

单词 leave
(lv )
Word forms: leaves , leaving , left
1. verb A1
If you leave a place or person, you go away from that place or person.
He would not be allowed to leave the country. [VERB noun]
I simply couldn't bear to leave my little girl. [VERB noun]
My flight leaves in less than an hour. [VERB + in]
The last of the older children had left for school. [VERB + for]
2. verb A1
If you leave an institution, group, or job, you permanently stop attending that institution, being a member of that group, or doing that job.
He left school with no qualifications. [VERB noun]
I am leaving to concentrate on writing fiction. [VERB]
...a leaving present. [VERB-ing]
Synonyms: quit, give up, get out of, resign from  
3. verb B1
If you leave your husband, wife, or some other person with whom you have had a close relationship, you stop living with them or you finish the relationship.
He'll never leave you. You need have no worry. [VERB noun]
I would be insanely jealous if Bill left me for another woman. [VERB noun + for]
[Also VERB]
Synonyms: give up, abandon, desert, dump [informal]  
4. verb A2
If you leave something or someone in a particular place, you let them remain there when you go away. If you leave something or someone with a person, you let them remain with that person so they are safe while you are away.
I left my bags in the car. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Don't leave your truck there. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
From the moment that Philippe had left her in the bedroom at the hotel, she had heard nothing of him. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Leave your key with a neighbour in case you lock yourself out one day. [VERB noun + with]
Synonyms: forget, lay down, leave behind, mislay  
5. verb A2
If you leave a message or an answer, you write it, record it, or give it to someone so that it can be found or passed on.
You can leave a message on our answering machine. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Decide whether the ball is in square A, B, C, or D, then call and leave your answer. [VERB noun]
I left my phone number with several people. [VERB noun + with]
6. verb
If you leave someone doing something, they are doing that thing when you go away from them.
Salter drove off, leaving Callendar surveying the scene. [VERB noun verb-ing]
7. verb
If you leave someone to do something, you go away from them so that they do it on their own. If you leave someone to himself or herself, you go away from them and allow them to be alone.
I'd better leave you to get on with it, then. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
Diana took the hint and left them to it. [V n to it]
One of the advantages of a department store is that you are left to yourself to try things on. [be VERB-ed + to]
He quietly slipped away and left me to my tears. [VERB noun to noun]
[Also V n to pron-refl]
8. verb A2
To leave an amount of something means to keep it available after the rest has been used or taken away.
He always left a little food for the next day. [VERB noun + for]
Double rooms at any of the following hotels should leave you some change from £150. [VERB noun noun]
9. verb B2
If you take one number away from another, you can say that it leaves the number that remains. For example, five take away two leaves three.
10. verb
To leave someone with something, especially when that thing is unpleasant or difficult to deal with, means to make them have it or make them responsible for it.
...a crash which left him with a broken collar bone. [VERB noun + with]
He left me with a child to support. [VERB noun with noun]
11. verb
If an event leaves people or things in a particular state, they are in that state when the event has finished.
...violent disturbances which have left at least ten people dead. [VERB noun adjective]
The documentary left me in a state of shock. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
So where does that leave me? [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
12. verb A2
If you leave food or drink, you do not eat or drink it, often because you do not like it.
If you don't like the cocktail you ordered, just leave it and try a different one. [VERB noun]
13. verb
If something leaves a mark, effect, or sign, it causes that mark, effect, or sign to remain as a result.
A muscle tear will leave a scar after healing. [VERB noun]
She left a lasting impression on him. [VERB noun]
14. verb B2
If you leave something in a particular state, position, or condition, you let it remain in that state, position, or condition.
He left the album open on the table. [VERB noun adjective]
I've left the car lights on. [VERB noun adverb/preposition]
I left the engine running. [VERB noun verb-ing]
15. verb B2
If you leave a space or gap in something, you deliberately make that space or gap.
Leave a gap at the top and bottom so air can circulate. [VERB noun]
16. verb
If you leave a job, decision, or choice to someone, you give them the responsibility for dealing with it or making it.
Affix the blue airmail label and leave the rest to us. [VERB noun + to]
The judge should not have left it to the jury to decide. [VERB noun + to]
For the moment, I leave you to take all decisions. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
Synonyms: entrust, commit, delegate, refer  
17. verb
If you say that something such as an arrangement or an agreement leaves a lot to another thing or person, you are critical of it because it is not adequate and its success depends on the other thing or person. [disapproval]
The ceasefire leaves a lot to the goodwill of the forces involved. [V amount + to]
It's a vague formulation that leaves much to the discretion of local authorities. [V amount to n]
18. verb
To leave someone with a particular course of action or the opportunity to do something means to let it be available to them, while restricting them in other ways.
This left me only one possible course of action. [VERB noun noun]
He was left with no option but to resign. [be VERB-ed + with]
19. verb
If you leave something until a particular time, you delay doing it or dealing with it until then.
Don't leave it all until the last minute. [V n + until/to]
leave sth too late phrase
If you leave something too late, you delay doing it so that when you eventually do it, it is useless or ineffective.
I hope I haven't left it too late.
20. verb
If you leave a particular subject, you stop talking about it and start discussing something else.
I think we'd better leave the subject of Nationalism. [VERB noun]
He suggested we get together for a drink sometime. I said I'd like that, and we left it there. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
21. verb
If you leave property or money to someone, you arrange for it to be given to them after you have died.
He died two and a half years later, leaving everything to his wife. [VERB noun + to]
Synonyms: bequeath, will, transfer, endow  
22. verb [no cont]
If you say that someone leaves a wife, husband, or a particular number of children, you mean that the wife, husband, or children remain alive after that person has died. [formal]
Mr Sharp, who leaves a wife and two children, had been suffering from cancer. [VERB noun]
23. uncountable noun [oft on NOUN]
Leave is a period of time when you are not working at your job, because you are on holiday or vacation, or for some other reason. If you are on leave, you are not working at your job.
Why don't you take a few days' leave?
...maternity leave.
He is home on leave from the Navy.
Synonyms: holiday, break, vacation, time off  
24. uncountable noun [NOUN to-infinitive]
If you ask for leave to do something, you ask for permission to do it. [formal]
...an application for leave to appeal against the judge's order.
Synonyms: permission, freedom, sanction, liberty  
25.  See also left1
26. to leave someone or something alone phrase B2
If you leave someone or something alone, or if you leave them be, you do not pay them any attention or bother them.
Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone.
Why can't you leave him be?
27. leaving aside/leaving to one side prepositional phrase [PREP n]
You use leaving aside or leaving to one side when mentioning a fact or detail that you want to ignore when making a general statement.
Leaving aside the question of privacy, constant surveillance can be remarkably convenient.
28. take one's leave/take leave of sb phrase [VERB inflects]
When you take your leave or take leave of someone, you say goodbye and go. [formal]
He thanked them for the pleasure of their company and took his leave.
29. to leave well alone phrase [VERB inflects]
If someone tells you to leave well alone, they are telling you not to interfere in something, because it is all right as it is and you might only make it worse.
He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere.
30. where you left off phrase
If something continues from where it left off, it starts happening again at the point where it had previously stopped.
As soon as the police disappear the violence will take up from where it left off.
31. to leave a lot to be desired phrase
If you say that something leaves a lot to be desired, you mean that it is not as good as it should be. [disapproval]
The selection of programmes leaves a lot to be desired.
Food seems to have been available, even if the quality left much to be desired.
The accuracy of the information might leave something to be desired.
32. to leave someone to their own devices phrase
If you leave someone to their own devices, you leave them alone to do as they wish.
Left to his own devices, Osborn is a fluent–and often original–guitarist.
33. to take leave of your senses phrase
If you say that someone seems to have taken leave of their senses, you mean that they have done or said something very foolish. [old-fashioned]
They looked at me as if I had taken leave of my senses.
34. take it or leave it convention B2
If you say to someone ' take it or leave it', you are telling them that they can accept something or not accept it, but that you are not prepared to discuss any other alternatives.
A 72-hour week, 12 hours a day, six days a week, take it or leave it.
Phrasal verbs:
leave behind
1. phrasal verb B1+
If you leave someone or something behind, you go away permanently from them.
He decided he must take his family with him as it was too dangerous to leave them behind. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
I hated it at first because it meant leaving behind all my friends. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb B1
If you leave behind an object or a situation, it remains after you have left a place.
I don't want to leave anything behind. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
A misty rain in the morning had left behind a coolness that would stay for hours. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
3. phrasal verb
If a person, country, or organization is left behind, they remain at a lower level than others because they are not as quick at understanding things or developing.
We're going to be left behind by the rest of the world. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE]
I got left behind at school with the maths. [get V-ed P]
Inflation has left them way behind. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
leave off
1. phrasal verb
If someone or something is left off a list, they are not included on that list.
She has been deliberately left off the guest list. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE noun]
The judge left Walsh's name off the list of those he wanted arrested. [VERB noun PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb
If someone leaves off doing something, they stop doing it.
We all left off eating and stood about with bowed heads. [VERB PARTICLE verb-ing]
Some of the patients left off treatment. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
leave out
phrasal verb B2
If you leave someone or something out of an activity, collection, discussion, or group, you do not include them in it.
Some would question the wisdom of leaving her out of the team. [VERB noun PARTICLE + of]
If you prefer mild flavours reduce or leave out the chilli. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Now have we left any country out? [VERB noun PARTICLE]
See feel left out
leave someone high and dry
to leave someone in a difficult situation which they are unable to do anything about
Schools with better reputations will be flooded with applications while poorer schools will be left high and dry.
leave someone out in the cold
to ignore someone and not ask them to take part in activities with you
The developing countries must not be left out in the cold in current world trade talks.
leave someone cold
to not excite or interest someone at all
Given the world situation, chat about shopping and hairdos leaves you cold.
leave someone holding the bag [mainly US]
to make someone responsible for a problem that nobody else wants to deal with. The usual British expression is leave someone holding the baby.
If a project goes bust, investors are left holding the bag.
leave someone holding the baby [British]
to make someone responsible for a problem that nobody else wants to deal with. The usual American expression is leave someone holding the bag.
If anything goes wrong on this, Agnes, it's you and I who'll be left holding the baby.
leave yourself wide open or lay yourself wide open
if you leave yourself wide open to criticism or ridicule, you make it very easy for other people to criticize or ridicule you, because you behave in a naive or foolish way
The statement leaves us wide open to attack.
leave someone to sink or swim
to leave someone to do something on their own, with their success or failure depending entirely on their own efforts or abilities
The sad part is that many of these wounded soldiers have been left to sink or swim on their own after serving their country.
leave no stone unturned
to consider or try every possible way of doing something
In the difficult weeks ahead, we'll leave no stone unturned in our search for a peaceful solution to the crisis.
leave someone in the lurch
to put someone in a difficult situation by suddenly going away or abandoning them, without giving them very much notice of your plans
My secretary left me in the lurch on Friday and I haven't found a replacement yet.
leave your mark or leave a mark
to do something important that has a lasting effect
He now has five more years in office and would still dearly like to leave his mark on the world.
to have an experience that has a lasting effect on you
I lived abroad, in Asia, for four years, and this is an experience that tends to leave its mark.
deny leave
This month, laws were amended to give headteachers greater powers to deny leave requests.
The Sun
They deny leaving the scene.
Times, Sunday Times
If it denies leave appeal, then it will not hear the case and the lower appellate ruling will remain in effect.
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He was given a suspended sentence, ordered to pay a fine of 20,000 and, in a later hearing, was denied leave to appeal.
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The first count alleged he denied leaving his house the day of the crime.
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leave a legacy
We want to leave a legacy for our family and friends.
Christianity Today
It meant that the project would leave a legacy - a self-sustaining, profit-making business.
Times, Sunday Times
I'm seven years from retiring but people like me want to leave a legacy.
Times, Sunday Times
The spending blitz did not defeat deflation, but it did leave a legacy of sky-high public debt.
Times, Sunday Times
Even on the precautionary principle it makes sense to clean up the mess and aim to leave a legacy.
Times, Sunday Times
leave a mess
Sadly, despite the fit, sound quality was variable, with the midrange and bass crammed tightly together to leave a mess of basslines and shrill percussion.
Times, Sunday Times
It would be an act of vandalism to leave this mess to fester for another year.
The Sun
Never get any paint on the pavement, that counts as criminal damage and you don't want to leave a mess.
Times, Sunday Times
I didn't want to leave a mess.
Times, Sunday Times
The tycoon 41, said he believed it was acceptable to leave the mess behind until his pooch did his business on a recent walk on a common.
The Sun
leave a message
I was expecting to leave a message, actually.
Times, Sunday Times
At other times callers will be able to leave a message or hear further details of payment.
Times, Sunday Times
He rarely answers his phone, closes at weekends and if you leave a message he may or may not get back to you.
The Sun
It encourages them to leave a message on the hotline.
Times, Sunday Times
If all thenadvisers are busy when telephoning the clinic please leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
Times, Sunday Times
leave a note
She apparently took all her clothes but did not leave a note.
The Sun
Another strategy would be to leave a note, send her an e-mail or leave her this article.
Times, Sunday Times
He told me rather gruffly to leave a note with his secretary.
Times, Sunday Times
It seems she did not leave a note.
Times, Sunday Times
She summoned the courage to leave a note praising his performance and, including her home number, asked for tips about applying to drama schools.
Times, Sunday Times
leave a residue
The fragrance-free and 100% hypoallergenic formula won't leave any residue or sensitise skin.
The Sun
The storylines are meandering, non-linear, anti-climactic and feel more authentic for it, but they leave a residue of ambivalence.
The Times Literary Supplement
These powerful detonations of patriotism leave a residue that can subtly and cumulatively alter the way we think and feel.
Times, Sunday Times
On the plus side, it wasn't too oily and didn't leave a residue on the bath.
Times, Sunday Times
Unlike regular mops, steam mops do not leave a residue on the floor and often clean through the dirt.
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leave a room
He doesn't want you to leave the room.
The Sun
We turn lights off when we leave the room.
Times, Sunday Times
When other people's appear, it's best to leave the room.
Times, Sunday Times
Don't go in with your highest bid — leave some room for negotiation.
Times, Sunday Times
The committee member was apparently so overcome with emotion that he broke down and cried and had to leave the room.
Christianity Today
leave a scar
Is there another way that won't leave a scar?
The Sun
They can be removed - but that will leave a scar and there's a chance that the cyst could come back again.
The Sun
But it will leave a scar.
Christianity Today
It will leave a scar.
Times, Sunday Times
Her meetings with police still leave a scar on her more than two decades later.
The Sun
leave a trace
A sequence of failures after an engine breakdown would leave a trace.
Times,Sunday Times
And every time a person's hands or body touch the trolley or basket they could leave a trace.
Times,Sunday Times
That's very much the ethos - you don't leave any trace.
Times, Sunday Times
Does all energy leave a trace, like the scar that a virus carves on blood?
Times, Sunday Times
Criticism always cuts right through me (whereas compliments barely leave a trace).
Times, Sunday Times
leave a trail
The side-splitting slug-and-snail combination leave a trail of wisecracks in their wake.
Times, Sunday Times
When lifted out, the beaters should leave a trail that lasts at least three seconds.
Times, Sunday Times
You will be sure to leave a trail of sweat.
The Sun
They leave a trail of stories, like shed feathers, of restless wanderings and of things just beyond our grasp.
Times, Sunday Times
I excitedly chase the two guides down the mountain as they leave a trail of dust in their wake.
Times, Sunday Times
leave a void
They then found the stairs from their third-storey bedroom had collapsed, leaving a void.
The Sun
Past his peak when sold but left a void that has never been filled.
The Sun
That's what the fans have become accustomed to, and we felt it would leave a void in college football without a ranking for several weeks, he said.
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The regulation of derivatives has been so weak, and the speed of innovation of new products so fast, that it has left a void on the trading floor.
Times, Sunday Times
His departure has left a void, in more ways than one.
Times, Sunday Times
leave permanently
United would also allow him to leave permanently for 7m.
The Sun
United rejected approaches for him in the summer and, while he will not leave permanently, he could be loaned out for the rest of the season.
The Sun
As they get older and more developed, they visit the nest less often and leave permanently when weaned.
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He was left permanently scarred and will never grow hair on parts of his head.
The Sun
So just over 200,000 people are being left permanently worse off each year.
Times, Sunday Times
leave policy
On the date of his resignation the employee would have received $4,000 under the original sick leave policy.
Christianity Today
Following its last internal survey it made many changes, including reviewing its compassionate leave policy and holding quarterly company meetings simultaneously in both locations.
Times, Sunday Times
Ask to see a copy of your company's leave policy, which should not only state equal treatment of employees, but consideration of personal circumstances.
Times, Sunday Times
If you want a break from work altogether you should check whether your employer has a formal carer's leave policy.
Times, Sunday Times
One member of the 12-strong committee voted against the cut in rates, preferring to leave policy unchanged.
Times, Sunday Times
leave request
City sources indicated they would never turn down a compassionate leave request.
The Sun
This month, laws were amended to give headteachers greater powers to deny leave requests.
The Sun
You have the authority to decline leave requests even if they have been made in line with procedure.
Times, Sunday Times
Whichever method you opt for, make sure employees are aware of it and get their leave requests in as early as possible.
Times, Sunday Times
One was an order that any leave requests and permission to march or demonstrate be granted only by the chief of the armed forces instead of unit commanders.
leave temporarily
Official crossings did exist, but permissions to leave temporarily or permanently were seldom granted.
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They thought they could leave temporarily and return at their leisure.
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He asked for one elder to remain the next to him and the other to leave temporarily, so he could question them individually and prove their claims.
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In those primitive days the skin graft had to be left temporarily attached to the part of the body from where it had come.
Times, Sunday Times
He was left temporarily homeless and had to sleep in his van.
The Sun
leave voluntarily
The jury was shown the video in full, but the judge balked at putting it on public display, asking members of the public to leave voluntarily.
Times, Sunday Times
We expect those with no basis of stay to leave voluntarily.
Times, Sunday Times
As such they either had to leave voluntarily or be expelled.
The Star (South Africa)
The tenant would recognise defeat and leave voluntarily.
Times, Sunday Times
There were 13 arrests after demonstrators hurled paint at police when they ignored a request to leave voluntarily.
Times, Sunday Times
left scars
The recession has left scars on the high street, in the form of empty shops; the entrepreneurial will find plenty of potential sites.
Times, Sunday Times
The rebellion paved the way for independence in 1963 but left scars that have not fully healed.
Times, Sunday Times
But it left scars that would remain with her for the rest of her life.
Times, Sunday Times
The recession will have left scars on the economy.
Times, Sunday Times
I don't want to diminish the crisis; it may well have left scars, because human crises do leave scars.
Christianity Today
lettuce leaves
Serve in the chicory or lettuce leaves as an open sandwich.
The Sun
Share among lettuce leaves, sprinkle on sesame seeds and fold like a wrap to serve.
The Sun
Wash and dry the lettuce leaves, then set aside.
Times, Sunday Times
Arrange lettuce leaves in bowl, place egg mix in middle.
Times, Sunday Times
Arrange the lettuce leaves nicely on a platter, discarding any tatty outer leaves.
Times, Sunday Times
medical leave
This treatment continued until he took medical leave and was fired.
Christianity Today
He was on medical leave when the ceremony took place.
Times, Sunday Times
The planned medical leave comes at a crucial time for the coatings and chemicals company.
Times, Sunday Times
Another former employee said they were fired after taking time off on medical leave following a car accident and time away for family members' funerals.
The Sun
A few days earlier he had been told by his college tutor to take two terms of medical leave.
Times, Sunday Times
mint leaves
Divide the fruit between four chilled serving bowls and top with delicate spoonfuls of granita and the sliced mint leaves., if using.
Times, Sunday Times
Serve with grapes and scatter over a few mint leaves.
The Sun
Crack the eggs into the pan, cover for a few minutes then scatter over the chopped mint leaves and lemon zest.
The Sun
Arrange the asparagus randomly over the top and scatter with the remaining goat's cheese and the mint leaves.
Times, Sunday Times
Pound together (orwhiz) shelled, peeled pistachios with a little minced garlic, lemon juice, orange blossom water, fresh mint leaves and olive oil.
Times, Sunday Times
paid leave
The company also offers employees up to two days of paid leave for charity work.
Times, Sunday Times
He was entitled to just three days' paid leave.
Times, Sunday Times
Actually, nobody has an automatic right to a day's paid leave on public holidays; it depends on your contract of employment.
Times, Sunday Times
Nearly 40,000 of the company's employees have taken early retirement, cut their working hours or taken partially paid leave since the virus struck.
Times,Sunday Times
It also provides career breaks of up to six weeks' paid leave for employees with more than five years' service.
Times, Sunday Times
temporary leave
Runaways will be let off if they say they did not mean to abscond or forgot they were due back from temporary leave.
The Sun
Some part-time and casual staff have been placed on the temporary leave initiative.
Times,Sunday Times
Under the original scheme, the government has been paying 80 per cent of the salaries of workers put on temporary leave by their employer, up to £2,500 a month.
Times,Sunday Times
Teachers had been forced to take temporary leave each year for the past three years because of budget shortfalls, and have not had a pay rise in seven years.
Times, Sunday Times
As they took temporary leave of their senses, they pushed the price of shares down far further than was justified by what turned out to be the fundamental facts.
Times, Sunday Times
unpaid leave
Council chiefs admit allowing unpaid leave for cosmetic surgey will cost money.
The Sun
It has offered unpaid leave and part-time working to its 41,000 staff in an attempt to cut costs.
Times, Sunday Times
The symbolic move comes as the airline offers all staff unpaid leave and part-time working.
Times, Sunday Times
He said that the players would then have to be put on unpaid leave.
Times,Sunday Times
Almost 7,000 have signed up for various cost-cutting schemes, which include unpaid leave and part-time work.
Times, Sunday Times
Chinese: 请假, 离开, 留下
Japanese: 許可, 出発する, ・・・を忘れる




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