

单词 tight
(tt )
Word forms: tighter , tightest
1. adjective B1+
Tight clothes or shoes are rather small and fit closely to your body.
His jeans were too tight.
Synonyms: close-fitting, narrow, cramped, snug  
tightly adverb [ADVERB with verb] B2
He buttoned his collar tightly round his thick neck.
2. adverb [ADVERB after verb] B2
If you hold someone or something tight, you hold them firmly and securely.
She just fell into my arms, clutching me tight for a moment.
Just hold tight to my hand and follow along.
Hold on tight!
Tight is also an adjective.
As he and Henrietta passed through the gate he kept a tight hold of her arm.
tightly adverb [ADVERB after verb] B2
She climbed back into bed and wrapped her arms tightly round her body.
3. adjective B2
Tight controls or rules are very strict.
The measures include tight control of media coverage.
The company is keeping a tight hold on pay rises.
Security is tight this week at the polling sites.
Synonyms: strict, stringent, severe, tough  
tightly adverb [ADVERB after verb, ADVERB -ed] B2
The internal media was tightly controlled by the government during the war.
4. adverb [ADVERB -ed, ADVERB after verb] B2
Something that is shut tight is shut very firmly.
The baby lay on his back with his eyes closed tight.
I keep the flour and sugar in individual jars, sealed tight with their glass lids.
Within minutes she was outside, closing her bedroom door tight behind her.
She kept her eyes tight closed.
tightly adverb [ADVERB after verb, ADVERB -ed] B2
Pemberton frowned and closed his eyes tightly.
Despite the heat its windows remained tightly closed with wooden shutters.
5. adjective
Skin, cloth, or string that is tight is stretched or pulled so that it is smooth or straight.
My skin feels tight and lacking in moisture.
Pull the elastic tight and knot the ends.
Synonyms: taut, stretched, tense, rigid  
tightly adverb [ADVERB with verb] B2
Her sallow skin was drawn tightly across the bones of her face.
6. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] B2
Tight is used to describe a group of things or an amount of something that is closely packed together.
She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin.
The men came in a tight group.
Synonyms: compact, compacted, dense, compressed  
Tight is also an adverb.
The people sleep on sun loungers packed tight, end to end.
tightly adverb [ADVERB after verb, ADVERB -ed] B2
Many animals travel in tightly packed lorries and are deprived of food, water and rest.
7. adjective
If a part of your body is tight, it feels rather uncomfortable and painful, for example because you are ill, anxious, or angry.
It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.
Sarah came forward with a tight and angry face.
'There were no survivors, of course,' said Fred, his throat tight.
tightness uncountable noun
Heart disease often shows itself first as pain or tightness in the chest.
8. adjective
A tight group of people is one whose members are closely linked by beliefs, feelings, or interests.
We're a tight group, so we do keep in touch.
9. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
A tight bend or corner is one that changes direction very quickly so that you cannot see very far round it.
They collided on a tight bend and both cars were extensively damaged.
10. adjective B2
A tight schedule or budget allows very little time or money for unexpected events or expenses.
It's difficult to cram everything into a tight schedule.
Emma is on a tight budget for clothes.
Financially things are a bit tight.
11. adjective B2
A tight contest is one where none of the competitors has a clear advantage or looks likely to win, so that it is difficult to say who the winner will be.
It was a very tight match.
The most recent polls predict a tight three-way race.
Synonyms: close, even, well-matched, near  
12. adjective
If you say that someone is tight, you disapprove of them because they are unwilling to spend their money. [informal, disapproval]
The theatre was too tight to pay for any champagne for its stars.
13.  See also airtight, skin-tight
14. in a tight corner/in a tight spot phrase
If you are in a tight corner or in a tight spot, you are in a difficult situation. [informal]
That puts the president in a tight spot if the vote is not a resounding 'yes'.
They teach you to use your head to get out of a tight corner.
15. sleep tight convention
You can say 'sleep tight' to someone when they are going to bed as an affectionate way of saying that you hope they will sleep well.
Good night, Davey. Sleep tight.
16. to keep a tight rein on phrase
If you keep a tight rein on someone or something, you control them firmly.
The company has kept a tight rein on costs.
Her parents had kept her on a tight rein with their narrow and inflexible views.
17. to sit tight phrase
If you sit tight, you remain in the same place or situation and do not take any action, usually because you are waiting for something to happen.
Sit tight. I'll be right back.
Life would continue to be hard but if they sat tight and trusted him things would get better.
in a tight corner or in a corner
in a situation which is difficult to deal with or escape from
I was horrified at what I had done and knew I was in a tight corner and that everything depended upon my keeping my head.
keep a tight rein on someone or something
to control someone or something firmly
The recession has forced people to keep a very tight rein on their finances when on holiday.
run a tight ship
to keep firm control of the way your business or organization is run, so that it is well organized and efficient
Andy, our team coach, is very organized and confident. He runs a tight ship and he does a great job.
sit tight
to wait and see how a difficult situation develops before taking any action
In a recession, the message is that those who want to sell their houses should sit tight for a couple of years if they can.
tight suit
The individually sculpted sports seats hug you like a tight suit.
The Sun
It doesn't have to be a nice suit, or a tight suit in this season's fashionable colour.
Times, Sunday Times
We know the awful truth, though - that tight suit, unable to hold the middle-age spread any longer, unexpectedly burst.
Times, Sunday Times
And he's still a big head and tight suit, the best of the first-person culture commentators in your living room.
Times, Sunday Times
Could that have anything to do with the tight suit?
Times, Sunday Times
tight turn
Stalling in a low-level tight turn was one of the presumed hazards, but investigations could often only postulate 'the least improbable cause'.
Times, Sunday Times
Then he needs to guesstimate a braking point into the slow, tight turn two.
Times, Sunday Times
Its short wheelbase created a tight turning circle for manoeuvring around shrubs, and the front can easily be lifted for simple parking.
Times, Sunday Times
This nimble filly looks an ideal type for the tight turns.
The Sun
The road ahead clings stubbornly to hillsides and makes tight turns at the top of gaping, hungry chasms.
Times, Sunday Times
Chinese: 紧的, 紧的
Japanese: ぴんと張った, きつい




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