

单词 clinical data
clinical data
The studies available present only descriptive clinical data on leucoderma that accompanies lupus erythematosus in its diverse clinical forms.
Luiz Gonzaga C. Souza Filho, Evandro A. Rivitti, Lucy M. Miyauchi, Mirian N. Sotto, Durvanei A. Maria, Shigueko S. T. Puejo, Venâncio A. F. Alves 2005, 'Estudo comparativo entre vitiligo, nevo halo e lúpus eritematoso vitiligóide por meio de métodos imunológicos, histológicos e imuno-histoquímicos Comparative study of vitiligo, halo nevus, and vitiligoid variant of lupus erythematosus by immunological, histological, and immunohistochemical methods', Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia
Infections were initially diagnosed based on clinical data and observation of morulae within platelets and then confirmed by biomolecular techniques.
Maria Teresa Antognoni, Fabrizia Veronesi, Giulia Morganti, Vittorio Mangili, Gabriele Fruganti, Arianna Miglio 2014, 'Natural infection of Anaplasma platys in dogs from Umbria region (Central Italy)', Veterinaria Italiana
In both groups, we analyzed demographic and clinical data as well as nondependent factors.
Stevic M, Simic D, Ristic N, Budic I, Marjanovic V, Jovanovski-Srceva M, Repac N, Rankovic-Janevski M, Tasic G 2018, 'Evaluation of factors for poor outcome in preterm newborns with posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus associated with late-onset neonatal sepsis', Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management
A review of clinical data also suggested that the worse preoperational dyskinesia causes worsened graft-induced dyskinesia.
Daniella eRylander Ottosson, Emma eLane 2016, 'Striatal plasticity in L-DOPA- and graft-induced dyskinesia; the common link?', Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience




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