

单词 touch
(tʌ )
Word forms: touches , touching , touched
1. verb B1
If you touch something, you put your hand onto it in order to feel it or to make contact with it.
Her tiny hands gently touched my face. [VERB noun]
Don't touch that dial. [VERB noun]
She reached down, touching her toes with opposite hands. [VERB noun]
The virus is not passed on through touching or shaking hands. [VERB-ing]
Synonyms: feel, handle, finger, stroke  
Touch is also a noun.
Sometimes even a light touch on the face is enough to trigger off this pain.
2. verb B2
If two things are touching, if one thing touches another, or if you touch two things, their surfaces come into contact with each other.
Their knees were touching. [VERB]
A cyclist crashed when he touched wheels with another rider. [VERB noun + with]
If my arm touches the wall, it has to be washed again. [VERB noun]
In some countries people stand close enough to touch elbows. [VERB noun]
He touched the cow's side with his stick. [VERB noun + with]
Synonyms: come into contact, meet, contact, border  
3. uncountable noun B2
Your sense of touch is your ability to tell what something is like when you feel it with your hands.
The evidence suggests that our sense of touch is programmed to diminish with age.
...boys and girls who are blind and who want to be able to read and write by touch.
Synonyms: feeling, feel, handling, physical contact  
4. verb B2
To touch something means to strike it, usually quite gently.
He scored the first time he touched the ball. [VERB noun]
As the aeroplane went down the runway, the wing touched a pile of rubble. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: tap, hit, strike, push  
5. verb [usually passive]
If something has not been touched, nobody has dealt with it or taken care of it.
When John began to restore the house, nothing had been touched for 40 years. [be VERB-ed]
Synonyms: deal with, do, handle, take care of  
6. verb
If you say that you did not touch someone or something, you are emphasizing that you did not attack, harm, or destroy them, especially when you have been accused of doing so. [emphasis]
Pearce remained adamant, saying 'I didn't touch him.' [VERB noun]
I was in the garden. I never touched the sandwiches. [VERB noun]
7. verb [no passive]
You say that you never touch something or that you have not touched something for a long time to emphasize that you never use it, or you have not used it for a long time. [emphasis]
I never touch chocolate, it gives me spots. [VERB noun]
His diet is vegetarian, and he hasn't touched meat for six years. [VERB noun]
Jones hasn't touched a trumpet in 10 years. [VERB noun]
8. verb
If you touch on a particular subject or problem, you mention it or write briefly about it.
The film touches on these issues, but only superficially. [VERB + on/upon]
We will touch briefly on this aspect at the end of the chapter. [VERB + on/upon]
9. verb
If something touches you, it affects you in some way for a short time.
...a guilt that in some sense touches everyone. [VERB noun]
Nor had the benefits of the war years touched all sectors of the population. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: affect, mark, involve, strike  
10. verb B2
If something that someone says or does touches you, it affects you emotionally, often because you see that they are suffering a lot or that they are being very kind.
It has touched me deeply to see how these people live. [VERB noun to-infinitive]
Her enthusiasm touched me. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: move, upset, stir, disturb  
touched adjective [verb-link ADJECTIVE] B2
I was touched to find that he regards me as engaging.
He was touched that we came.
Synonyms: mad, crazy, nuts [slang], daft [informal]  
Synonyms: moved, affected, upset, impressed  
11. verb [usually passive]
If something is touched with a particular quality, it has a certain amount of that quality. [written]
His crinkly hair was touched with grey. [be VERB-ed + with]
The boy was touched with genius. [be VERB-ed + with]
12. verb [no cont, no passive]
If you say about someone that nobody can touch him or her for a particular thing, you mean that he or she is much better at it than anyone else.
No one can touch these girls for professionalism. [VERB noun + for]
[Also VERB noun]
Synonyms: match, rival, equal, compare with  
13. verb [no passive]
To touch a particular level, amount, or score, especially a high one, means to reach it. [mainly British]
By the third lap he had touched 289 m.p.h. [VERB noun]
The winds had touched storm-force the day before. [VERB noun]
Synonyms: reach, hit [informal], come to, rise to  
14. verb
If you touch someone for money, you ask them to give it to you. [informal]
Now is the time to touch him for a loan. [VERB noun for noun]
Synonyms: ask, approach, beg, borrow from  
15. countable noun
A touch is a detail which is added to something to improve it.
They called the event 'a tribute to heroes', which was a nice touch.
Small touches to a room such as flowers can be what gives a house its vitality.
Synonyms: detail, feature, addition, accessory  
16. singular noun
If someone has a particular kind of touch, they have a particular way of doing something.
The dishes he produces all have a personal touch.
The striker was unable to find his scoring touch.
Synonyms: style, approach, method, technique  
17. quantifier
A touch of something is a very small amount of it.
She thought she just had a touch of flu. [+ of]
At university he wrote a bit, did a touch of acting, and indulged in internal college politics.
18. a touch phrase
You can use a touch to mean slightly or to a small extent, especially in order to make something you say seem less extreme. For example, if you say that something is a touch expensive, you might really think that it is very expensive. [mainly British, vagueness]
We were all a touch uneasy, I think.
I found it a touch distasteful.
19.  See also touching
20. at the touch of phrase
You use at the touch of in expressions such as at the touch of a button and at the touch of a key to indicate that something is possible by simply touching a switch or one of the keys of a keyboard.
Staff will be able to trace calls at the touch of a button.
...seats that flip out at the touch of a lever.
21. the common touch phrase
If you say that someone has the common touch, you mean that they have the natural ability to have a good relationship with ordinary people and be popular with them. [approval]
Unlike many senior judges, he has consistently shown that he has the common touch.
22. in touch phrase B1+
If you get in touch with someone, you contact them by writing to them or phoning them. If you are, keep, or stay in touch with them, you write, phone, or visit each other regularly.
I will get in touch with solicitors about this.
The organisation would be in touch with him tomorrow.
My parents were constantly in touch.
23. in touch/out of touch phrase B2
If you are in touch with a subject or situation, or if someone keeps you in touch with it, you know the latest news or information about it. If you are out of touch with it, you do not know the latest news or information about it.
You'll also be kept in touch with local Oxfam events.
...keeping the unemployed in touch with the labour market.
Mr Cavazos' problem was that he was out of touch.
24. to lose touch phrase B2
If you lose touch with someone, you gradually stop writing, phoning, or visiting them.
In my job one tends to lose touch with friends. [+ with]
We lost touch after that.
25. to lose touch phrase B2
If you lose touch with something, you no longer have the latest news or information about it.
Their leaders have lost touch with what is happening in the country.
26. touch and go phrase
If you say that something is touch and go, you mean that you are uncertain whether it will happen or succeed.
It was touch and go whether we'd go bankrupt.
Synonyms: risky, close, near, dangerous  
27. a soft touch phrase
If you say that someone is a soft touch or an easy touch, you mean that they can easily be persuaded to lend you money or to do things for you. [informal]
Mr Wilson is no soft touch.
Pamela was an easy touch when she needed some cash.
28. would not touch someone or something with a barge pole phrase
If you say that you wouldn't touch something with a barge pole, you mean that you would not want to have anything to do with it, either because you do not trust it, or because you do not like it. [British, informal]
regional note:   in AM, use wouldn't touch something with a ten-foot pole
29. the finishing touch phrase
If you add the finishing touches to something, you add or do the last things that are necessary to complete it.
Workers put the finishing touches on the pavilions.
The only finishing touch most of these puddings need is a custard sauce.
30. touch wood convention
You can say ' touch wood' in British English, or ' knock on wood' in American English, to indicate that you hope to have good luck in something you are doing, usually after saying that you have been lucky with it so far.
She's never even been to the doctor's, touch wood.
Touch wood, I've been lucky enough to avoid any other serious injuries.
Phrasal verbs:
touch down
phrasal verb B2
When an aircraft touches down, it lands.
When we touched down at Heathrow we were all relieved just to get home. [VERB PARTICLE]
He touched down on American soil at 5.13pm local time yesterday [VERB PARTICLE]
touch off
phrasal verb
If something touches off a situation or series of events, it causes it to start happening.
Is the massacre likely to touch off a new round of violence? [VERB PARTICLE noun]
do something at the touch of a button
to do something very easily and quickly, usually because of new technology
Specially trained staff will be able to trace obscene and threatening calls at the touch of a button, and pass the information to police.
touch all the bases or cover all the bases
to deal with or take care of all the different things that you should
He has managed to touch all the bases necessary, and trade goes on.
touch base
to speak or write to someone, often when you have not spoken to them or seen them for a long time
Being there gave me a chance to touch base with and make plans to see three friends whom I had not seen for a year.
touch a nerve or touch a raw nerve
to upset someone, by mentioning a subject that they feel strongly about or are very sensitive about
Buchanan's speech touched a raw nerve here at the Capitol.
someone wouldn't touch something or someone with a barge pole [British] or someone wouldn't touch something or someone with a ten-foot pole
said to mean that someone does not want to have anything to do with someone or something, because they do not trust them or like them
The history of the place kept the price down. No one would touch it with a barge pole.
be kicked into touch [mainly British]
to be rejected or postponed
Trish Johnson's challenge for the US Women's Open Championship was kicked into touch by a foot injury yesterday.
the common touch
the quality that some people in a position of power have of being able to understand how ordinary people think and feel and of being able to communicate with them
Yudhoyono is seen as a politician with the common touch, who sings, writes poetry and plays guitar in a band.
it's touch and go
said to mean that you cannot be certain whether something will happen or not
I thought I was going to win the race, but it was still touch and go.
someone is a soft touch
said to mean that it is easy to make someone do what you want, or to make them agree with you
Pamela was always a soft touch when Michael needed some cash.
light the blue touch paper or light the touch paper
to do something which causes other people to react in an angry or aggressive way
This kind of remark is guaranteed to light the blue touch paper with some Labour politicians.
touch wood [mainly British] or knock on wood
said to mean that you hope a situation will continue to be good and that you will not have any bad luck
She's never even been to the doctor's, touch wood. She's a healthy happy child and anyone can see that.
feel a touch
He admits that sometimes guys can feel a touch romantic, even whimsical, while enacting these cosy scenes with you.
Times, Sunday Times
Also, though admittedly immersive, the experience can make you feel a touch seasick.
Times, Sunday Times
I was beginning to feel a touch confused.
Times, Sunday Times
The 149 rooms feel a touch corporate, but they're a snip at the price.
Times, Sunday Times
At higher speeds it can feel a touch light and flighty but around town it's superb.
The Sun
Chinese: 触摸, 接触
Japanese: 触れる, 接触する




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