

单词 ambition
(æmbɪʃən )
Word forms: ambitions
1. countable noun [oft NOUN to-infinitive] B1+
If you have an ambition to do or achieve something, you want very much to do it or achieve it.
His ambition is to sail round the world.
He harboured ambitions of becoming a Tory MP.
Synonyms: goal, end, hope, design  
2. uncountable noun B2
Ambition is the desire to be successful, rich, or powerful.
Even when I was young I never had any ambition.
...a mixture of ambition and ruthlessness.
Synonyms: enterprise, longing, drive, fire  
Ambition is the growth of every climeWilliam BlakeKing Edward the Third
Well is it known that ambition can creep as well as soarEdmund BurkeLetters on a Regicide Peace
Ambition, in a private man a vice,
Is in a prince the virtue
Philip MassingerThe Bashful Lover
Ambition must be made to counteract ambitionJames MadisonThe Federalist Papers
Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp,
Or what's a Heaven for?
Robert BrowningAndrea del Sarto
The glorious fault of angels and godsAlexander PopeElegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady
Every eel hopes to become a whale
achieve an ambition
To help them to achieve that ambition, they have also set up their own construction company.
Times, Sunday Times
Her recent film roles have gone some way to enabling her to achieve her ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
He took part in a five month-long reality television competition to achieve his ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
But to achieve this ambition, he must first increase funding for the organisation.
Times, Sunday Times
Arena, wants to move up to light-heavyweight to achieve his ambition of becoming a two-weight world champion.
The Sun
artistic ambition
Seemingly disparate ingredients — haute cuisine, artistic ambition, rodents — come together in a symphony of brilliantly realised action sequences, comic set pieces and genuine pathos.
Times, Sunday Times
So the minister pays him court, appealing to his artistic ambition and to his vanity.
Times, Sunday Times
From first to last, her work was motivated by an unshakeable conviction that photographs could stand alongside poems or paintings as expressions of the loftiest artistic ambition.
The Times Literary Supplement
The author considered it to be his most definitive work, where he was able to realize fully his grand artistic ambition.
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He was ill-tempered and scornful of his son's artistic ambitions.
Times,Sunday Times
blind ambition
Sometimes blind ambition can run ahead of itself, then people feel disappointed that they didn't get there quickly enough.
Times,Sunday Times
Might it not sometimes serve as a cover for blind ambition and naked self-interest?
Times, Sunday Times
This marks the beginning of a passionate love story; one which will be threatened by envy, jealousy, and blind ambition.
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bold ambition
Clearly the team have bold ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You are ready to put your biggest, boldest ambitions to the test.
The Sun (2009)
We will doubtless see a manifesto that will be dismissed as boring and lacking in bold ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
burning ambition
To justify its name, the championship should be a burning ambition for all in the weighing-room.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether it's work or playing tennis he has a burning ambition to win and be the best.
The Sun
It was their empty bellies rather than a burning ambition that fuelled the great fighters who emerged from that tough, uncompromising environment.
The Sun
Were you always filled with a burning ambition to be a professional footballer?
Times, Sunday Times
And he managed to fulfil a burning ambition by swimming with a manta ray.
The Sun
career ambition
I had one career ambition, not to be a teacher.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
What career ambitions do you have?
The Sun (2013)
Trying to keep career ambitions secret is tricky.
The Sun (2011)
childhood ambition
I ask her what her childhood ambition was.
Times, Sunday Times
He had a childhood ambition to be a jockey and later played golf and tennis.
Times, Sunday Times
He later realised a childhood ambition by training as a medical doctor.
Times, Sunday Times
She didn't seem all that penitent at the time, so it's a surprise to learn that her childhood ambition was to be a nun.
Times, Sunday Times
She had no childhood ambition to be a film director because she didn't know there was such a job.
Times, Sunday Times
drive and ambition
I've lost a lot of purpose and drive and ambition.
Times,Sunday Times
His drive and ambition has been the football equivalent of a blood transfusion.
The Sun
I have been genuinely impressed by the quality of the training, the organisation, the drive and ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
I saw the same drive and ambition elsewhere, too.
Times, Sunday Times
All these years on, it's extraordinary, perhaps, that he still struggles with the one thing his drive and ambition couldn't conquer.
Times, Sunday Times
driving ambition
Often this kind of driving ambition will be a force for good in their lives.
The Sun
With that many people, there are bound to be personality clashes and driving ambition.
Globe and Mail
He was above all a musicians' musician: unshowy, almost unassuming, innocent of the driving ambition that characterises so many conductors.
Times, Sunday Times
In later years, he developed a driving ambition to conduct great orchestras.
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Bird was vain, with a tendency to self-promotion, and his driving ambition occasionally led him into conflict with others.
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entrepreneurial ambition
Yet it seems possible that incentives and culture in both investment institutions and in large corporations are deterring more entrepreneurial ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
It was the nature of her most recent business idea that convinced her to take the plunge and go full time with her entrepreneurial ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
It also found the company 'supports and sustains the entrepreneurial ambitions and career progression of their franchise owners'.
The Sun
fierce ambition
That this talent has coexisted with fierce ambition unsettles those still shackled to the notion of art and commerce as mutually exclusive.
Times, Sunday Times
The effect of this fierce ambition?
Times, Sunday Times
There's no harm in fierce ambition.
The Sun
global ambitions
A typical prospectus for a float would be full of details about profit projections and global ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
At the same time, the club appeared to have global ambitions of its own.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps an early sign of the company's global ambitions?
Times, Sunday Times
For newer bands who have global ambitions, however, the support of a record label remains important.
Times, Sunday Times
It also has its own global ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
grand ambition
It is a grand ambition.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
They have grand ambitions for the future, too.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Meanwhile, her first daughter had begun to nurture some rather grand ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
grandiose ambition
Many budding social media moguls struggle to rein in their self-importance, born of grandiose ambitions to 'change the world' — and make billions in the process.
Times, Sunday Times
It's a decidedly modest approach toward decidedly grandiose ambitions.
Houston Chronicle
Other winners have less grandiose ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
Most modern economic booms coincide with grandiose ambitions to throw up an enormously high building — preferably the world's tallest — as a monument to a nation's financial might.
Times, Sunday Times
harbour ambition
I was quite handy at youth level and harboured ambitions of playing for the first team.
Times, Sunday Times
It has, however, long harboured ambitions of making a renewed splash in the marine engine market.
Times, Sunday Times
If you are single, your new love has a sensible day job but harbours ambitions to sing.
The Sun
Until the age of 12, she had even harboured ambitions of becoming a nun herself.
Times,Sunday Times
Did that mean that she harboured ambitions to become chancellor?
Times, Sunday Times
intellectual ambition
They were rowdy and disengaged, and it was rare to find evidence of serious intellectual ambition in their work.
The Times Literary Supplement
This mixture of intellectual ambition and eclecticism found a natural outlet in the essay, which allowed her to experiment with various topics without binding her to systematic, large-scale projects.
The Times Literary Supplement
The programme books (if they can be called that) were unworthy of the company's intellectual ambitions.
The Times Literary Supplement
That makes descriptive metaphysics sound like a rather unchallenging and unpromising enterprise; yet many descriptive metaphysicians harbour great intellectual ambitions.
The Times Literary Supplement
Her films have intellectual ambitions and historical concerns.
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lack ambition
At least no one could say they lack ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
But the most settled communities of all are those that lack ambition and restrict the means to realise it - principally education and labour mobility.
Times, Sunday Times
Don't understand people who lack ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
That doesn't mean they lack ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
Most workers do not want responsibilities, lack ambition, and value job security more than anything else.
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lifelong ambition
I just went in to fulfil a lifelong ambition and become British champion.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
My lifelong ambition has been to be up close enough to see whales swimming by the boat.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
It is the culmination of thousands of hours of training - a lifelong ambition.
The Sun (2011)
limited ambition
The one was always going to be enough against opponents of limited ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
But in the end, modernity rewarded limited ambition.
The Times Literary Supplement
Maybe, but it was also a reminder of rugby's ability to enthral and an indictment of the limited ambition shown by many in professional rugby at the moment.
Times, Sunday Times
Give yourself a limited ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
They will need a set of clear and limited ambitions for government.
Times, Sunday Times
literary ambitions
The latter, with its more serious literary ambitions, he thought far too dull.
Times, Sunday Times
He says he has big literary ambitions and wants to 'really let rip'.
Times, Sunday Times
Then a penniless schoolmaster with literary ambitions, he craved the aristocratic connections she wished to shed for a more bohemian life.
Times, Sunday Times
We now learn more directly about the making of the writer and his discovery of a focus for his literary ambitions.
The Times Literary Supplement
It has, however, clear literary ambitions; some might say pretensions.
The Times Literary Supplement
lofty ambition
But the Chelsea striker has more lofty ambitions than simply trying to win shiny trophies for a club in west London.
The Sun (2012)
But it will be a while, on this evidence, before such an lofty ambition is realised.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
For a club with such lofty ambitions that is not good enough.
The Sun (2013)
long-term ambition
He had genuinely made a career choice based on long-term ambition rather than money.
Times, Sunday Times
But these smooth words mask a ruthless, long-term ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
These selections are a statement of long-term ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
He had a long-term ambition to start up his own cricket academy.
Times, Sunday Times
It has the long-term ambition to become a university.
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modest ambition
Most writers harbour a modest ambition for their work to live on after their deaths.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The other couple featured in tonight's episode had more modest ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
This is no modest ambition for a company boss who did not set out to pursue a career in insurance.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
musical ambitions
His early musical ambitions were to lead a symphony orchestra and to conduct in the world's most prestigious opera houses.
Times, Sunday Times
She, too, has musical ambitions - or at least those around her do.
Times, Sunday Times
The night's musical ambitions were made clear at the outset.
Times, Sunday Times
Luck links friends who share musical ambitions.
The Sun
New love has big musical ambitions.
The Sun
naked ambition
There will be shocks, tears, naked ambition and bare-faced audacity.
The Sun
I was expecting garrulous northern charm with a fleck of naked ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
Call it naked ambition if you like, but check out also the picture and the facial expression of sheer determination.
Times, Sunday Times
An inability to take advantage of territorial dominance, and a greater naked ambition than their hosts, compounded the sense of missed opportunity.
Times, Sunday Times
Her heart may be in the right place but her naked ambition to get what she wants and her ruthlessness are not.
The Sun
nuclear ambitions
Other states with nuclear ambitions will draw far-reaching conclusions from the way the world responds.
Times, Sunday Times
That country and its nuclear ambitions remain the most serious threat to the region's stability.
Times, Sunday Times
In those years, trying to persuade both to drop their nuclear ambitions has been the preserve of a specialist group of diplomats.
Times, Sunday Times
Even so, he will continue to pursue his nuclear ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
Its outrageous nuclear ambitions were appeased.
Times, Sunday Times
overweening ambition
And for a man who was known, pre-scandal, for his overweening ambition... well, it has been quite a change.
Times, Sunday Times
The problem lies in the culture of the civil service, and in local government as well, where deeply uncommercial attitudes combine with overweening ambition to micro-manage everything.
Times, Sunday Times
A chancellor who has weakened the prime minister and in the process taken on the cloak of treachery and overweening ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
Subsequent events revealed his overweening ambition.
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personal ambition
You find a way to share responsibilities and free up time for a personal ambition.
The Sun (2016)
You know which personal ambition you should focus on and which you should put on hold.
The Sun (2014)
Yet colleagues were impressed by his grasp of detail and seeming lack of personal ambition.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Job plans escape the delays, and the personal ambition that means the most to you gets the dash of luck it needs.
The Sun (2016)
You have held on to a secret emotion or very personal ambition for long enough - now you can share it with the right people.
The Sun (2017)
political ambition
The issue raises questions of national self-determination, territorial contiguity, political ambition and petropounds.
Times, Sunday Times
He dedicated his life to political ambition and measurable achievement.
Times, Sunday Times
His political ambition was slow to ignite, but when it caught, burned furiously.
Times, Sunday Times
But how much restless political ambition, if any, tugs beneath the surface?
Times, Sunday Times
It's created a new, non-tribal channel for political ambition and has encouraged select committees to flex their muscles.
Times, Sunday Times
presidential ambition
He has backed his presidential ambitions with at least 20 million from his personal fortune.
Times, Sunday Times
She brushed off questions about her presidential ambitions, saying the party needed to win today's vote before thinking about 2012.
Times, Sunday Times
This could lead to a legislative deadlock that has thwarted previous presidential ambitions.
Times,Sunday Times
Since unveiling his presidential ambitions, the property mogul turned television personality seems to have alienated everyone that matters - except the voters.
Times, Sunday Times
He insisted that the surgery had not been prompted by presidential ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
raw ambition
Some accomplish such transformation by something that seems like luck, others through raw ambition and relentless drive.
Christianity Today
Combine raw ambition with the drive of the young and the expertise of world-class independent schools.
Times, Sunday Times
Let's look at the symptoms of raw ambition.
Christianity Today
Is raw ambition ever extracted from holy ambition, leaving only pure ministry motives?
Christianity Today
Its kind of like raw ambition.
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realistic ambition
His more realistic ambition was to become an army officer.
Truman (1986)
Above all it should not be rushed through in a couple of months: six would be a far more realistic ambition.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Mars's positive energy helps you to be a key player in a team with big but realistic ambitions.
The Sun (2016)
ruthless ambition
His decision, others say, was also driven by ruthless ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
Such steady, spectacular progress reflects the musicians' ruthless ambition and professionalism as much as their popular appeal.
Times, Sunday Times
Many of the characters started out dirt poor and, through ruthless ambition, have fetched up filthy rich.
Times, Sunday Times
She adds, out of the blue, that she doesn't want me to get the wrong idea, or imagine that she has lost all semblance of ruthless ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
And as for that ruthless ambition?
Times, Sunday Times
secret ambition
A moon-sun mix fills your family chart with can-do potential, but also coaxes out a secret ambition that still means a great deal to you.
The Sun
A secret ambition with a showbiz flavour could get a chance.
The Sun
Instead of underestimating your skills, you have what it takes to fulfil a secret ambition.
The Sun
A secret ambition to see your words in print, or your face on screen, starts to look good.
The Sun
Intriguing things you learn about yourself hold the key to a bright future - and a secret ambition can still be fulfilled.
The Sun
stated ambition
We have 13 games left to realise our stated ambition of a tophalf finish.
The Sun
His stated ambition was to be 'very, very rich - as rich as one can possibly be'.
Times, Sunday Times
This seems small given the government's stated ambition for a million new homes by 2020.
Times, Sunday Times
He never fulfilled his stated ambition of becoming the greatest footballer in the world.
Times, Sunday Times
The stated ambition to become a top-five winter sporting nation by 2030 was beginning to look like a pipe dream.
Times, Sunday Times
thwarted ambition
Was his manoeuvre a rush of blood, or a rush of thwarted ambition?
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
All the rest has been just so much thwarted ambition.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
It is a comedy of thwarted ambition, and it was influential, too.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It is a sumptuous and intelligent film about love and thwarted ambition.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
ultimate ambition
Is your ultimate ambition to hold that trophy aloft?
Times, Sunday Times
That would be the ultimate ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
Only then will the ultimate ambitions of her surgeons have been achieved.
Times, Sunday Times
If the world were more like sport, he would have got farther and, even if he hadn't secured his ultimate ambitions, would have no reason to be bitter.
Times, Sunday Times
unfulfilled ambition
But now I don't have any unfulfilled ambitions.
The Sun (2016)
You can make an unfulfilled ambition happen.
The Sun (2011)
Use this time to think about the future you want - your hopes, your dreams and any unfulfilled ambitions.
The Sun (2009)
unrealistic ambition
From this, the manager foresaw unrealistic ambitions being overtaken by the perception of under-achievement for which he would be blamed.
Times, Sunday Times
But throughout the past half-dozen years there has been a stubborn tendency to flirt with unrealistic ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
But when the doctors have told you that you might never get back on a trampoline again, you don't have unrealistic ambitions.
Times, Sunday Times
vaulting ambition
Medieval master masons were pushing the boundaries of their knowledge in order to satisfy the vaulting ambition of bishops and clergy.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Workplaces are full of people who incubate pointless envy, who nurse rivalries, who are unembarrassed to exhibit ludicrously vaulting ambition.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
It is precisely the bill's vaulting ambition that makes many critics jittery.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Not ribbed vaults so much as vaulting ambition.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
youthful ambition
Yet all youthful ambition was interrupted by the cruel demands of wartime.
Times, Sunday Times
They're set to warm, acoustic arrange-ments that knit folk, blues, country and blue-grass with the style of an old pro and the pas-sion that only comes with youthful ambition.
The Sun
Here she talks about quite liking blood and her youthful ambitions which were, sweetly, wanting 'to be in love and be happy'.
Times, Sunday Times
Originally dreaming of a career as football player, a heavy injury to his knee put a hold on his youthful ambitions.
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Chinese: 雄心
Japanese: 野心




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