

单词 lay
1. verb and noun uses2. adjective uses
(l )
verb and noun uses
Word forms: lays , laying , laid In standard English, the form lay is also the past tense of the verb lie1 in some meanings. In informal English, people sometimes use the word lay instead of lie1 in those meanings.
1. verb B2
If you lay something somewhere, you put it there in a careful, gentle, or neat way.
Lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
My father's working bench was covered with a cloth and his coffin was laid there. [be VERB-ed preposition/adverb]
Mothers routinely lay babies on their backs to sleep. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
Synonyms: place, put, set, spread  
2. verb B1
If you lay the table or lay the places at a table, you arrange the knives, forks, and other things that people need on the table before a meal. [mainly British]
The butler always laid the table. [VERB noun]
regional note:   in AM, use set
3. verb
If you lay something such as carpets, cables, or foundations, you put them into their permanent position.
A man came to lay the saloon carpet. [VERB noun]
Public utilities dig up roads to lay pipes. [VERB noun]
4. verb
To lay a trap means to prepare it in order to catch someone or something.
They were laying a trap for the kidnapper. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: devise, plan, design, prepare  
5. verb
When a female bird lays an egg, it produces an egg by pushing it out of its body.
My canary has laid an egg. [VERB noun]
Freezing weather in spring hampered the hens' ability to lay. [VERB]
Synonyms: produce, bear, deposit  
6. verb
Lay is used with some nouns to talk about making official preparations for something. For example, if you lay the basis for something or lay plans for it, you prepare it carefully.
Diplomats meeting in Chile have laid the groundwork for far-reaching environmental regulations. [VERB noun]
The organisers meet in March to lay plans. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: arrange, prepare, make, organize  
7. verb
Lay is used with some nouns in expressions about accusing or blaming someone. For example, if you lay the blame for a mistake on someone, you say it is their fault, or if the police lay charges against someone, they officially accuse that person of a crime.
She refused to lay the blame on any one party. [VERB noun preposition]
He could not bear to lay responsibility for the unhappiness of his later years on his own shoulders. [VERB noun preposition]
Police have decided not to lay charges over allegations of a phone tapping operation. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: attribute, charge, assign, allocate  
8. verb
If you say that you would lay bets, odds, or money on something happening, you mean that you are very confident that it will happen. [informal]
I wouldn't lay bets on his still remaining manager after the spring. [V n on n/-ing]
I'll lay odds that Dean is at your office right now. [VERB noun that]
Synonyms: bet, stake, venture, gamble  
9. verb [VERB noun]
To lay someone means to have sex with them. [rude]
10. countable noun [usually adjective NOUN]
Lay is used in expressions such a good lay or an easy lay to describe what someone is like as a sexual partner. [rude]
11. to lay it on thick phrase [VERB inflects]
If someone is laying it on thick or is laying it on, they are exaggerating a statement, experience, or emotion in order to try to impress people. [informal]
Don't lay it on too thick, but make sure they are flattered.
I may have spoken a bit too freely, been a bit extreme, even laid it on a little.
Synonyms: exaggerate, flatter, overdo it, lay it on with a trowel [informal]  
12. to lay oneself open to sth phrase
If you lay yourself open to criticism or attack, or if something lays you open to it, something you do makes it possible or likely that other people will criticize or attack you.
The party thereby lays itself open to charges of conflict of interest.
Such a statement could lay her open to ridicule.
13. to lay something bare phrase
If you lay something bare, you uncover it completely so that it can then be seen.
The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.
14. to lay claim to something phrase
If you lay claim to something you do not have, you say that it belongs to you. [formal]
Five Asian countries lay claim to the islands.
15. to lay something at someone's door phrase
If you lay something at someone's door, you blame them for an unpleasant event or situation.
I'm not sure his death can be laid at medicine's door alone.
The blame is generally laid at the door of the government.
16. to lay eyes on something phrase
To clap eyes on someone or something, or set or lay eyes on them, means to see them. [informal]
That's probably the bleakest island I've ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on.
What was he doing when you last set eyes on him?
17. to lay a finger on someone phrase
If you say that someone did not lay a finger on a particular person or thing, you are emphasizing that they did not touch or harm them at all. [emphasis]
I must make it clear I never laid a finger on her.
18. to lay your hands on something phrase
If you get your hands on something or lay your hands on something, you manage to find it or obtain it, usually after some difficulty. [informal]
Patty began reading everything she could get her hands on.
19. to lay down the law phrase
If you say that someone lays down the law, you are critical of them because they give other people orders and they think that they are always right. [disapproval]
...traditional parents, who believed in laying down the law for their offspring.
Synonyms: be dogmatic, call the shots [informal], pontificate, rule the roost  
20. to lay down your life phrase
If someone lays down their life for another person, they die so that the other person can live. [literary]
Man can have no greater love than to lay down his life for his friends.
21. to lay something to rest phrase
If you lay something such as fears or rumours to rest or if you put them to rest, you succeed in proving that they are not true.
His speech should lay those fears to rest.
I am determined to put to rest these rumours that we are in financial trouble.
22. to lay siege to something phrase
If police, soldiers, or journalists lay siege to a place, they surround it in order to force the people there to come out or give up control of the place.
The rebels laid siege to the governor's residence.
The press laid siege to the club.
23. to lay waste phrase [VERB inflects, PHRASE noun]
If something or someone lays waste an area or town or lays waste to it, they completely destroy it.
The war has laid waste large regions of the countryside.
...cities laid waste by the decline of traditional industries.
The aphid is now laying waste to the wheat and barley fields.
Synonyms: devastate, destroy, ruin, spoil  
Phrasal verbs:
lay aside
1. phrasal verb
If you lay something aside, you put it down, usually because you have finished using it or want to save it to use later.
He finished the tea and laid the cup aside. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
This allowed Ms. Kelley to lay aside money to start her business. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb
If you lay aside a feeling or belief, you reject it or give it up in order to progress with something.
We must be willing to lay aside prejudice, and actively learn to love one another. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
All animosities were laid aside for the moment. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
lay before
phrasal verb
If you lay an idea or piece of information before someone, you present it to them in detail, usually in order to obtain their approval or advice. [formal]
The local government secretary laid the bill before parliament last week. [VERB noun PARTICLE noun]
Now what we need is definite proof that we can lay before the prime minister. [V P n n]
lay down
1. phrasal verb B2
If you lay something down, you put it down, usually because you have finished using it.
Daniel finished the article and laid the newspaper down on his desk. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
She laid down her knife and fork and pushed her plate away. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb
If rules or people in authority lay down what people should do or must do, they officially state what they should or must do.
The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum requirements. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
Taxis must conform to the rigorous standards laid down by the police. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
3. phrasal verb
If someone lays down their weapons, they stop fighting a battle or war and make peace.
The drug-traffickers have offered to lay down their arms. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
lay in
phrasal verb
If you lay in an amount of something, you buy it and store it to be used later.
They began to lay in extensive stores of food supplies. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
lay into
phrasal verb
To lay into someone or something means to start attacking or criticizing them. [informal]
She used to lay into Gareth about how much he spent. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
lay off
1. phrasal verb
If workers are laid off, they are told by their employers to leave their job, usually because there is no more work for them to do. [business]
100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE]
They did not sell a single car for a month and had to lay off workers. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2.  See also layoff
3. phrasal verb
If you tell someone to lay off, you mean that they should stop touching or criticizing you or someone else. [informal]
He went on attacking her until other passengers arrived and told him to lay off. [VERB PARTICLE]
lay on
phrasal verb
If you lay on something such as food, entertainment, or a service, you provide or supply it, especially in a generous or grand way. [mainly British]
They laid on a superb evening. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Every facility was laid on to ease their homecoming. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
lay out
1. phrasal verb B2
If you lay out a group of things, you spread them out and arrange them neatly, for example so that they can all be seen clearly.
Grace laid out the knives and forks at the lunch-table. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
She took a deck of cards and began to lay them out. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
To lay out ideas, principles, or plans means to explain or present them clearly, for example in a document or a meeting.
Maxwell listened closely as Johnson laid out his plan. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Cuomo laid it out in simple language. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
3. phrasal verb
To lay out an area of land or a building means to plan and design how its different parts should be arranged.
When we laid out the car parks, we reckoned on one car per four families. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Only people that use a kitchen all the time understand the best way to lay it out. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
4. phrasal verb
To lay out a dead person means to clean their body and dress them for people to see before the funeral.
Friends laid out the body. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
5. phrasal verb
If you lay out money on something, you spend a large amount of money on it. [informal]
You won't have to lay out a fortune for this dining table. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
6. phrasal verb
To lay someone out means to knock them to the ground, especially by hitting them hard. [informal]
Andy turned round, marched over to Chris and just laid him out. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
[Also VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
7.  See also layout
lay up
phrasal verb [usually passive]
If someone is laid up with an illness, the illness makes it necessary for them to stay in bed. [informal]
I was laid up in bed with acute rheumatism. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE + with]
Powell ruptured a disc in his back and was laid up for a year. [be VERB-ed PARTICLE]
(l )
adjective uses
1. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
You use lay to describe people who are involved with a Christian church but are not members of the clergy or are not monks or nuns.
Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.
Synonyms: nonclerical, secular, non-ordained, laic  
2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
You use lay to describe people who are not experts or professionals in a particular subject or activity.
It is difficult for a lay person to gain access to medical libraries.
It is not just a textbook for professional diplomats. The lay reader will enjoy the anecdotes.
Synonyms: nonspecialist, amateur, unqualified, untrained  
lay the ghost of something
to do something which stops you being upset or affected by something bad in your past
Jockey Jack Kennedy laid the ghost of a ghastly week with a comprehensive win in the Irish Champion Hurdle yesterday.
not lay a finger on someone
to not hurt someone in any way
The most authoritative fathers that I know have never laid a finger on their sons.
lay down the law
to tell people very forcefully and firmly what to do
They were traditional parents, who believed in laying down the law for their children.
lay an egg [US]
if something lays an egg, it fails because people are not interested in it or do not want it
Independent studies showed the ad laid an egg.
lay something at someone's door
to blame someone for something unpleasant that has happened
We have no doubt about who is responsible for the riot. The blame must be laid at the door of the government.
get the lay of the land or get the lie of the land
to find out the details of a situation or problem
I'm not sure what's going to happen. That's why I'm coming in early. I want to get the lay of the land.
lay your cards on the table or put your cards on the table
to tell someone the truth about your feelings and plans
Put your cards on the table and be very clear about your complaints. This should clear the air.
lay it on thick
to exaggerate something such as a statement, an experience, or an emotion, in order to impress people
Sue was laying it on a bit thick when she said that Tom was the best dancer she'd ever seen.
lay it on with a trowel [British]
to exaggerate a statement, experience, or emotion, in order to impress people
To make sure the significance of his remarks was not missed, the Prime Minister laid it on with a trowel.
Chinese: 放置, , 世俗的
Japanese: 置く, ・・・を産む, 平信徒の




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