

单词 high efficiency
high efficiency
The highest efficiency (72% sensitivity) was observed with amoxycillin (30 mg).
Sandra M. Borowski, Nilo Ikuta, Vagner Lunge, André Fonseca, Edmundo Marques, Marisa Cardoso 2002, 'Caracterização antigênica e fenotípica de cepas de Pasteurella multocida isoladas de pulmões de suínos com pneumonia e/ou pleurite Antigenic and phenotypic characterization of Pasteurella multocida strains isolated from the lungs of pigs with pneumonia and/or pleuritic lesions', Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira
The zeolitic material prepared with coal ash from baghouse filter showed the highest efficiency for pollutants removal.
D. A. Fungaro, J. C. Izidoro, R. S. Almeida 2005, 'Remoção de compostos tóxicos de solução aquosa por adsorção com zeólita sintetizada a partir de cinzas de carvão Removal of toxics compounds from aqueous solution by adsorption with zeolite synthesized from coal ashes', Eclética Química
Benomyl + thiram presented the highest efficiency in the control of these patogens.
Luís Antônio Siqueira de Azevedo, Nivaldo Alves Pereira Filho, Giselle Ottoni Costa, Mara Rúbia da Rocha 2007, 'FUNGICIDES EFFICIENCY TO SOYBEAN SEEDS TREATMENT EFICIÊNCIA DE FUNGICIDAS PARA O TRATAMENTO DE SEMENTES DE SOJA (Glycine max)', Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical
The main advantages of this generator are the low cogging force and high efficiency.
Abdalla Izzeldin, Zainal A. Ezrann Z., Ramlan Nur Amalina, Firmansyah, Aziz Abd. Rashid A., Heikal Morgan 2017, 'Free piston linear generator for low grid power generation', MATEC Web of Conferences
Liposomal magnetofection provided high efficiency in transgene expression in vivo.
Yiping Xu, Xuebiao Li, Minjian Kong, Daming Jiang, Aiqiang Dong, Zhonghua Shen, Qunjun Duan 2014, 'Cardiac-targeting magnetic lipoplex delivery of SH-IGF1R plasmid attenuate norepinephrine-induced cardiac hypertrophy in murine heart', Bioscience Reports




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