

单词 live
1. verb uses2. adjective uses
(lɪv )
verb uses
Word forms: lives , living , lived
1. verb A1
If someone lives in a particular place or with a particular person, their home is in that place or with that person.
She has lived here for 10 years. [VERB adverb/preposition]
She always said I ought to live alone. [VERB adverb/preposition]
Where do you live? [VERB adverb/preposition]
He still lives with his parents. [VERB adverb/preposition]
Synonyms: dwell [formal, literary], board, settle, lodge  
2. verb B1+
If you say that someone lives in particular circumstances or that they live a particular kind of life, you mean that they are in those circumstances or that they have that kind of life.
We lived quite grandly. [VERB adverb/preposition]
We live in an age of rapid technological change. [VERB adverb/preposition]
We can start living a normal life again now. [VERB noun]
...the local support group for people living with HIV and AIDS. [VERB-ing]
Synonyms: lead, have, experience, pass  
3. verb B2
If you say that someone lives for a particular thing, you mean that it is the most important thing in their life.
He lived for his work. [VERB + for]
4. verb B1
To live means to be alive. If someone lives to a particular age, they stay alive until they are that age.
He's got a terrible disease and will not live long. [VERB adverb]
A perennial is a plant that lives indefinitely. [VERB adverb]
He lived to be 103. [VERB to-infinitive]
My father died nigh on ten years ago, but he lived to see his first grandson. [VERB to-infinitive]
Matilda was born in northern Italy in 1046 and apparently lived to a ripe old age. [VERB + to]
The blue whale is the largest living thing on the planet. [VERB-ing]
Ian was her only living relative. [VERB-ing]
Synonyms: exist, last, prevail, be  
5. verb [no cont]
If people live by doing a particular activity, they get the money, food, or clothing they need by doing that activity.
...the last indigenous people to live by hunting. [VERB + by]
These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime. [VERB + by]
Synonyms: survive, remain alive, feed yourself, get along  
6. verb
If you live by a particular rule, belief, or ideal, you behave in the way in which it says you should behave.
They live by the principle that we are here to add what we can to life. [VERB + by]
7. verb [no cont]
If a person or occasion lives in someone's mind or in history, they are remembered for a long time.
The memory of that will live with me for many years to come. [VERB with noun]
His name will live in history as one of the greatest bowlers of all time. [VERB in noun]
Live on means the same as live1.
Lenin lives on in the minds and hearts of millions of people. [V P in n]
8.  See also living
9. live and breathe sth phrase [Vs inflect, PHRASE noun]
If you say that someone lives and breathes a particular subject or activity, you are emphasizing that they are extremely enthusiastic about it. [emphasis]
He has lived and breathed polo since he was seven.
10. haven't lived phrase [have inflects, usually PHRASE with cl]
If you tell someone that they haven't lived unless they experience a particular thing, you are telling them that thing is extremely good and should be experienced.
If you have never been to an opera, you haven't lived.
You haven't lived until you've used their new micro system.
11. live in fear phrase [VERB inflects, usu PHR of -ing/n]
You can use expressions such as to live in fear and to live in terror to indicate that someone is always thinking about an unpleasant or frightening event, because they think that it might happen.
Thousands live in fear of losing their jobs.
12. to live and let live convention
You say live and let live as a way of saying that you should let other people behave in the way that they want to and not criticize them for behaving differently from you.
13. live it up phrase [VERB inflects]
If you live it up, you have a very enjoyable and exciting time, for example by going to lots of parties or going out drinking with friends. [informal]
There is no reason why you couldn't live it up once in a while.
Synonyms: enjoy yourself, celebrate, have fun, revel  
14. to live a lie phrase [VERB inflects, usually cont]
If you say that someone is living a lie, you mean that in every part of their life they are hiding the truth about themselves from other people.
My mother never told my father the truth about me. We've been living a lie all this time.
15. to live beyond your means phrase
If someone is living beyond their means, they are spending more money than they can afford. If someone is living within their means, they are not spending more money than they can afford.
The more gifts she received, the more she craved, until he was living beyond his means.
It is far better to pay off old debts steadily by living within your means.
16. to live in sin phrase
If you say that two people are living in sin, you mean that they are living together as a couple although they are not married. [old-fashioned]
She was living in sin with her boyfriend.
Phrasal verbs:
live down
phrasal verb
If you are unable to live down a mistake, failure, or bad reputation, you are unable to make people forget about it.
Labour was also unable to live down its reputation as the party of high taxes. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
I thought I'd never live it down. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
live off
phrasal verb
If you live off another person, you rely on them to provide you with money.
...a man who all his life had lived off his father. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
live on
1. phrasal verb B2
If you live on or live off a particular amount of money, you have that amount of money to buy things.
Even with efficient budgeting, most students are unable to live on £4000 per year. [V P amount]
You'll have enough to live on. [V P amount]
She had to live off £46 a week. [V P amount]
2. phrasal verb B2
If you live on or live off a particular source of income, that is where you get the money that you need.
The proportion of Americans living on welfare rose. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
He's been living off state benefits. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
3. phrasal verb B2
If an animal lives on or lives off a particular food, this is the kind of food that it eats.
The fish live on the plankton. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Most species live off aquatic snails. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
4. phrasal verb B2
If you say that a person lives on or lives off a particular kind of food, you mean that it seems to be the only thing that they eat, for example because they like it a lot or because they do not have other foods.
The children live on chips. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Their room was bare of furniture and they lived off porridge. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
live on
1.  live1 [sense 7]
2. phrasal verb B2
If someone lives on, they continue to be alive for a long time after a particular point in time or after a particular event.
I know my life has been cut short by this terrible virus but Daniel will live on after me. [VERB PARTICLE]
live out
1. phrasal verb
If you live out your life in a particular place or in particular circumstances, you stay in that place or in those circumstances until the end of your life or until the end of a particular period of your life.
Gein did not stand trial but lived out his days in a mental asylum. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
I couldn't live my life out on tour like he does. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
If you live out a dream or idea, you do the things that you have thought about.
He began living out his rock 'n' roll fantasy during his last year in law school. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
I suppose some people create an idea of who they want to be, and then they live it out. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
live through
phrasal verb B2
If you live through an unpleasant event or change, you experience it and survive.
We are too young to have lived through the war. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
It's been like living through a nightmare. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
live together
phrasal verb B2
If two people are not married but live in the same house and have a sexual relationship, you can say that they live together.
The couple had been living together for 16 years. [VERB PARTICLE]
live up to
phrasal verb
If someone or something lives up to what they were expected to be, they are as good as they were expected to be.
Sales have not lived up to expectations this year. [VERB PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
Had he lived up to his promise, he would have made a fortune in sponsorship money. [VERB PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
(lv )
adjective uses
1. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Live animals or plants are alive, rather than being dead or artificial.
...a protest against the company's tests on live animals.
...baskets of live chickens.
2. adjective B1+
A live television or radio programme is one in which an event or performance is broadcast at exactly the same time as it happens, rather than being recorded first.
Murray was a guest on a live radio show.
We were laughing and gossiping, oblivious to the fact that we were on live TV.
They watch all the live matches.
A broadcast of the speech was heard in San Francisco, but it is not known if this was live.
Live is also an adverb.
It was broadcast live in 50 countries.
We'll be going live to Nottingham later in this bulletin.
3. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] B1+
A live performance is given in front of an audience, rather than being recorded and then broadcast or shown in a film.
The Rainbow has not hosted live music since the end of 1981.
A live audience will pose the questions.
The band was forced to cancel a string of live dates.
Live is also an adverb.
She has been playing live with her new band. [+ with]
4. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] B1+
A live recording is a recording of a band playing at a concert, rather than in a studio.
This is my favourite live album of all time.
...the first in a series of live recordings of Mozart piano concertos.
5. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A live wire or piece of electrical equipment is directly connected to a source of electricity.
The plug broke, exposing live wires.
He warned others about the live electric cables as they climbed to safety.
6. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
Live bullets are made of metal, rather than rubber or plastic, and are intended to kill people rather than injure them.
They trained in the jungle using live ammunition.
7. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A live bomb or missile is one which has not yet exploded.
A live bomb had earlier been defused.
Synonyms: active, connected, switched on, unexploded  
8. go live phrase [VERB inflects]
If a system, campaign, or other course of action goes live, it starts to be used. [mainly British]
The new system went live earlier this year.
The service should go live this summer.
9. real live phrase [PHRASE noun]
You use real live to say that someone or something is present or exists, when you want to indicate that you think this is exciting and unusual or unexpected. [informal]
He had never met a real live admiral.
She has the best pet of all–a real live tiger.
Live and learn
Live and let live
They that live longest see most
He lives long who lives well
live the life of Riley
to have a very enjoyable time because you have no worries about money or work
He was living the life of Riley, enjoying holidays in Italy and trips to the theatre, while we had barely enough to eat.
live high on the hog [mainly US]
to have a good life, with plenty of money
He and Austen were living high on the hog in a flat with three servants.
live a lie
to live in a way which you feel to be dishonest and false
My mother never told my father the truth about me. We've been living a lie all this time, and now she has taken me from him.
live from hand to mouth or live hand to mouth
to not have enough money to live comfortably, and to have no money left after you have paid for basic necessities
I have a wife and two children and we live from hand to mouth on what I earn.
The village of Cuestecita is typical of the desperate hand-to-mouth economy that exists on the fringes of Cerrejon.
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
said to mean that you have faults and so you should not criticize other people for their faults
When will they learn? People in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.
live in a fool's paradise
to believe wrongly and stupidly that your situation is good, when really it is not
English economists have been living in a fool's paradise. The recession has started.
live on the breadline or be on the breadline
to be extremely poor
They should be stripped of everything they own but the bare essentials. Let them feel what it is like to be on the breadline.
live off the backs of someone
to use the money and resources of another group of people to survive, and give nothing in return
It's depressing that they feel no shame in living off the backs of others.
live like a king
to have a luxurious and very comfortable lifestyle
Company executives lived like kings. The top thirty-one executives were paid a total of 14.2 million dollars, or an average of 458,000 dollars.
live on your nerves [British]
to be always worried and anxious, because you are in a difficult situation
Once this is all over and done with I've told her she's to go into the clinic for a complete rest to get her strength back, because she's living on her nerves.
live in each other's pockets [mainly British]
to spend a great deal of time together, perhaps too much
Just because you're married doesn't mean you have to live in each other's pockets.
live and breathe something
to be extremely enthusiastic about a particular subject or activity
Williams lived and breathed motor racing.
live to tell the tale
to survive a dangerous or frightening experience
Michael Sproule was attacked by a shark. He lived to tell the tale but underwent emergency surgery for multiple injuries.
a live wire
someone who is very lively and energetic
She is a wonderful girl, a real live wire and full of fun.
live a nightmare
He admitted he was living a nightmare at the time.
The Sun
We were living a nightmare but at least we could face it together.
The Sun
I was living the nightmare - taking my clothes off in front of hundreds of strangers.
The Sun
They have been living a nightmare every day.
The Sun
I went from living a dream to living a nightmare.
The Sun
live in luxury
Until then, he should not live in luxury.
The Sun
They’ve had their downsides, but we live in luxury compared with our forebears.
Smithsonian Mag
It's a common complaint that many politicians around the globe live in luxury while the masses they lead live in poverty.
Christianity Today
We're struggling while they live in luxury.
The Sun
But they live in luxury.
The Sun
live in poverty
One of political mayhem, with ministers raking in millions whilst we live in poverty from their ridiculous overspending?
The Sun
And they are twice as likely to live in poverty.
Times, Sunday Times
Fewer than half of those over 15 can read and write, and 42 per cent live in poverty.
The Sun
Reports of missing millions, while 4.8 million citizens live in poverty, have provoked outrage and thousands have demonstrated in the streets.
Times,Sunday Times
The hundreds of imported cars were condemned at the time as a gross extravagance in a country where most people live in poverty.
Times, Sunday Times
live modestly
I live modestly, so money accumulates in the company.
Times, Sunday Times
They aren't as pale but also claim to live modestly.
Times, Sunday Times
He chose to live modestly, rejecting all offers of wealth, and stood faithful to his values and principles.
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They live modestly, as we do, and we all get along very well with one another.
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He attempted to live modestly, wearing homemade sackcloth clothes.
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live music
There's live music that might lead to building a band, singing or rapping.
Times, Sunday Times
They are co-creators of the choreography, with live music from guitarists, a drummer and in song.
Times, Sunday Times
When we last went, they managed to do socially distanced live music.
The Sun
Luck waits where live music fills the air.
The Sun
It's the force of cinema roaming wild and free, untrammelled by dialogue, matched to live music surging ahead with its own expressive power.
Times, Sunday Times
live overseas
Those who live overseas will automatically receive the cash.
Times, Sunday Times
Some income then goes to a family member living overseas.
Times, Sunday Times
I lived overseas for many years before returning to this country four years ago.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, they cover the extra costs of living overseas - schooling, health insurance or pension top-ups and flights home -and the move itself.
Times, Sunday Times
Both holidaymakers and those living overseas are now at risk, according to official travel advice.
The Sun
live peacefully
It was time for them to live peacefully.
Smithsonian Mag
Once satisfied the predator and prey live peacefully alongside each other.
Times, Sunday Times
They live peacefully in the same street, sometimes even in the same house.
Times, Sunday Times
They are the ones who absorb the world's pain and thus are sacrificed so that we may live peacefully.
Times, Sunday Times
Then we will also live peacefully and happily as all normal families do.
Times, Sunday Times
live pictures
The pair's faces were beamed on to a giant heart-shaped screen by a roving camera which flashes up live pictures of spectators.
The Sun
We got live sound, but live pictures were elusive.
Times, Sunday Times
He was the commentator for the first live television relay from a submarine and later the same year, 1956, presented the first live pictures from an airborne helicopter.
Times, Sunday Times
On shore, there are two grandstands mounted on the harbour walls (bring binoculars), plus giant television screens in the marina beaming back live pictures.
Times, Sunday Times
Now transport bosses are considering radical action to keep frustrated motorists in the loop - by beaming live pictures of traffic jams on to roadside screens.
Times, Sunday Times
live radio
They create 24 hours of fresh live radio every day.
The Sun
He was immediately booed by the crowd and a live radio broadcast was cut.
The Sun
It's simple to use, and streams a mixture of live radio and catch-up shows.
Times, Sunday Times
Live radio demands a lively mind and an organised approach.
Times, Sunday Times
I am still asked by nervous producers of live radio to refer to it simply as 'my first play'.
Times, Sunday Times
live recording
There's an energy and excitement about it that only a sensational live recording can deliver.
The Sun
The conducting was inspired; the immense structure cohered; one looks forward to the issue of the live recording happily being made.
Times, Sunday Times
Contrasting the teaser version with the final one underlines just how much difference the live recording makes.
Times, Sunday Times
He has said he wants it to feel like the live recording of a movie.
The Sun
Recent additions include a 16m creative arts building, which features a recital hall, an electro-acoustic research studio, new art and design studios and live recording facilities.
Times, Sunday Times
live report
In the middle of the journalists was this guy who put up a painter and decorator's ladder to do his live report.
Times, Sunday Times
Interactive graphics, live reports and comprehensive photo gallery in one sophisticated package ?
Times, Sunday Times
There are also live reports on jams and accidents.
The Sun
Journalists' live reports and interviews (including the words allegedly spoken to the translators) are uncannily similar on all media.
Times, Sunday Times
And when you want to delve deeper, award-winning journalists get you to the heart of the matter with incisive analysis, live reports, video and online debates.
Times, Sunday Times
live reporting
The live reporting was one of the first for those listening across the country, with callers sharing their own experiences.
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The channel will contain no hosts or anchors and live reporting will play a lesser role with the channel.
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As mass media provides live reporting from the scenes of the news events, journalism requires spatial proximity, event proximity, and broadcast proximity.
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This series of news stories examines the technology's live reporting applications, including conducting interviews and covering stories from the reporter's point of view.
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live round
But - um - that 77 minutes ... it could mean they just live round the corner, couldn't it?
The Sun
In practice, an experienced rifleman can easily tell the recoil of a live round from a dummy.
The Sun
The sixth live round took place earlier in the evening, with all involved desperate to make it through another week.
The Sun
I am 34, try to be a good son and live round the corner, but at this rate he will sink lower and lower.
The Sun
The soldier fires a live round straight past her and her infant.
Times, Sunday Times
live scene
All this put us in the mood for seaside rock — or any other music — so we checked out the vibrant local live scene.
The Sun
In a new world where the live scene has achieved pre-eminence over a collapsed market for recorded releases, a surprising amount.
Times, Sunday Times
But artists have never had it so good because of a booming live scene.
Times, Sunday Times
The live scene brought a 4billion boost.
The Sun
By the close of 2012, the band had begun a major shift of focus from the live scene towards becoming a more studio-orientated band.
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live separately
Forced to sell their apartment, they end up having to live separately for the first time in decades, at the homes of friends and family.
The Sun
After a great deal of soul-searching, we decided to live separately for a while and see what happened.
Times, Sunday Times
We have been together for two years but live separately.
The Sun
In camp the two groups are expected to live separately at first.
The Sun
So we live separately but together and happily in the same house.
The Sun
live show
Although it's not really a satisfying substitute for the spectacular live show, it's a great reminder if you've been lucky enough to see her recently.
The Sun
In their 2015 live show they delivered the same skits again and again ?
Times,Sunday Times
That compares to nine million who watched the first live show three weeks ago.
The Sun
We were going to be working together on a live show and, over the course of a few months, we became friends.
Times, Sunday Times
Second, remember how the soap's last live show went?
Times, Sunday Times
live studio audience
Then, they'll put their new-found skills to the test in front of a live studio audience!
The Sun
The dangerous stunt will take place in front of a live studio audience and an estimated 12million viewers watching at home.
The Sun
How humiliating it must be for the bad ones who are set up to be destroyed in front of a live studio audience.
The Sun
And it's all in front of a live studio audience.
Times, Sunday Times
The show has had a revamp, including a move to one-hour episodes and the addition of a live studio audience.
The Sun
live underground
In effect, they live underground - like modern-day troglodytes.
Times, Sunday Times
But any organisms must live underground, as they'd be zapped by radiation on the surface.
The Sun
She also did not live underground for eight years, as was claimed.
Times, Sunday Times
We meet squirrels who can fly, squirrels who live underground, squirrels who talk and squirrels who can outsmart a rattlesnake.
Times, Sunday Times
The grubs live underground until they emerge as mature crane flies, and are called leatherjackets.
Times, Sunday Times
live update
Upload it to your phone and it provides live updates of any traffic hotspots.
The Sun
A live update of the most requested songs are also listed on the monitor and the artist can choose whether it wants to meet the audience's wishes or not.
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Now you can pummel your 'friends' with live updates on your frenetic social life and gorgeous spouse.
The Sun
There's a formidable parking app to be made, complete with turn-based navigation, onstreet parking restrictions and live updates on spaces available.
Times, Sunday Times
And on the local news that followed they had a reporter at the scene, giving us live updates.
The Sun
live vaccine
Instead of being an inactivated vaccine, it was a live vaccine made from the flu but attenuated (weakened) so that it could not cause an infection.
Times, Sunday Times
Single-dose versions and the live vaccine do not contain this preservative.
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The process of serial passage yields a live vaccine.
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In theory, dry-vaccine technology could be used on any vaccine, including live vaccines such as the one for measles.
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Most notably, live vaccines are sometimes more effective and more long-lasting than inactivated or other types of vaccines.
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live version
The live version set new standards for spectacular stage shows.
Times, Sunday Times
But if you really want to hear this song with all its raw emotion, purity and clarity, do yourself a big favour and check out kd lang's live version.
The Sun
He still plays a storming live version.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of us had a feeling that the live version would be more interesting; our suspicions were confirmed.
Times, Sunday Times
For starters, they did not have a live version of the site to show me - only a demo - even though launch was just weeks away.
Times, Sunday Times
live vicariously
Too many of us are plotting to live vicariously through our offspring.
Times, Sunday Times
I just liked to live vicariously through those characters.
Times, Sunday Times
They break the rules that we cannot, and we live vicariously through them.
Times, Sunday Times
In turn, they cherished him and let him live vicariously through their experiences.
Times, Sunday Times
Did she live vicariously off the dreams of others?
Christianity Today
live video
The specs are fitted with cameras, torch and earpiece, and share live video, audio and still photos.
The Sun
There are 360° views of the courts and historic locations, as well as aerial flyovers and, of course, live video streams of the action.
The Sun
A screen on each pillar inside the car would take live video from cameras outside and eliminate blind spots.
The Sun
The drone, with a 10ft wingspan, beams live video and infra-red images so it can operate day and night.
The Sun
Instead, a live video link was installed at his home to enable him to follow the proceedings from his bed.
Times, Sunday Times
live virus
The live virus was flushed from a laboratory into a dilapidated leaky drainage system, which contaminated ground next to construction work.
Times, Sunday Times
In that case the stock of live virus becomes irrelevant, although still potentially lethal.
Times, Sunday Times
It contains a single ebola protein, rather than a live virus, so would not make them ill.
Times, Sunday Times
Normally, flu vaccines are made by growing live virus in fertilised hen's eggs, a laborious process.
Times, Sunday Times
The flu jab certainly isn't responsible, as the vaccine contains no live virus.
The Sun
live witness
He cannot believe he said this, but there are three living witnesses to our childish victory.
Times, Sunday Times
Although no live witnesses were called, the four were interviewed on videotape.
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Sources for his life and teachings come from the writings of his disciples and live witnesses.
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living memorial
Campaigners say the aim of the memorial's creators was for a permanent sports or recreation ground to serve as a living memorial.
Times, Sunday Times
Build a living memorial to benefit these men, not yet another block of stone.
Times, Sunday Times
She survived him many years, enjoying the respect of his successors as the living memorial of a great age.
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This living memorial has a bronze plaque mounted on a granite pedestal at its base.
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Their will stated their desire for a library and a spiritualist church be built as a living memorial.
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living soul
They are shown as no theatre-goer would ever see them, with not a living soul in sight.
Times,Sunday Times
Rather, it sounds like a living soul addressing living souls.
Christianity Today
They put a living soul into an inanimate object.
You won't find a single living soul that would be against raising the limit.
You have cured not only your own unhappiness, but the unhappiness of every living soul you encounter.
Times, Sunday Times
living species
Perhaps the best supporting evidence for the arboreal hypothesis comes not from the fossil record but from a peculiar living species.
Times, Sunday Times
Again, there are just a few living species.
Times, Sunday Times
Humans are among the descendants of primitive armoured fish who developed jaws, as are 60,000 recorded living species of jawed vertebrates, including reptiles, birds and mammals.
Times,Sunday Times
Evolutionary biologists are now able to infer, in many cases, where the ancestors of living species may have lived.
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I do not believe we are the only living species of our kind in the universe — that's just not possible.
Times, Sunday Times
living testament to
Yet it was a living testament to the world's sudden, intense and puzzling thirst for expensive coffee drinks.
Times, Sunday Times
These seven instrumental and chamber pieces, none exceeding 14 minutes, are a living testament to the virtues of concision and aural exactitude.
Times, Sunday Times
I am a living testament to what you can accomplish by letting go of shame and being your own advocate.
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tribe lives
The tribe lives in homes on stilts but nowhere near as high.
The Sun
Here, in the summer, the tribe lives, usually eight to ten strong.
Times, Sunday Times
Each tribe lives in a communal nest made of woven vines with a soft lining of dried grass.
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Each tribe lives in 75 villages.
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Chinese: 活的, 生活, 存活
Japanese: 生きている, 生きる, 生きる




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