

单词 bird
(bɜːʳd )
Word forms: birds
1. countable noun A1
A bird is a creature with feathers and wings. Female birds lay eggs. Most birds can fly.
2. countable noun
Some people refer to young women as birds. This use could cause offence. [British, informal]
3.  See also early bird, game bird
4. the birds and (the) bees phrase
Some people refer to the birds and the bees when they are talking about sex, especially to children. [humorous]
5. do bird phrase [VERB inflects]
Someone who is doing bird is in prison. [British, informal]
They warned him that next time he'd find himself doing bird.
6. birds of a feather phrase
If you refer to two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have the same interests or are very similar.
7. get/give so the bird phrase [VERB inflects]
If you get the bird or if someone gives you the bird, they make a rude gesture with their middle finger at you. [US]
8. get/give so the bird phrase [VERB inflects]
If an audience gives someone the bird, they shout loudly in order to show their disappointment or disapproval.
9. a bird in the hand phrase
A bird in the hand is something that you already have and do not want to risk losing by trying to get something else.
10. little bird phrase
If you say that a little bird told you about something, you mean that someone has told you about it, but you do not want to say who it was.
11. old bird phrase [adj PHR]
Some people use the phrase old bird to refer to someone and say what they are like. [old-fashioned]
As usual, Wheeler, a wise old bird, got it right.
She was such a decent old bird.
12. rare bird phrase [NOUN inflects, usually verb-link PHRASE]
If you say that someone or something is a rare bird, you mean that they are very unusual.
13. to kill two birds with one stone phrase
If you say that doing something will kill two birds with one stone, you mean that it will enable you to achieve two things that you want to achieve, rather than just one.
Be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves Bible: St. Matthew
magpie: a bird whose thievish disposition suggested to someone that it might be taught to talkAmbrose BierceThe Devil's Dictionary
Oh, a wondrous bird is the pelican!
His beak can hold more than his belican.
He takes in his beak
Food enough for a week.
But I'll be darned if I know how the helican
Dixon Lanier Merritt
No ladder needs the bird but skies
To situate its wings,
Nor any leader's grim baton
Arraigns it as it sings
Emily Dickinson
Who wills devoutly to absorb, contain,
birds give him pain
Richard WilburThe Beautiful Changes
I know what the caged bird feels, alas!Paul Lawrence DunbarSympathy
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Birds of a feather flock together
free as a bird
completely free, with no worries or troubles
I have been island-hopping in the Pacific for the past two and a half years, free as a bird.
a rare bird
someone or something that is different from most other people or things
Diane Johnson's book is that rare bird, an American novel of manners.
a little bird told me
said to mean that you are not going to say how you found out about something or who told it to you. This expression is considered old-fashioned in American English.
Incidentally, a little bird told me that your birthday's coming up.
eat like a bird
to eat very little
She always orders two larger chops and one smaller chop because her daughter eats like a bird and her husband eats a lot.
the early bird catches the worm
said to mean that if someone wants to do something successfully then they should start as soon as they can
If you're going to make it to the Senate, you need to start right now. The early bird catches the worm.
an early bird
someone who gets up early in the morning or who does something before other people
We've always been early birds, up at 5.30 or 6am.
An early-bird discount is sometimes available at the beginning of the season.
a bird of passage
someone who never stays in one place for long
Most of these emigrants were birds of passage who returned to Spain after a relatively short stay.
a bird in the hand or a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
said to mean that it is better to keep something you have than to try to get something better and risk having nothing at all
Another temporary discount may not be what you want, but at least it is a bird in the hand.
the bird has flown
said to mean that someone has escaped or disappeared
He was supposed to follow the woman to work. Instead he'd wandered off, come back a hour later, and found the bird had flown.
bird breeds
Not a place for great glamorous rarities: rather, you get excited when a pretty common bird breeds there for the first time.
Times, Sunday Times
This bird breeds in montane grassland, preferring high rainfall, undulating areas.
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In some birds, a partial molt occurs before the bird breeds.
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This bird breeds in loose colonies in forest clearings in river valleys.
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bird colony
People come not only to see the cliff's imposing size, but also the famous bird colony found there.
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They're lashed in the winter by dramatic maritime weather, and in the spring are adorned with exceptional breeding bird colonies.
Times, Sunday Times
Since the mid-19th century it has also been known as a bird colony and was officially placed under protection in 1939 as a breeding site for coastal birds.
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The exhibits focus on the park's bird colonies, marine life, ecosystem, geology and history.
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The weaver bird colonies may be found close to water bodies.
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bird conservation
The law allows them to do so for purposes of bird conservation.
Times, Sunday Times
It actively promotes bird conservation by encouraging the preservation of habitats vital to the survival of resident and migratory birds.
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There she worked, as a database manager and computer modeller, on developing methodologies for the re-design and restoration of agricultural lands for bird conservation.
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Bird conservation often advises measures to avoid disturbing birds in their nesting season.
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Her interests have shaped her research in disease transmission and population size, particularly in regard to bird conservation.
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bird cry
During the voyage we suddenly hear a bird cry that makes us think that we are near land.
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Then new bird cries rise up, and the land looms ahead.
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The female bird fails to appear one day, and the male bird cries out for her.
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Their numbers are usually quite high and bird cries continue day and night on the island.
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bird flight
Bird flight had always been a recurrent theme of his work, but these gliding paintings represent the apogee of a dream.
Times, Sunday Times
At the end of his life he started to research bird flight, in order to pursue one of the great dreams of humanity: to fly.
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This article discusses the mechanics of bird flight, with emphasis on the varied forms of bird's wings.
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He went to sea again for several years, learning more about wind, weather and bird flight.
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This plays a major role in bird flight.
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bird habitat
Bird habitat can be replicated and replaced - or even increased.
Times, Sunday Times
It matters to most of us that an estuary airport will destroy internationally important bird habitat.
Times, Sunday Times
If we spoil the wild bird habitat, we spoil all that it contains.
The Times Literary Supplement
The money was spent on compensating farmers for abandoning land, which now conveniently serves as foreshore bird habitat, so resilient defences could be constructed further inland.
Times, Sunday Times
Any disturbance on the island could possibly impact the bird habitat.
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bird migration
The paths taken by these diminutive aeronauts influence bird migration patterns, especially of swifts and swallows, which eat insects on the wing.
Times, Sunday Times
Bird migration shows up on radar so well that ornithologists and bird watchers use it to keep tabs on bird movements during nightly spring flights.
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It had been complicated by the need for a 12-month assessment of the impact of the site on bird migration patterns.
Times, Sunday Times
The satellite-based devices have led to remarkable insights into bird migration.
Times, Sunday Times
Bird migration patterns appear to be affected by changes in climate.
Times, Sunday Times
bird pecks
Typical operanda for pigeons and other birds are response keys with a switch that closes if the bird pecks at the key with sufficient force.
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For each grain the bird pecks, the observer writes down the letter which that grain represents.
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The bird pecks through the cactus skin, then excavates downward to hollow out a space for its nest.
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bird sings
The bird sings its name: two syllables with an equal stress on each.
Times,Sunday Times
But little depresses me more than sullen ranks of dingy firs, through which a deadened wind soughs vacantly, and where no bird sings.
Times, Sunday Times
A bird sings, a little group of impala stands motionless.
Times, Sunday Times
On moors and heaths, while skylarks sing high in the sky, another bird sings in the sky at a lower level.
Times, Sunday Times
And the bird, the bird sings.
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bird species
He said that the expansion would have had a serious impact on several bird species, including skylarks, lapwings, tree sparrows and yellowhammers.
Times, Sunday Times
The record-breakers are not the oldest known bird species, however.
Times, Sunday Times
No one had ever tried to transplant a bird species before.
But the new study shows how quickly evolution works to favor flightlessness in this bird species—provided that conditions are right.
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They give a comprehensive account of their trip, with pictures of bird species they found.
bird wing
They have large wings that resemble hands, similar to a personified bird wing.
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Most kinds of bird wing can be grouped into four types, with some falling between two of these types.
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Soil trickled, leaves dripped, bird wings flickered.
Times, Sunday Times
Many early aviators actually did copy bird wings exactly, with disastrous results.
Globe and Mail
All of the birds wings are at different angles.
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breeding bird
They're lashed in the winter by dramatic maritime weather, and in the spring are adorned with exceptional breeding bird colonies.
Times, Sunday Times
Chaffinches are estimated to be our third most common breeding bird, with about six million pairs nesting here.
Times, Sunday Times
There have been occasional attempts at nesting in this country - the rosefinch may in time become a familiar breeding bird here.
Times, Sunday Times
They play a recording of their purring call outside the possible nesting holes, and if they get a reply they record a breeding bird.
Times, Sunday Times
However, overhunting along with the draining of the great marshlands led to their disappearance here as a breeding bird about 400 years ago.
Times, Sunday Times
endangered bird
The sites are protected by international treaties designed to preserve rare habitats and the endangered bird populations they support.
Times, Sunday Times
Marsh harrier: the largest harrier and formerly an endangered bird of prey.
Times, Sunday Times
An avid bird watcher of endangered bird species.
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Averaging 1000 ft deep, the canyon provides spectacular vistas, rugged terrain and home to rare plant species and three endangered bird species.
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This critically endangered bird could be extinct but many believe that it still persists.
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exotic bird
She'd pick us up from school in a hat that looked like an exotic bird had just landed on her head.
Times, Sunday Times
If you find a quite absurdly dapper and exotic bird eating them, then you've seen a waxwing.
Times, Sunday Times
An exotic bird of paradise?
Times, Sunday Times
Could it be some exotic bird that he has brought back from a trip to the rainforest?
Times, Sunday Times
Together they create a swelling ocean and a humid jungle; rippling limbs become waves, a vocal soundscape suggests exotic bird calls or the buzz of insects.
Times, Sunday Times
extinct birds
In the fourth of the six-part series, a flock of the extinct birds arrives in the present day.
The Sun
It’s known today as a city for fossils, and some of its most celebrated inhabitants are extinct birds.
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Unlike many large extinct birds, such as dodos, the giant turkeys were not flightless.
Times, Sunday Times
It features dozens of tracks and trackways made by extinct birds, dinosaurs, spiders, camels, elephants, and lizard-like reptiles.
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In such a classification, all 12,000 known species of extant and extinct birds would then have to be incorporated into this genus.
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feed a bird
Fish, shrimp and crab, which feed the bird populations, depend on the lagoon and its plentiful beds of seagrass for survival.
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If you want to keep the berries on to feed the birds, wait until mid- to late-winter before pruning.
The Sun
Now he was unable to do anything for himself or feed his birds.
Times, Sunday Times
And the mayor's office has banned the sale and distribution of grain to feed the birds.
The Sun
And with gardens becoming a nationally valuable wildlife refuge, what's the point of feeding the birds ... to the cats?
The Sun
flightless bird
We see her at the start walking the shoreline 'like a flightless bird'.
Times, Sunday Times
The flightless bird became extinct less than 70 years after first being mentioned by sailors in 1598.
The Sun
When we stopped for lunch, we were assailed by a pair of scavenging wekas, a faintly comical flightless bird that many visitors mistake for a kiwi.
Times, Sunday Times
Is there a castle on some deserted peninsula where a ruthless millionaire ushered in 2006 by admiring a flightless bird clambering over a sculpture, as he devoured a holy relic?
Times, Sunday Times
Flightless bird that could reach 12ft high.
Times, Sunday Times
forest bird
Changes to the structure of forest understories have, in turn, altered the composition and abundance of forest bird communities in some areas.
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It has been suggested that these imitations may help in the formation of mixed-species foraging flocks, a feature seen in forest bird communities where many insect feeders forage together.
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Like its relatives, this secretive forest bird hunts birds, mammals and reptiles in woodland, relying on surprise as it flies from a perch to catch its prey unaware.
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These are forest birds that tend to feed on insects at or near the ground since many are specialist ant eaters.
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The species that are often found here include different forest birds, large raptors and other endemic birds.
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magnificent bird
Here, as in other places, magnificent birds of prey still struggle in the face of illegal persecution by a mindless minority.
Times, Sunday Times
They are magnificent birds, especially in summer, when they have a chequered, black-andwhite back and a green gloss on the head.
Times, Sunday Times
The males are magnificent birds, not only because of their bright orange or red colors, but also because of their very prominent fan-shaped crests.
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migrant bird
The life of a migrant bird gains complexities with every mile it travels.
Times, Sunday Times
This secured the protection of breeding and migrant bird species.
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Migrant birds have been held up by contrary winds.
The Sun
Migrant birds have chosen a lifestyle that makes them vulnerable.
Times, Sunday Times
The flood plains are especially important for the diversity and richness of their avifauna, particularly migrant birds.
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migrating bird
It's either done on the wing, like a migrating bird, or not at all.
Times, Sunday Times
Once established, they look from the air like the perfect place for an exhausted migrating bird to stop for a spot of rest and relaxation.
Times, Sunday Times
This interconnected wetland still supports up to 3.7 million migrating birds per year.
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The area also serves as habitat to many migrating birds moving through the region in fall and spring.
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Favorable conditions at the lake attract 300-350 thousand migrating birds during the winter.
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migratory bird
She also believes she has turned into a 'migratory bird'.
Times, Sunday Times
Some experts believed this pointed towards a migratory bird having brought the virus into the farm.
Times, Sunday Times
Over 130 resident and migratory bird species have been recorded so far.
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Critics have called for careful oversight to ensure that local lobster fisheries and migratory bird paths are not affected.
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Such a program, based on habitat needs of migratory bird species, had never before been attempted on a national scale.
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predator bird
The skylark (right) uses singing as a form of defence against predator birds, such as peregrines.
Times, Sunday Times
In 2012, there were so many voles that many predator birds were too full to fly.
Times, Sunday Times
Ornithologists examining pellets have discovered unusual items in themeven bird bands that were once attached to a smaller species that was consumed by the predator bird.
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predatory bird
Predatory birds — eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, kites, buzzards, ospreys, collectively known as raptors — have been used for hunting for millennia.
Times,Sunday Times
Predatory birds are attracted to diseased ponds and feed heavily on the dying shrimp.
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Its predators include domestic cats, hawks, owls, and many other predatory birds and mammals.
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Predatory birds include a variety of hawks, owls, and the gyrfalcon, as well as the abundant but striking golden eagle.
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Within its natural range, the natural predators of the species include mongoose, jackals, badgers, baboons and predatory birds which attack the infants.
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song birds
So a breeding programme begins and next thing you know, the woods are completely devoid of song birds.
The Sun
It was the radical difference in the little birds, the song birds, the passerines that was so special.
Times, Sunday Times
None of the song birds was going to mess with her, after all.
Times, Sunday Times
Being a quiet adventure sport, you get to hear the song birds singing in the forest and the coyotes howling in the distance.
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Our small, resident song birds have mostly settled down in habitats that seem most favourable to them for the winter and are busily searching for food in the short days.
Times,Sunday Times
stuffed bird
Wearing a chef's hat and proudly holding up her juicy roast, she says it was her who looked like the stuffed bird.
The Sun
A stuffed bird in the hair can be worth two front row seats!
The Sun
Interestingly enough there was an old stuffed bird sitting over in one corner, a poor example of the taxidermy art.
Christianity Today
Then, he showed a picture of birds, followed by a stuffed bird flat as a pancake.
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The museum contains the world's largest and most diverse collection of stuffed birds with about 2000 specimens.
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threatened bird
They made this rare, delicate, threatened bird available to us all.
Times, Sunday Times
The uplands support a number of threatened bird species, including merlin and peregrine falcon.
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Many species of threatened birds are found in this location.
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Marsh initially painted a cover depicting a group of threatened birds forming the shape of a larger bird in flight over a desolate landscape.
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tropical bird
Each recording imagines a tropical bird call as a pulsating mass floating in air.
Smithsonian Mag
His voice has thickened and lost some of its agility in the middle-register, yet he can still summon up a falsetto which evokes the shriek of a tropical bird.
Times, Sunday Times
The site, which includes a third-of-anacre lake, had been a tropical bird park for about 20 years until it closed in 1998.
Times, Sunday Times
There was also a colony of large ants (kept with the butterflies), a small tropical bird aviary, and a small gallery of reptiles, amphibians, insects and spiders.
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The adjacent orangery, which doubles as an aviary for tropical birds, floods the space with natural light.
Times, Sunday Times
wild bird
Three wild birds in Scotland and England have tested positive for a dangerous strain of bird flu.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
She gazed over towards the chinchilla 's cage, almost as though half-expecting to see the wild bird crammed in there.
Nicola Barker BEHINDLINGS (2002)
They could hear the sounds of the gallery forest, including the intermittent calls of the wild bird.
But a single dead small garden or wild bird should be left alone and Defra need not be contacted, a spokeswoman said.
The Sun (2006)
To spend your life with a wild bird of prey is an astonishing joy.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
wounded bird
Any rapid possession was wasted as he flapped his arms like a wounded bird.
Times, Sunday Times
His ball veered like a wounded bird and found the drink.
Globe and Mail
Officers found blood splashed around the pit, a viewing area and several wounded birds.
The Sun
It also allows for the recovery of wounded birds that might otherwise escape.
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She follows the wounded bird's trail, cures him, and then marries him.
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