

单词 surface runoff
surface runoff
The lysimeter and evaporimeter set up measures the water losses by percolation, surface runoff and evapotranspiration.
José Bertoni, Francisco Lombardi Neto, Romeu Benatti Júnior 1976, 'Estudo, em lisimetros monolíticos, de perdas de água e evapotranspiração em três tipos de solos sob diferentes condições de uso Study of some characteristics of soil water with monolith lysimeters', Bragantia
Field investigations in the catchment have shown that lateral processes such as surface runoff and interflow are most important.
S. Giertz, B. Diekkrüger, G. Steup 2006, 'Physically-based modelling of hydrological processes in a tropical headwater catchment (West Africa) – process representation and multi-criteria validation', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
This method was used for separating a hydrograph into linear components of surface runoff, interflow, and baseflow.
Putu Sudira, Sukresno, Elly Kurniawati 2009, 'Penentuan Konstanta Resesi Hidrograf menggunakan Metode Plot Semi Logaritmik (Studi Kasus di Sub DAS Goseng)', Journal Keteknikan Pertanian




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