

单词 gestational age
gestational age
The median gestational age at the cordocentesis was 29 weeks and the average number of procedures was 2.1.
Mônica Deolindo Santiago, Cezar Alencar de Lima Rezende, Antônio Carlos Vieira Cabral, Henrique Vitor Leite, Zilma Nogueira dos Reis Vitral, Isabela Melo Apocalypse 2008, 'Cálculo do volume de sangue necessário para a correção da anemia fetal em gestantes isoimunizadas Blood volume calculation required for the correction of fetal anemia in pregnant women with alloimmunization', Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
The ascendance of the conus correlated moderately with gestational age.
Yen-Ling Huang, Alex M Wong, Ho-Ling Liu, Yung-Liang Wan, Yu-Chun Lin, An-Shine Chao, Yao-Lung Chang 2014, 'Fetal magnetic resonance imaging of normal spinal cord: Evaluating cord visualization and conus medullaris position by T2-weighted sequences', Biomedical Journal
If they presented after 13 weeks of gestation, biparietal diameter and femur length were measured to confirm gestational age.
Ruby Angeline Pricilla, Kirubah Vasandhi David, Sajitha Parveen M.F. Rahman, Venkatesan Sankarapandian, Yeshwanth Kumar, Nancy Angeline 2014, 'Introduction of Routine Obstetric Ultrasound in an Urban Health Center: Results and Benefits', Journal of Medical Ultrasound
Results: curves and tables of biparietal diameter and head circumference in relation to gestational age were obtained.
Mariza Marie Fujita, Maria Okumura, Julio da Motta Singer, Dalton Francisco de Andrade, Marcelo Zugaib 1999, 'Curva de crescimento do diâmetro biparietal e da circunferência cefálica na gestação gemelar Growth curve of the biparietal diameter and head circumference in twin gestation', Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
Further studies are warranted including reconfirmation of the present findings in infants with lower gestational age.
Bernhard Schwaberger, Gerhard Pichler, Alexander Avian, Corinna Binder-Heschl, Nariae Baik, Berndt Urlesberger 2015, 'Do Sustained Lung Inflations during Neonatal Resuscitation Affect Cerebral Blood Volume in Preterm Infants? A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study.', PLoS ONE




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