

单词 end
(end )
Word forms: ends , ending , ended
1. singular noun A1
The end of something such as a period of time, an event, a book, or a film is the last part of it or the final point in it.
The £5 banknote was first issued at the end of the 18th century. [+ of]
The report is expected by the end of the year. [+ of]
You will have the chance to ask questions at the end.
Synonyms: close, ending, finish, expiry  
2. verb A2
When a situation, process, or activity ends, or when something or someone ends it, it reaches its final point and stops.
The meeting quickly ended and Steve and I left the room. [VERB]
Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting. [VERB noun]
She began to weep. That ended our discussion. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: stop, finish, complete, resolve  
ending singular noun B2
...depression after the loss of a job or the ending of a relationship. [+ of]
3. countable noun [usually singular] B2
An end to something or the end of it is the act or result of stopping it so that it does not continue any longer.
The French government today called for an end to the violence. [+ to]
I was worried she would walk out or bring the interview to an end.
Francis fined him two weeks' wages and said: 'That's the end of the matter.' [+ of]
4. verb B1+
If you say that someone or something ends a period of time in a particular way, you are indicating what the final situation was like. You can also say that a period of time ends in a particular way.
The markets ended the week on a quiet note. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
The company's shares ended the day 1p up at 287p. [VERB noun preposition/adverb]
The evening ended with a dramatic display of fireworks. [VERB preposition]
5. verb A2
If a period of time ends, it reaches its final point.
Its monthly reports usually come out about three weeks after each month ends. [VERB]
The first figure shows sales for week ending July 27. [VERB]
They hired eight college graduates to start work after the college year ends in March. [VERB]
6. verb A2
If something such as a book, speech, or performance ends with a particular thing or the writer or performer ends it with that thing, its final part consists of the thing mentioned.
His statement ended with the words: 'Pray for me.' [V + with/on]
The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii. [V + with/on]
Dawkins ends his discussion with a call for liberation. [VERB noun + with]
The memo ends: 'Please give this matter your most urgent attention.' [VERB with quote]
Synonyms: finish, close, conclude, wind up  
7. verb A2
If a situation or event ends in a particular way, it has that particular result.
The incident could have ended in tragedy. [VERB + in]
The match ended in a draw. [VERB in noun]
Our conversations ended with him saying he would try to be more understanding. [VERB + with]
My own view is that we can have a relationship without worrying where it will end. [V adv/adj]
Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange. [V adv/adj]
8. countable noun A2
The two ends of something long and narrow are the two points or parts of it that are furthest away from each other.
The company is planning to place surveillance equipment at both ends of the tunnel. [+ of]
A typical fluorescent lamp is a tube with metal electrodes at each end.
Synonyms: extremity, limit, edge, border  
9. countable noun A2
The end of a long, narrow object such as a finger or a pencil is the tip or smallest edge of it, usually the part that is furthest away from you.
He tapped the ends of his fingers together. [+ of]
She let the long cone of ash hang at the end of her cigarette. [+ of]
Synonyms: tip, point, head, peak  
10. verb B2
If an object ends with or in a particular thing, it has that thing on its tip or point, or as its last part.
It has three pairs of legs, each ending in a large claw. [V + with/in]
11. verb A2
A journey, road, or river that ends at a particular place stops there and goes no further.
The road ended at a T-junction. [VERB preposition/adverb]
The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh. [VERB preposition/adverb]
[Also VERB]
12. countable noun B1
End is used to refer to either of the two extreme points of a scale, or of something that you are considering as a scale.
At the other end of the social scale was the grocer, the village's only merchant. [+ of]
The agreement has been criticised by extremist groups on both ends of the political spectrum. [+ of]
13. countable noun B2
The other end is one of two places that are connected because people are communicating with each other by phone or writing, or are travelling from one place to the other.
When he answered the phone, Ferguson was at the other end.
There was silence at the other end of the line.
Make sure to meet them at the other end.
14. countable noun [usually singular]
If you refer to a particular end of a project or piece of work, you mean a part or aspect of it, for example a part of it that is done by a particular person or in a particular place. [spoken]
You take care of your end, kid; I'll take care of mine.
Let's go up to the office and settle the business end of things.
15. countable noun
An end is the purpose for which something is done or towards which you are working.
The police force is being manipulated for political ends.
Now the government is trying another policy designed to achieve the same end.
Synonyms: purpose, point, reason, goal  
16. verb
If you say that something ends at a particular point, you mean that it is applied or exists up to that point, and no further.
Helen is also 25 and from Birmingham, but the similarity ends there. [VERB adverb/preposition]
Does responsibility end at the fitting of car seats? [VERB adverb/preposition]
17. countable noun [usually singular]
You can refer to someone's death as their end, especially when you are talking about the way that they died or might die. [literary]
Soon after we had spoken to this man he had met a violent end.
Synonyms: death, dying, ruin, destruction  
18. verb
If you end by doing something or end in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.
They ended by making themselves miserable. [VERB + by]
They'll probably end back on the streets. [VERB adverb/preposition]
19. to end it all phrase
If someone ends it all, they kill themselves.
He grew suicidal, thinking up ways to end it all.
20. to end all phrase
If you describe something as, for example, the deal to end all deals or the film to end all films, you mean that it is very important or successful, and that compared to it all other deals or films seem second-rate.
It was going to be a party to end all parties.
21. at an end phrase B2
If something is at an end, it has finished and will not continue.
The court has passed sentence and the matter is now at an end.
The recession is definitely at an end.
22. to come to an end phrase B2
If something comes to an end, it stops.
The cold war came to an end.
23. at the end of the day phrase
You say at the end of the day when you are talking about what happens after a long series of events or what appears to be the case after you have considered the relevant facts. [informal]
At the end of the day it's up to the Germans to decide.
At the end of the day, the board's not going to be concerned with three or four more dollars.
24. go off the deep end phrase [VERB inflects]
If you say that someone has gone off the deep end, you mean that their mind has stopped working in a normal way and their behaviour has become very strange as a result. [informal]
I'm not sure she believes me. She probably just thinks I've gone off the deep end.
25. in at the deep end phrase
If you are thrown in at the deep end, you are put in a completely new situation without any help or preparation. If you jump in at the deep end, you go into a completely new situation without any help or preparation. [mainly British]
It's a superb job. You get thrown in at the deep end and it's all down to you.
Don't jump in at the deep end without thinking things through.
26. the bitter/very end phrase [to/until PHR]
If you do something to the bitter end or to the very end, you continue to do it for as long as you can, although it may be very unpleasant or dangerous.
We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs.
27. in the end phrase B2
You say in the end when you are saying what is the final result of a series of events, or what is your final conclusion after considering all the relevant facts.
I toyed with the idea of calling the police, but in the end I didn't.
Benny thought the president was sincere and sensitive, but, in the end, that's not what counts.
28. an end in itself phrase
If you consider something to be an end in itself, you do it because it seems desirable and not because it is likely to lead to something else.
While he had originally traveled in order to study, traveling had become an end in itself.
29. to keep your end up phrase [VERB inflects]
If you have to keep your end up, or to keep up your end of something, you have to do something as well as other people, or as well as you are expected to do it. [informal]
I had to keep my end up with other professors in the faculty.
He had trouble keeping up his end of a technical discussion.
30. to make ends meet phrase
If you find it difficult to make ends meet, you can only just manage financially because you hardly have enough money for the things you need.
With Betty's salary they barely made ends meet.
Synonyms: manage, cope, make do, scrape by  
31. no end phrase
No end means a lot. [informal]
The problem was causing the poor woman no end of misery.
Teachers inform me that Tracey's behaviour has improved no end.
32. on end phrase
When something happens for hours, days, weeks, or years on end, it happens continuously and without stopping for the amount of time that is mentioned.
He is a wonderful companion and we can talk for hours on end.
I spend days on end in this studio.
33. on end phrase
Something that is on end is upright, instead of in its normal or natural position, for example lying down, flat, or on its longest side.
34. to put an end to sth phrase B2
To put an end to something means to cause it to stop.
Only a political solution could put an end to the violence.
35. the end of the road phrase
If a process or person has reached the end of the road, they are unable to progress any further.
I am sure this is the end of the road for him.
36. until the end of time phrase [PHRASE after verb] B2
If you say that something will happen or be true until the end of time or to the end of time, you are emphasizing that it will always happen or always be true. [emphasis]
We can assume that the moon will continue to go around the earth until the end of time.
I'll love her till the end of time.
37. not be the end of the world phrase
If you say that something bad is not the end of the world, you are trying to stop yourself or someone else being so upset by it, by suggesting that it is not the worst thing that could happen.
Obviously I'd be disappointed if we don't make it, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.
38. the end of your tether phrase
If you say that you are at the end of your tether, you mean that you are so worried, tired, and unhappy because of your problems that you feel you cannot cope.
She was jealous, humiliated, and emotionally at the end of her tether.
I've reached the end of my tether.
39. to burn the candle at both ends phrase
If you burn the candle at both ends, you try to do too many things in too short a period of time so that you have to stay up very late at night and get up very early in the morning to get them done.
40. to make your hair stand on end phrase
Something that makes your hair stand on end shocks or frightens you very much.
This was the kind of smile that made your hair stand on end.
41. a means to an end phrase
If you say that something is a means to an end, you mean that it helps you to achieve what you want, although it may not be enjoyable or important itself.
We seem to have lost sight of the fact that marketing is only a means to an end.
42. to be on the receiving end phrase
If you are on the receiving end or at the receiving end of something unpleasant, you are the person that it happens to.
You saw hate in their eyes and you were on the receiving end of that hate.
Bullying can indeed be distressing and frightening for those at the receiving end.
43. to get the wrong end of the stick phrase
If someone gets the wrong end of the stick or gets hold of the wrong end of the stick, they do not understand something correctly and get the wrong idea about it. [informal]
44. to come to a sticky end phrase [VERB inflects]
If someone comes to a sticky end or meets a sticky end, they suffer very badly or die in an unpleasant way. [British, informal]
Arminius also came to a sticky end, murdered by his own troops.
45. to be at your wits' end phrase
If you say that you are at your wits' end, you are emphasizing that you are so worried and exhausted by problems or difficulties that you do not know what to do next. [emphasis]
We row a lot and we never have time on our own. I'm at my wits' end.
Phrasal verbs:
end up
1. phrasal verb B1
If someone or something ends up somewhere, they eventually arrive there, usually by accident.
The result was that the engine ended up at the bottom of the canal. [VERB PARTICLE preposition/adverb]
She fled with her children, ending up in a shelter. [VERB PARTICLE preposition/adverb]
2. phrasal verb B2
If you end up doing something or end up in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.
If you don't know what you want, you might end up getting something you don't want. [VERB PARTICLE verb-ing]
Every time they went dancing they ended up in a bad mood. [VERB PARTICLE preposition/adverb]
She could have ended up a millionaire. [VERB PARTICLE noun]
The end must justify the meansMatthew PriorHans Carvel
All good things must come to an end
All's well that ends well
make someone's hair stand on end
to make someone very frightened or shocked
The first ten minutes of the film made my hair stand on end.
on the wrong end of something
unsuccessful in an activity or situation or at some disadvantage because of it
A goal from Shaun Goater, a Bermudan international, left Howard Kendall's team on the wrong end of a 1-0 scoreline.
keep your end up
to do what you have said you will do or what you are expected to do in spite of difficult circumstances
The fact of the matter is that we signed a contract and we've worked hard to keep up our end, and they must keep up their end.
it's not the end of the world
said to mean that the consequences of an event are not as bad as they might seem at first
If I make a mistake, it's not the end of the world. I can always go back and correct it.
go off the deep end
[mainly US]
to go mad, or to behave in a strange or extreme manner
At first they thought that I'd gone off the deep end and had lost my mind.
to become very angry
Dad didn't go off the deep end at all. He just said it wasn't fair to make my mother worry like that.
the end of the road
the point where someone or something can no longer continue or survive in a situation
The administration realizes now that they've come to the end of the road of their policy.
the results of someone's actions that cannot be avoided
If she doesn't stop stealing, there's only jail at the end of the road.
end it all
to kill yourself
I desperately wanted to end it all, but I had an adorable little boy who was totally dependent upon me.
do something to the bitter end
to continue doing something in a determined way and finish it, even though this becomes increasingly difficult
Despite another crushing defeat, he is determined to see the job through to the bitter end.
a dead end
something such as a plan, a project, or a course of action that has no future and will not develop any further
Do you feel you have reached a dead end at work?
come to a sticky end
to die in an unpleasant or violent way
Hassan comes to a sticky end, but so does almost everyone else in the book.
be thrown in at the deep end
to start by doing the most difficult part of a job or task, before you have tried to do the easier parts, or to start a job or task without any preparation
She is being thrown straight in at the deep end when she anchors the evening news next week.
be at a loose end
to have some spare time but feel rather bored because you do not have anything particular to do. Compare loose ends; see ends.
Brenda had agreed to see her at 4.30, so Mrs Dambar was at a loose end for two and a half hours.
at the sharp end [mainly British]
actually involved in an activity or situation and therefore aware of the reality of the situation, rather than having only a theoretical understanding of it
These men are at the sharp end of law enforcement and when a man is waving a gun, they have to act decisively.
at the end of the day [spoken]
said to mean that something is the most important aspect of a situation
At the end of the day, it's the Germans who will decide.
the light at the end of the tunnel
something which gives you hope about the future and for the end of a difficult or unpleasant situation
After horrific times we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
something that will be very difficult to achieve in reality, although you dream of getting it
I would rather be honest with people than mislead them that there is going to be some pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
at the end of your rope [US]
feeling desperate because you are in a difficult situation and do not know how to deal with it. The usual British expression is at the end of your tether.
Everything is dreadful and I am at the end of my rope.
get the short end of the stick [mainly US]
to end up in a worse position than other people in a particular situation, although this is not your fault
As usual it's the consumer who gets the short end of the stick.
get the wrong end of the stick
to completely misunderstand something
People are so easily confused, and so often get the wrong end of the stick.
at the end of your tether [mainly British]
feeling desperate because you are in a difficult situation and you do not know how to deal with it. The usual American expression is at the end of your rope.
She was at the end of her tether. She needed someone she could talk to, someone she could trust.
the thin end of the wedge [British]
the beginning of something which seems harmless or unimportant at present but is likely to become important, serious, or harmful in the future
I think it's the thin end of the wedge when you have armed police permanently on patrol round a city.
at your wits' end
very worried and desperate about something and not knowing what to do about it
People are at their wits' end about crime and they want to do something. They want action.
end a reign
The government will be restructured to cut the number of ministries and to end the reign of the ministry of railways, a fiefdom renowned for profligacy and graft.
Times, Sunday Times
This idea would, if widely accepted, end the reign of scientifi c materialism, replacing it with a new dualism.
Times, Sunday Times
In the 1960s cheaper plastic and new government safety regulations ended the reign of tin toys.
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Hair match, ending her reign at 188 days.
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The evolutionary precursors to mammals dominated the country until a mass extinction event ended their reign.
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end a siege
A last-ditch rebel attempt to end the siege last month ended in failure.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
They kept on coming, many after police ended the siege at the Bataclan concert.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Special forces end the siege, not knowing if the next moment will be their last.
The Sun (2006)
end a strike
But he said if mediation fails, the employers won't hesitate to seek a court injunction to end the strike.
University leaders said they hoped the move would end the strike.
Times, Sunday Times
Municipal officials began to ask for greater effort to end the strike.
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The sympathy strike demonstrated the enormous power of united action, yet resulted in a decisive government response to end the strike and destroy the union.
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A first demonstration of this new authoritarianism was given when he used force to end a strike by medics.
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end happily
Obviously there are going to be difficulties along the way but ultimately these programmes are supposed to end happily.
Times, Sunday Times
In that case, of course, the fairytale did not end happily.
Times, Sunday Times
But their row could end happily, as the pair share a long overdue heart-to-heart.
The Sun
As you might expect, the last episode of this bleak gangland family saga doesn't end happily ever after.
Times, Sunday Times
Even examples illustrating negative sides to being young — narcissism, staying in bed — end happily, with interviewees celebrated for finding a solution.
Times, Sunday Times
end of a spectrum
At the other end of the spectrum are those few brave organisations determined to carry on with a blithe disregard for the demands of simplicity.
Times, Sunday Times
Those who spend the summer in a lather are just unlucky enough to be at the sweaty end of the spectrum.
The Sun
These are at the spectacular end of the spectrum: each villa has a unique feature, such as a 50-metre infinity pool, and costs 4.5m.
Times, Sunday Times
They translate to how companies can 'manufacture smarter' and, at the other end of the spectrum, how they can 'sell smarter'.
Times, Sunday Times
A couple of examples, both from muchadmired living poets, both at the less challenging end of the spectrum.
The Times Literary Supplement
end of an era
Sailors, officers and retired sea admirals hailed the end of an era.
Times, Sunday Times
But before we lawyers pick up our papers and leave, we should pause to reflect on the end of an era.
Times, Sunday Times
A cut would mark the end of an era.
Times, Sunday Times
Set during the hot summer of 1976, the novel looks back to a time of transition and the end of an era of idealism.
The Times Literary Supplement
Media commentators described the sale as the end of an era but played down suggestions that it had long-term implications for the newspaper group.
Times, Sunday Times
end of hostilities
The system was not perfect but it did allow hundreds of new armoured vehicles to be delivered, usually before the end of hostilities.
Times, Sunday Times
He spent much of the rest of the war in captivity, being released on a prisoner of war exchange six months from the end of hostilities.
Times, Sunday Times
The end of hostilities leaves him feeling 'bewildered'.
The Times Literary Supplement
Did it hasten the end of hostilities?
Times, Sunday Times
On this post he remained until the end of hostilities.
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end officially
During this era there were no judges so the result ended officially in a draw.
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The operation ended officially at 03:20 am.
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Four different regents governed during his minority, which ended officially in 1578, though he did not gain full control of his government until 1583.
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The marriage ended officially in 1966.
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The war ended officially in 2003.
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end speculation
However, one thing the announcement did was to end speculation about the dividend.
Times, Sunday Times
He signed a new four-year contract this summer to end speculation about a possible move to a bigger club.
Times, Sunday Times
The appearance was seen as a move to end speculation that their marriage was in trouble.
The Sun
They thought that would end speculation about his future after a season in which he failed to build on his first campaign and ended up empty-handed.
The Sun
Aides said that if he had been allowed to continue, he would have said that his mistake had been in believing that the announcement would end speculation.
Times, Sunday Times
end the stalemate
This time it took until the final seconds of the first half to end the stalemate.
Times, Sunday Times
What can they do to end this stalemate?
Times, Sunday Times
So a pair of cheap, cheerful and chic statement earrings could help end this stalemate.
The Sun
Once reconquest had been ruled out, plans for ending the stalemate were not always without humour, however.
Times, Sunday Times
It ended the stalemate on the western front and, after the 100 days' offensive by the allies, led to the armistice.
Times, Sunday Times
end the war
He had pledged to end the war in Afghanistan before he leaves office.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
He ended the war as a lieutenant colonel and went on to be a distinguished diplomat.
The Sun (2010)
Early offensive actions would end the war on US terms.
McInnes, Colin NATO's Changing Strategic Agenda (1990)
He ended the war as an assistant bandmaster.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
end tragically
After almost a week with no news, many people had assumed that the story would end tragically.
Times, Sunday Times
The director constructed a story around destructive passions that end tragically.
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Finally, due to this misconduct, they end tragically, devoured by predators.
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The story ends tragically, when the town turns against him.
Times, Sunday Times
While his story ends tragically - though not self-destructively, as many have assumed - there were laughs along the way.
Times, Sunday Times
episode ends
Even more than most, the episode ends with a bang.
Times, Sunday Times
One episode ends, and you immediately want to see the next.
Times, Sunday Times
Every episode ends with the hero revealing his high rank to the appalled and quaking villains.
Times, Sunday Times
Each episode ends on a cliffhanger which means you have to keep right on going.
The Sun
As usual in this series, the episode ends on an upbeat note to show what can be done.
Times, Sunday Times
far end of
At the far end of the hut there was a huge glass aquarium; inside it tropical fish moved in slow motion.
Len Deighton Bomber
The man pushed his way authoritatively through the crowd and took Esther to the counter at the far end.
Dhondy, Farrukh COME TO MECCA (2002)
They were in Llewelyn's bedchamber; a large curtained bed stood at the far end of the room.
Penman, Sharon HERE BE DRAGONS (2002)
He crumpled up the coffee carton and tossed it towards one of the bins at the far end of the passageway.
Nicola Barker BEHINDLINGS (2002)
justify an end
For the ruling elite, the means - whatever means, even if our sacred institutions are destroyed in the process - justify the end.
But did the means justify the end?
I do not allow the principle that means justify the end.
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For him, the means justified the ends, but there was no higher purpose to the negative briefing - it was all about personal ambition.
Times, Sunday Times
He can well contend that the means did justify the ends.
Globe and Mail
mark the end
Exile marked the end of any reference to the lost tribes in biblical texts.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
It is, therefore, thought probable that the rejection of the present overtures will not by any means mark the end of the enemy peace offensive.
Times, Sunday Times (2018)
Glyndebourne's semi-staged performance marked the end of the company's season.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
marriage ends
An animal rights campaigner took revenge on his estranged wife after their 30-year marriage ended by putting her cat in the tumble dryer.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The marriage ended in an amicable divorce.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
His marriage ended, he changed his coach and his caddie and his game got worse before it got better.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Her parents' marriage ended disastrously, so the one thing she wants is stability.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
His marriage ended in divorce and he is survived by two daughters.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
opposite end of
He was the opposite end of the emotional spectrum to Schmeichel.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The opposite end of the catheter was connected to a barostat with an electronic sensor coupled to a plethysmometer.
Graça J.R.V., Leal P.R.L., Gondim F.A.A., Rola F.H., Santos A.A. 2002, 'Variations in gastric compliance induced by acute blood volume changes in anesthetized rats', Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research
pointed end
Push back cuticles using the soft rubber tip, and clean the day's grime from under your nails with the pointed end.
Times, Sunday Times
Pinch it between thumb and forefinger, with the pointed end on the board.
Times, Sunday Times
Dab small amount directly on to spots with the pointed end, then blend the edges with the flat side.
The Sun
As it swung back and forth, the pointed end of the bob traced lines in sand that had been poured on a wooden platform.
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Use a concealer brush with a pointed end to blend it so you can't see where the foundation ends and the concealer starts.
The Sun
recession ends
But almost half of the reduction will happen naturally as the recession ends and tax revenues recover.
Times, Sunday Times
Consumer confidence can remain in the doldrums long after a recession ends.
Houston Chronicle
Companies need to target pay increases carefully, prioritising resources towards the employees who will be needed most when the recession ends.
Times, Sunday Times
It may be better not to say, for fear of jinxing it, but even before the recession ends, thoughts are turning to recovery.
Times, Sunday Times
If we don't protect our car industry and invest in 'greener' vehicles we will be left with an industry unable to compete when the recession ends.
The Sun
runway end
The plane came to rest 1181 feet past the runway end.
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There are also many stored shipping containers on the southwest runway end.
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Space limitations, pavement design, runway end safety areas and the unique location of airport are some of the airport factors that influence aircraft design.
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At 900 meters beyond the runway end the aircraft cleared some adjacent buildings at fewer than 50 meters.
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The aircraft's port wing struck trees 72ft m above aerodrome elevation, some 2,300yd m from the runway end and 500yd m from the extended centreline.
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shallow end
But my contacts in the village are recommending we back something drawn in the shallow end.
The Sun (2012)
I'd muck around in the shallow end, while he steamed up and down.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
We were talking about something deep then you went back to the shallow end.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
We glide about in the shallow end.
John Walsh ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies (2004)
Shy, somewhat stilted conversation is made in the shallow end or the showers.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
signal the end
Any change to life peerages could also signal the end to automatic courtesy titles for the wives of knights of the realm.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Other galleries, museums and charities are to adopt the technology, signalling the end of the collection tin.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
His goal signalled the end of the game as a contest.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Wolfe then opened the Times, which signalled the end of the discussion.
Goldsborough, Robert MURDER IN E MINOR
It signalled the end of the political phase.
Philip Marsden The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy (2007)
spell the end
It could spell the end of rock salmon or huss being sold at the chip shop.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Operational changes to its larger stores will spell the end of deputy managers and some departmental heads.
The Sun (2015)
And did that spell the end of his journalistic career?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The internet is spelling the end of activities from being able to read a map to putting together a physical photo album.
The Sun (2013)
There is a similar story to be told in vaccination, which was supposed to spell the end of infectious diseases such as measles.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
sudden end
But his job at United was brought to a sudden end.
The Sun (2015)
With the sudden end of a postwar boom, unemployment doubled in the first three months of 1920, and shortly afterwards reached two million.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
That department came to a sudden end after the discovery of North Sea oil, when Britain no longer had to worry about its balance of payments.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
tragic end
He seems determined to defy the conventions of a tragic ending.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
They had a battle and it's just a tragic end.
The Sun (2017)
Yet what should be a tragic ending just comes across as melodrama.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
trial ends
His plea of insanity was rejected, but the sensational trial ended in acquittal.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
He was convicted on that charge in a second criminal trial in May 2004 after the first trial ended in a hung jury.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
The trial ended with a hung jury, and that sent the family reeling again, back to a place full of stress and dread.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
It emerged on the day his trial ended that one of the two samples taken had tested positive for cocaine.
The Sun (2008)
trim the ends
Trim the ends and slice super-thin across the width.
Times, Sunday Times
If possible choose proper bunches of watercress, with big, thick, dark leaves — and use the entire bunch, just trimming the ends.
Times, Sunday Times
Trim the ends of the cake for a neat finish.
The Sun
Trim the ends neatly, then cut into slices 1cm thick.
Times, Sunday Times
Trim the ends off the little gems, remove any damaged leaves and cut into quarters lengthways.
Times, Sunday Times
upper end
Much of the upper end was submerged by a reservoir which in 1955 had taken over two miles of the abandoned track.
Times, Sunday Times
At the upper end, by contrast, the mood will be more sombre.
Times, Sunday Times
You believe the index will rise, so you buy 5 a point at the upper end of the spread or 4,501.
Times, Sunday Times
At the upper end of the market, however, you can find rural properties that have been carefully rebuilt.
Times, Sunday Times
Last week, the company said its full-year revenue would be at the upper end of its previous guidance of 410m to 440m.
Times, Sunday Times
Chinese: 末端, 结束
Japanese: 終わり, 終わる




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