Synonyms: lowliness, obscurity, servility, baseness  
Synonyms: shabbiness, squalor, insignificance, pettiness  
Synonyms: malice, hostility, bad temper, rudeness  
Synonyms: pettiness, degradation, degeneracy, wretchedness  
Synonyms: miserliness, parsimony [formal], stinginess, tight-fistedness  
2. adjective B2
If you describe an amount as mean, you are saying that it is very small. [British, disapproval]
...the meanest grant possible from the local council.
3. adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE] B2
If someone is being mean, they are being unkind to another person, for example by not allowing them to do something.
The little girls had locked themselves in upstairs because Mack had been mean to them. [+ to]
I'd feel mean saying no.
meanly adverb [usually ADVERB with verb, oft ADVERB adjective]
He had been behaving very meanly to his girlfriend.
4. adjective
If you describe a person or animal as mean, you are saying that they are very bad-tempered and cruel. [mainly US]
...the meanest fighter in the world.
5. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
If you describe a place as mean, you think that it looks poor and dirty.
He was raised on the mean streets of the central market district of Panama City.
Synonyms: shabby, poor, miserable, rundown  
6. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
You can use mean in expressions such as 'He plays a mean trumpet' and 'She mixes a mean cocktail' to indicate that someone does something extremely well. [informal, approval]
He cooks a mean salmon.
Marge played a mean game of tennis.
Synonyms: excellent, great [informal], outstanding, superb  
7. no mean sth phrase
You can use no mean in expressions such as 'no mean writer' and 'no mean golfer' to indicate that someone does something well. [informal, approval]
She was no mean performer on a variety of other instruments.
Moreover, Ramsay was no mean thinker himself.
8. no mean sth phrase
You can use no mean in expressions such as 'no mean achievement' and 'no mean task' to indicate that someone has done something they deserve to be proud of.
To destroy 121 enemy aircraft is no mean record.
They reached the final, which was no mean achievement.
(mn )
noun use
1. singular noun [oft NOUN noun]
The mean is a number that is the average of a set of numbers.
Take a hundred and twenty values and calculate the mean.
...the mean score for 26-year-olds.
Synonyms: average, middle, balance, norm  
2.  See also means
mean business
to be serious and determined about what you are doing
One of them poked a shotgun at me. I could see he meant business.
a bit mean
This seems a bit mean.
The Sun (2012)
So you might argue that we're being a bit mean asking you to guess.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
It can also feel a bit mean or irrelevant to expose a subject's clumsy attempts at seduction.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
alternative means of
She's still only 14 and has no alternative means of survival.
Times, Sunday Times
City authorities are discouraging driving by penalising car owners and putting money into providing alternative means of transport.
Times, Sunday Times
Please can we restrict fireworks and bonfires in 2020 and create alternative means of celebration and display.
Times,Sunday Times
Less well-known companies are also looking at bonds as an alternative means of raising finance.
Times, Sunday Times
Labour should seek alternative means of funding.
Times, Sunday Times
conventional means
She wanted to escape not only the past, but also the conventional means of escaping the past by thinking and writing about it.
The Times Literary Supplement
Using chemicals and other conventional means to destroy it would cost at least 1.5 billion.
Times, Sunday Times
He added that nicotine was difficult to administer in significant nonharmful doses by conventional means, such as a patch or inhaler.
Times, Sunday Times
This battle cannot be won by conventional means.
The Sun
This leads to an obvious conclusion: conventional means of supply and distribution are not enough.
Times, Sunday Times
diplomatic means
Conflicts had to be resolved by political and diplomatic means, he said.
Times, Sunday Times
They must use all diplomatic means to step up the pressure on all parties to the conflict.
Times, Sunday Times
He was convinced that the stand-off could be resolved by diplomatic means.
Times, Sunday Times
The second, that of exhausting all diplomatic means, alas, could soon be met.
Times, Sunday Times
Victory can be gained by military or diplomatic means.
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efficient means of
Is it an efficient means of raising tax revenue?
Times, Sunday Times
Good quality outcome measures are the most efficient means of assuring patients that the centre treating them achieves national and international standards.
Times, Sunday Times
You should look for tax- efficient means of saving.
Times, Sunday Times
What an efficient means of genetic refinement.
Times, Sunday Times
Combinate makes no sense to the left brain besides being an efficient means of reducing complexity.
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electronic means
Most factual knowledge could be delivered by books and electronic means.
Times, Sunday Times
How strange that we've come full circle to the first electronic means of communication.
What the groups had in common was not ideology or circumstance, but the act of protest itself, and the electronic means to combine.
Times, Sunday Times
In the past decade, there have been revolutionary changes in the conveying of news and comment by electronic means.
Times, Sunday Times
Even though so many of them are now transacted by electronic means, in the beginning they flourished on a rich organic compost of constant face-to-face conversation.
Times, Sunday Times
illegal means
A detective said the court was 'satisfied that his wealth could only have been acquired through illegal means'.
The Sun
By the time he starts enriching himself by illegal means, he has usually been employed by the company for six or more years.
Times, Sunday Times
Their characters were also twinned in that they registered no remorse about the illegal means with which they conquered their sport.
Times, Sunday Times
He claims that the twins led a conspiracy to seize control of the group using illegal means.
Times, Sunday Times
This interpretation can, genuinely, spread a good-news message: that dopers can find a way of reaching their best without resorting to illegal means.
Times, Sunday Times
indirect means
Sadly, as the stakes become higher, the indirect means of winning are playing an increasing part.
Times, Sunday Times
While more than 300 of these 'exoplanets' are now known, the vast majority were detected by measuring wobbles in the light from a star, or by other indirect means.
Times, Sunday Times
Honest people sometimes need indirect means to achieve an honest result.
Times, Sunday Times
Most personal blogs are an indirect means of communication with a small clique of friends, or even with one specific person.
Globe and Mail
The defaunation of large mammals can be done by direct or indirect means.
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legal means
We do have the legal means to combat hateful individuals.
Times, Sunday Times
And yet you are setting up an entire industry to snoop on those using legal means to reduce their tax liabilities.
Times, Sunday Times
We embrace science to give our runners every legal means for success and, more importantly, to protect their health and well-being.
The Sun
She said that she was trying to recover her property through legal means, but 'so far, no judge has dared to review our complaint'.
Times, Sunday Times
We are probably in the midst of what can only be described as a transatlantic economic war, waged using capital, technology and legal means.
Times, Sunday Times
legitimate means
Journalism should be about reporting what has happened, and uncovering corrupt and illegal conduct by legitimate means.
Times, Sunday Times
But if the public wills it to end, it must will any legitimate means to that end without the usual chorus of incoherent indignation.
Times, Sunday Times
Criminality becomes attractive when expectations of being able to fulfill goals (therefore achieving success) by legitimate means can not be fulfilled.
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Paragraph 20 makes it clear that legitimate means did not include renewed rebellion.
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They are all occupiers, and we must fight them by any legitimate means.
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limited means
These comic attempts at literal enactment with limited means are interspersed with reliance on the words.
The Times Literary Supplement
In their adopted homeland, the family was forced to change their names and survive incognito on more limited means.
Times, Sunday Times
It details in dry, comic detail the daily indignities a musician of limited means goes through.
Times, Sunday Times
They were the start of the owneroccupier boom for people with limited means.
Times, Sunday Times
He just wants it to function as the best investment within their limited means.
Times, Sunday Times
mean increase
If you are selling, however, it means increased competition.
Times, Sunday Times
That would mean increasing the number of adult classes from four to nine.
Christianity Today
Without new nuclear power stations, this will inevitably mean increased reliance on natural gas.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes it may mean increasing costs in a downturn, e.g.
The Sun
Extending the generosity of state pensions, whatever the compromise adopted, also means increasing the government's role in pension provision.
Times, Sunday Times
mean number of
After relegation the mean number of seasons until promotion or relegation was three.
Times, Sunday Times
It was the only cell line with 100% cells infected the mean number of bacteria per cell was more than 100 in all studied series.
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In fact, the mean number of recall for the group-reference was higher than self-reference.
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In a study of the 1969/70 breeding season, the mean number of fledglings produced per nest was 1.9.
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For example, we can forecast the mean number of heads and its variance with great precision.
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mean rate
Highly frequented trails had a higher mean rate per worker, meaning the harvesters returned higher rates of resources more efficiently along these trails.
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Fierce competition between current account providers following the launch of the government's seven-day switch guarantee means rates have been increasing.
Times, Sunday Times
This means rates cannot be raised for five years.
The Sun
Stability on this scale may well mean rates will fall even lower.
The Sun
The location means rates are lower than uptown.
Times, Sunday Times
mean score
Marriages for people who met online reported a mean score of 5.64 on a satisfaction survey, compared with 5.48 for people who met offline.
Times, Sunday Times
The mean score for this group was 2.83.
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The class of 2011 performed even better registering a mean score of 10.99 breaking the previous record set by the 2010 class of 10.38.
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The mean score for this group was 3.21.
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The mean score was a 3.04 with a standard deviation of 1.31.
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means of communication
Ultimately, means of communication are only as good as the people using them, and if those people rely on outdated databases, trouble ensues.
Times, Sunday Times
As a means of communication it can reflect real distress and so make an impact.
Times, Sunday Times
The chemical can be sensed by other plants and may be a means of communication.
Times, Sunday Times
Some medical experts, however, have cast doubt about this means of communication.
Times, Sunday Times
On a more general note, airlines often specify a preferred means of communication by which they can be contacted.
Times, Sunday Times
means of destruction
If there are critical points within the target, they also must be recognizable by the means of destruction used.
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Burning has always been one of the recognised means of destruction.
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Other means of destruction have been used in the past but are now obsolete.
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But in the years following the war and into the 1950s the role of design engineer languished, stigmatized by the war effort as the creator of new means of destruction.
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means of escape
They had no recourse, no means of escape.
Christianity Today
The 13in hole will eventually be widened to 26in - the size of a standard bicycle wheel - providing the miners with a means of escape.
Times, Sunday Times
He also seems to have offered a means of escape.
Times, Sunday Times
Growing up in such a strict household, cars were her means of escape.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a means of escape from the minimum wage drudgery which might otherwise be their lot.
The Sun
means of expression
These works are a commentary on the medium as a business and as a fulfilling means of expression.
The Times Literary Supplement
Yet in the modern, urban world, many such practical means of expression have been lost.
Times, Sunday Times
And yet it's his sensibilities that make him so creative, whether it's through his painting or writing or any other means of expression he can fi nd.
Times, Sunday Times
It's just that in the 21st century the cross-media means of expression has evolved.
Times, Sunday Times
And what should be a set of limitations - the same colours, the same medium, in drawing after drawing - has become a whole new means of expression.
Times, Sunday Times
means of survival
She's still only 14 and has no alternative means of survival.
Times, Sunday Times
First and foremost, drinking alcohol was a means of survival.
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It simply and precisely records the 33 days it took them to travel to relative safety and their means of survival.
Times, Sunday Times
Early urban civilisations, far from being an expression of social and cultural advancement, were simply a means of survival in a changing world.
Times, Sunday Times
With the price of food continuing to rise, more and more young people see joining the fighting as their only means of survival.
Times, Sunday Times
means of transportation
He's isolated, has no means of transportation, and has no family.
Christianity Today
But neither of them had much money or any means of transportation.
Globe and Mail
Conveyance crime scenes are crimes committed by means of transportation, such as robbery or auto theft.
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Roadways are the major means of transportation, while the town also has rail connectivity.
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Research waned from 1920-1960 until environmental issues of pollution and diminishing natural resources reawakened the need of a more environmentally friendly means of transportation.
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mechanical means
Before long, mechanical means were found to achieve this.
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Most vibration / sound transfer from a room to the outside occurs through mechanical means.
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The patent also describes very generally with a drawing, a mechanical means to accomplish this.
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However, such substances are not generally considered friable because of the degree of difficulty involved in breaking the substance's chemical bonds through mechanical means.
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Afterward, mechanical means of churning were usually substituted.
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necessary means
It was, in other words, the necessary means of attaining knowledge.
Christianity Today
And if we will a dignified end then we must accept its necessary means.
Times, Sunday Times
Reading thus becomes a continuous act of interior iconoclasm: a sacred duty, as well as an absolutely necessary means to understanding the true nature of creation.
The Times Literary Supplement
In essence, where the regulations apply, the manager or owner must provide necessary means of escape, signs, emergency lighting, fire detection, fire doors, alarms, extinguishers etc.
Times, Sunday Times
History tells us that people will be more tolerant of great crimes if they deceive themselves they are the necessary means to an end such as equality.
Times, Sunday Times
only means
On either side of the mirror were two gas brackets, as we had no electricity, and these were the only means of light.
Times, Sunday Times
The armed forces veteran admitted drink-driving but said a ban would stop him using his only means of transport.
The Sun
But truly they are our only means of getting here.
Times, Sunday Times
It's the only means they have to provide food for their family.
The Sun
Once the pattern was set, my only means of growing spiritually was simply to work harder.
Christianity Today
practical means
Yet in the modern, urban world, many such practical means of expression have been lost.
Times, Sunday Times
This ability to intervene and change a situation by practical means was how he defined his masculinity.
Times, Sunday Times
New house laws provided practical means of administration, stressing duties and rules of behavior.
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However, in some cases, probabilistic algorithms are the only practical means of solving a problem.
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Since roads were few and poorly formed, the sea, with all its hazards was often the only practical means of communication.
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primary means
These have replaced the estate agent's shop window as the primary means of advertising a property for sale and provide useful information to buyers.
Times, Sunday Times
Troubled by a chronic stutter, he found songwriting a form of cure and his primary means of communication.
Times, Sunday Times
More immediately, however, writing would be her primary means of support.
The Times Literary Supplement
Cavalry would therefore remain the primary means of reconnaissance.
Times, Sunday Times
Virtually no customer, it says, now relies on public payphones as the primary means of making calls.
Times, Sunday Times
principal means
There his principal means of transport was a small sailing boat.
Times, Sunday Times
Brick chimneys only became a feature of such houses in the late 16th century; until then windows were the principal means of ventilation.
Times, Sunday Times
We know from other studies that those who use human sonar as a principal means of navigation are activating their visual brain.
Smithsonian Mag
Targets, the bureaucrat's principal means of demonstrating improvement, create a plethora of perverse incentives.
Times, Sunday Times
Their principal means of entertainment are puns, props (eg, 'grate' earrings) and dance routines.
Times, Sunday Times
reliable means
Even today the rivers provide the only reliable means of access to many towns and villages.
Times, Sunday Times
Progress upriver halted as stranded steamers waited to be repaired or refloated or as passengers decamped in search of more reliable means of conveyance.
The Times Literary Supplement
No, in my experience paper and ink are a much more reliable means to catch and collect ideas, to play with them and explore their secrets.
Times, Sunday Times
Stone staddles were longer lasting and a more reliable means of supporting structures which were sometimes a considerable weight.
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When his linguistic fireworks fail at the end of the story, the proverb and human rhetoric in general are questioned as reliable means of communication.
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sole means
He pledged to restore calm when even he must have realised that the sole means of achieving that was his departure.
Times,Sunday Times
National school inspections, tests and league tables are not the sole means to safeguard quality.
Times, Sunday Times
Admissions tutors should be looking more closely at effort and potential, and recognising that grades are not the sole means of judging students.
Times, Sunday Times
Force was clearly the sole means open to the opposition if it wanted to enjoy the fruits of power.
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The production of this specialty used to be the sole means of income for many villagers in the past.
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technical means
People need special passwords, invitations from existing users and to use technical means to hide their criminal activity.
The Sun
Accumulating overseas experience shows that the technical means for variable charging are well within reach.
Times, Sunday Times
The technical means for strong security - sandbags against the cyber-hurricanes - already exist.
Times, Sunday Times
To date, each theory has either proven implausible, or there are insufficient data or technical means to either prove or disprove it.
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Technical means, if limited to these human purposes and values, could enhance such growth and social well-being.
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technological means
More had to be invested in early-warning systems to allow information gathered through technological means to be communicated to the most vulnerable.
Times, Sunday Times
They argue that current copyright law hinders the realisation of these rights in today's knowledge societies relying on new technological means of communication.
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The technological means to genetically modify virus characteristics are likely to become more widely available in the future if not properly regulated.
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In general, communication (telecommunication) can be done by technological means through either electrical signals (wired communication) or electromagnetic waves (wireless communication).
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One of the ways that both countries demonstrated this was achievements in military and technological means.
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use means
Rising broadband use means booming demand for secure storage of electronic data.
Times, Sunday Times
Restricting their use means forgoing a powerful way of easing the burden that smoking-related illnesses place on our health services.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes a build-up of limescale from heavy use means soap residue actually sticks to the limescale and basins can appear more grubby.
Times,Sunday Times
Its use means a whole tumour can be successfully removed in 70.5 per cent of cases, up from around 30 per cent.
The Sun
Each comes with its own weakness and strength, and judicious use means knowing how they are compiled.
Times, Sunday Times
Chinese: 吝啬的, 意谓, 对…认真, 打算, 平均数
Japanese: けちな, 意味する, 本気で言う, わざと・・・する, 平均




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