

单词 hang
(hæŋ )
Word forms: hangs , hanging , hung , hanged language note:   The form hung is used as the past tense and past participle. The form hanged is used as the past tense and past participle for meaning [sense 5].
1. verb B1
If something hangs in a high place or position, or if you hang it there, it is attached there so it does not touch the ground.
Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance. [VERB preposition/adverb]
A light-bulb hanging from the ceiling filled the room with a cold yellow light. [VERB preposition/adverb]
The curtains will be hanging there for years. [VERB preposition/adverb]
I was left hanging by my finger-tips over a drop of hundreds of feet. [VERB preposition/adverb]
...small hanging lanterns. [VERB-ing]
They saw a young woman come out of the house to hang clothes on a line. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
[Also V n, V]
Synonyms: dangle, swing, suspend, be pendent  
Hang up means the same as hang.
I found his jacket, which was hanging up in the hallway. [VERB PARTICLE]
Some prisoners climbed onto the roof and hung up a banner. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. verb
If a piece of clothing or fabric hangs in a particular way or position, that is how it is worn or arranged.
...a ragged fur coat that hung down to her calves. [VERB adverb/preposition]
Look for a suit made from good, sturdy cloth to ensure it hangs well. [VERB adverb/preposition]
She was standing by the door, her blue robe hanging from her shoulders. [VERB adverb/preposition]
3. verb
If something hangs loose or hangs open, it is partly fixed in position, but is not firmly held, supported, or controlled, often in such a way that it moves freely.
...her long golden hair which hung loose about her shoulders. [VERB adjective]
The window sashes were missing, the doors hung open, or were gone altogether. [VERB adjective]
She froze, her mouth hanging open. [VERB adjective]
4. verb [usually passive]
If something such as a wall is hung with pictures or other objects, they are attached to it.
The walls were hung with huge modern paintings. [be VERB-ed + with]
...a line of wall hooks hung with old anoraks and mud-stained overalls. [VERB-ed]
Synonyms: decorate, cover, fix, attach  
5. verb B2
If someone is hanged or if they hang, they are killed, usually as a punishment, by having a rope tied around their neck and the support taken away from under their feet.
The five were expected to be hanged at 7 am on Tuesday. [be VERB-ed]
It is right that their murderers should hang. [VERB]
He hanged himself two hours after arriving. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]
[Also VERB noun]
Synonyms: execute, lynch, string up [informal], gibbet  
hanging Word forms: hangings variable noun B2
Everyone would come to town to see a hanging.
Synonyms: projecting, prominent, beetle, beetling  
Synonyms: undecided, unsettled, unresolved, up in the air [informal]  
Synonyms: suspended, swinging, dangling, loose  
6. verb
If something such as someone's breath or smoke hangs in the air, it remains there without appearing to move or change position.
His breath was hanging in the air before him. [VERB preposition/adverb]
A haze of expensive perfume hangs around her. [VERB preposition/adverb]
Synonyms: hover, float, drift, linger  
7. verb
If a possibility hangs over you, it worries you and makes your life unpleasant or difficult because you think it might happen.
A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers. [VERB + over]
A question mark hangs over many of their futures. [V over n]
8. verb [only imper]
Hang is used in expressions such as hang it and hang the money to indicate that you are not concerned about something or the consequences of doing something. [informal]
Once the Americans decide to do a thing, they do it well, and hang the cost. [VERB noun]
[Also V it]
9.  See also hanging, hung
10. get the hang of sth phrase
If you get the hang of something such as a skill or activity, you begin to understand or realize how to do it. [informal]
It's a bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.
11. hang in there/hang on in there phrase
If you tell someone to hang in there or to hang on in there, you are encouraging them to keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult. [informal]
Hang in there and you never know what you might achieve.
12. let it all hang out phrase [let inflects]
If you let it all hang out, you relax completely and enjoy yourself without worrying about hiding your emotions or behaving politely. [informal]
13. to hang by a thread phrase
If you say that something is hanging by a thread, you mean that it is in a very uncertain state and is unlikely to survive or succeed.
The fragile peace was hanging by a thread as thousands of hardliners took to the streets.
14. to hang on someone's every word phrase [VERB inflects]
If you hang on someone's every word, you listen very carefully to what they are saying, because you admire or respect them.
Melina was hanging on his every word, fascinated.
Phrasal verbs:
hang around
regional note:   in BRIT, also use hang about, hang round
1. phrasal verb B2
If you hang around, hang about, or hang round, you stay in the same place doing nothing, usually because you are waiting for something or someone. [informal]
He got sick of hanging around waiting for me. [VERB PARTICLE verb-ing]
On Saturdays we hang about in the park. [VERB PARTICLE]
...those people hanging round the streets at 6 am with nowhere to go. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb B2
If you hang around, hang about, or hang round with someone or in a particular place, you spend a lot of time with that person or in that place. [informal]
They usually hung around together most of the time. [V P together]
Helen used to hang round with the boys. [VERB PARTICLE + with]
...the usual young crowd who hung around the cafe day in and day out. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
hang back
1. phrasal verb
If you hang back, you move or stay slightly behind a person or group, usually because you are nervous about something.
I saw him step forward momentarily but then hang back, nervously massaging his hands. [VERB PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
If a person or organization hangs back, they do not do something immediately.
They will then hang back on closing the deal. [VERB PARTICLE + on]
Even his closest advisers believe he should hang back no longer. [VERB PARTICLE]
hang on
1. phrasal verb B1
If you ask someone to hang on, you ask them to wait or stop what they are doing or saying for a moment. [informal]
Can you hang on for a minute? [VERB PARTICLE]
Hang on a sec. I'll come with you. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
2. phrasal verb
If you hang on, you manage to survive, achieve success, or avoid failure in spite of great difficulties or opposition.
Somehow we managed to hang on and take the third set 7-5. [VERB PARTICLE]
United hung on to claim their fifth win in seven games. [VERB PARTICLE]
3. phrasal verb
If you hang on to or hang onto something that gives you an advantage, you succeed in keeping it for yourself, and prevent it from being taken away or given to someone else.
The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead. [VERB PARTICLE + to]
The President has been trying hard to hang onto power. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
The company has been struggling to hang onto its sales force. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
4. phrasal verb
If you hang on to or hang onto something, you hold it very tightly, for example to stop it falling or to support yourself.
She was conscious of a second man hanging on to the rail. [VERB PARTICLE + to]
When he tried to stand he had to hang onto a tree for support. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
He hangs on tightly, his arms around my neck. [VERB PARTICLE]
5. phrasal verb
If you hang on to or hang onto something, you keep it for a longer time than you would normally expect. [informal]
You could hang onto it in the hope that it will be worth millions in 10 years time. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
In the present climate, owners are hanging on to old ships. [VERB PARTICLE + to]
6. phrasal verb
If one thing hangs on another, it depends on it in order to be successful.
Much hangs on the success of the collaboration between the Group of Seven governments and Brazil. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
hang out
1. phrasal verb B2
If you hang out clothes that you have washed, you hang them on a clothes line to dry.
I was worried I wouldn't be able to hang my washing out. [VERB noun PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb B2
If you hang out in a particular place or area, you go and stay there for no particular reason, or spend a lot of time there. [mainly US, informal]
I often used to hang out in supermarkets. [VERB PARTICLE adverb/preposition]
We can just hang out and have a good time. [VERB PARTICLE]
3.  See also hangout
hang round hang around
hang together
1. phrasal verb
If two people or groups hang together, they stay with each other and support each other even though they may disagree on some things.
He urged his supporters to hang together. [VERB PARTICLE]
2. phrasal verb
If things such as ideas or the parts of something hang together, they are properly organized and fit together reasonably.
Her ideas don't always hang together very well as a plot. [VERB PARTICLE]
hang up
1.  hang [sense 1]
2. phrasal verb B1
If you hang up or you hang up the phone, you end a phone call. If you hang up on someone you are speaking to on the phone, you end the phone call suddenly and unexpectedly.
Mum hung up the phone. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Don't hang up! [VERB PARTICLE]
He said he'd call again, and hung up on me. [VERB PARTICLE + on]
3. phrasal verb
You can use hang up to indicate that someone stops doing a particular sport or activity that they have regularly done over a long period. For example, when a footballer hangs up his or her boots, he or she stops playing football.
Keegan announced he was hanging up his boots for good. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
Looking back, she feels she should never have hung up her backpack. [VERB PARTICLE noun (not pronoun)]
4.  See also hang-up, hung up
let it all hang out
to behave in a very informal and relaxed way, without worrying about hiding your emotions or behaving politely
Ever since I took my first steps on to the village disco dancefloor I have loved letting it all hang out and have few, if any, inhibitions.
hang up your boots [British]
to stop playing a sport, especially football, and retire
I want a few triumphs and medals to reflect on when I eventually hang up my boots.
hang tough [mainly US, journalism]
to continue to fight or compete strongly for something and refuse to accept defeat
The White House is hanging tough for a good agreement.
get the hang of something
to learn how to do an activity
Once one gets the hang of it, reading a good play can be a delightful and challenging experience.
hang fire
to wait and not do anything for a while
Banks and building societies are hanging fire on interest rates to see how the French vote in their referendum.
a peg on which to hang something
a way of introducing or drawing attention to your ideas or opinions
He rarely discusses the book, using it as a peg on which to hang his opinions – and not necessarily those related to the book.
give someone enough rope to hang themselves
to give someone the freedom to do something in the way they want to do it, usually in the hope that they will fail or become weak by doing it the wrong way
The King has simply given the politicians enough rope to hang themselves: once the party system has been discredited by political in-fighting, he will present himself once again as an absolute ruler.
hang loose
to relax or not to be too serious about something because it is not important
Get something to eat and come back to the office. And hang loose.
hang by a thread
to be very likely to fail soon
It's clear that the ceasefire is hanging by a thread and may be broken at any time.
hang a door
Learn how to hang a door or fix a dripping tap.
Times, Sunday Times
The officers then trooped out, leaving the door hanging off its hinges.
The Sun
He was prepared to cover every aspect of residential building work from hanging a door to undertaking extension projects.
The Sun
This horse has bolted; the stable door hangs open.
Times, Sunday Times
At the main entrance, heavy wooden doors hang on strap hinges inside a small projecting portico.
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hang a painting
For period properties, you might be better off with a nicely proportioned pair of french doors — the wall in between can be used to hang a painting.
Times, Sunday Times
Asked where she wished to hang the painting after its return, she gestured to the wall behind her sofa.
Times, Sunday Times
The three-dimensional altars are often designed to allow the placing of a sculpture although sometimes they served to hang a painting.
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It also emerged that, in spite of his denial, the artist did hang the paintings himself.
Times, Sunday Times
hang a picture
She walks in and cleans the house and hammers the nail into the wall to hang the picture.
Times, Sunday Times
I can't hang a picture without knocking a wall down.
Times, Sunday Times
Would you hang a picture cockeyed over a fireplace?
Times, Sunday Times
That would be enough to pay the average handyman to replace a light fitting and an electrical socket, hang a picture, paint a room, and put up a bookshelf.
Times, Sunday Times
By wrapping the canvas all the way around the frame, known as gallery wrap, the photographer can then hang his picture on the wall, already framed.
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hang a shirt
The shirt hangs lightly on their young shoulders.
Times, Sunday Times
Others have stopped to chat, kicking the footballs as they go, reprimanding those whose shirts hang loose with a cheerful disbelief.
Times, Sunday Times
One driver dozed as his train went through level crossings and another tried to block the camera by hanging a shirt over it.
Times, Sunday Times
He shuffles across the room, his blue eyes wide and staring, a shapeless grey shirt hanging over his stocky frame.
Times, Sunday Times
He hangs his shirts in colourco-ordinated rows, with the hangers in the same direction.
Times, Sunday Times
hang limply
A stranger looked back at him, his eyes hollow, dark shadows where his cheeks used to be, his clothes hanging limply from a meagre frame.
Times, Sunday Times
I found him sitting motionless on the sofa, a crime novel hanging limply from his hand.
Times, Sunday Times
His arm was hanging limply and the shoulder injury did not look good.
Times, Sunday Times
Hanging limply from my wall.
Times, Sunday Times
His left arm hangs limply because of the massive hole in his wrist.
Times, Sunday Times
hang loosely
Try putting a cardigan on backwards or wearing your coat as a cape, hanging loosely off your shoulders.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
His expensive tweed suit hung loosely, hinting at recent weight loss.
Yemenkov stood with his back against the wall, his chin resting on his chest, the Makarov now hanging loosely in his hand.
MacNeill, Alastair CODE BREAKER
hang neatly
Large, fluffy towels and flannels hang neatly folded on heated rails.
Times, Sunday Times
Collections of walking sticks hang neatly from the ceiling.
Times, Sunday Times
Rows of suits and jackets hang neatly beneath plastic covers.
Times, Sunday Times
They put their faces up to the glass to peer at the crimson cassocks hanging neatly in rows out of reach.
Times, Sunday Times
Clothes are folded and hanging neatly, everywhere.
Times, Sunday Times
hang on a hook
They also added a loop on the back of the shirt so that it could hang on a hook.
Times, Sunday Times
A great steel hook hangs from a gantry as if waiting to pluck up the lazy.
Smithsonian Mag
There were gnarled, burnt bodies hanging on the hooks that gradually moved towards me out of the darkness.
The Sun
The long warehouse dining room has raw concrete pillars, meat hooks hanging from the ceiling and an open kitchen bubbling with navy-aproned chefs.
Times, Sunday Times
When she goes to her room, she finds a readied noose, complete with chair beneath it, suspended from a hook hanging from the ceiling.
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hang on the wall
The posters were originally made in limited numbers and their sole purpose was to hang on the wall in the cinema to advertise films.
The Sun
In fact, many carvers started making hooks specifically to hang on the wall rather than above the seafloor.
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But the photograph will continue to hang on my wall.
The Sun
That's not just because it gives you something cool to hang on your wall back home.
Times, Sunday Times
And at the very worst, you will end up with something fairly impressive to hang on your wall.
Times, Sunday Times
hang outside
Each new resident will be given an original print of a flower series he made specially for the building to hang outside their door.
Times, Sunday Times
You hang outside life, observing life, half expecting to see yourself: grounded, unwitting, thinking anything matters.
Times, Sunday Times
After all, why in all of evolution would nature have designed a body part with such obviously enormous reproductive importance to hang outside the body, so defenceless and vulnerable?
Times, Sunday Times
There, they are invisible from above except for their mandibles, which hang outside the edge waiting for prey.
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Hanging characters can be applied and customized by character and amount to hang outside the box.
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hang overhead
Electrical cables hang overhead and vegetation now grows in the mudslides that cover entire lanes.
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I have a new year's memory of a huge orange moon hanging overhead.
Times, Sunday Times
She points to an old range cooker behind a partition wall, with pans and plastic colanders hanging overhead.
Times, Sunday Times
A huge projection screen hangs overhead.
Times, Sunday Times
hang upside down
As a vegetarian she had been shocked to see a dense forest of cured hams hanging upside down from the ceiling.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
It spends most of its time hanging upside from a branch in a tropical rainforest, dozing.
The Sun (2009)
The dramatic rescue reconstructions include a hair-raising tale of a man hanging upside down from a plane.
The Sun (2016)
They skip about on the thinnest of twigs, often hanging upside down to get at food.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The distressed bird of prey was hanging upside down after leather straps on its legs became wound round a branch.
The Sun (2010)
jacket hangs
The most common type fits on the headrest upright so the jacket hangs down the back of either of the front seats.
Times, Sunday Times
A picture of her husband in his red military jacket hangs on the wall behind her.
The Times Literary Supplement
Finally, he arrives at a clearing where a golden jacket hangs from a tree.
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mist hangs
Mist hangs over the lake, and the mountains loom intermittently through the gloom.
Times, Sunday Times
Especially at sundown, or right before dawn when the mist hangs in the cuts and hollows.
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Mist hangs in the air.
Smithsonian Mag
portrait hangs
His portrait hangs from a modern art statue opposite where other fruit sellers are still plying their trade.
The Sun
His portrait hangs in this house.
Times, Sunday Times
The portrait hangs on my sitting-room wall, as big as me, if not bigger, my eyes bloodshot, my cheeks flushed, my expression enigmatic.
The Times Literary Supplement
His portrait hangs in the entrance hall of the present school.
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Her portrait hangs in the main hall to this very day.
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sign hangs
The passenger-information sign hangs above an empty notice board.
Times, Sunday Times
The room has been sealed off and a 'do not disturb' sign hangs from its handle, with the guards stationed outside it around the clock.
The Sun
A traditional swinging sign hangs above the door.
Times, Sunday Times
smell hangs
A heavy, chocolatey smell hangs in the air.
Times, Sunday Times
Residents say an acrid smell hangs over the town, which has a population of more than 100,000.
Times,Sunday Times
Roads are in total disrepair and a putrid smell hangs in the air from the broken sewerage system.
A horrific, acrid smell hangs over the small port town.
The Sun
smoke hangs
The evocative scent of wood smoke hangs in the air.
Times, Sunday Times
Cigarette smoke hangs in the air.
Times, Sunday Times
Smoke hangs in the thick air.
Times, Sunday Times
Chinese: 悬挂, 悬挂
Japanese: 掛ける, 掛かる




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