

单词 bare
(bʳ )
Word forms: barer , barest , bares , baring , bared
1. adjective B2
If a part of your body is bare, it is not covered by any clothing.
She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress, and her feet were bare.
She had bare arms and a bare neck.
2. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] B2
A bare surface is not covered or decorated with anything.
They would have liked bare wooden floors throughout the house.
3. adjective
If a tree or a branch is bare, it has no leaves on it.
...an old, twisted tree, its bark shaggy, many of its limbs brittle and bare.
Synonyms: leafless  
4. adjective
If a room, cupboard, or shelf is bare, it is empty.
His fridge was bare apart from three very withered tomatoes.
He led me through to a bare, draughty interviewing room.
Synonyms: empty, wanting, mean, lacking  
5. adjective
An area of ground that is bare has no plants growing on it.
That's probably the most bare, bleak, barren and inhospitable island I've ever seen.
6. adjective
If someone gives you the bare facts or the barest details of something, they tell you only the most basic and important things.
Newspaper reporters were given nothing but the bare facts by the Superintendent in charge of the investigation.
Synonyms: plain, hard, simple, cold  
7. adjective
If you talk about the bare minimum or the bare essentials, you mean the very least that is necessary.
The army would try to hold the western desert with a bare minimum of forces.
These are the bare essentials you'll need to dress your baby during the first few months.
8. adjective
Bare is used in front of an amount to emphasize how small it is. [emphasis]
Sales are growing for premium wines, but at a bare 2 percent a year.
9. verb
If you bare something, you uncover it and show it. [written]
Walsh bared his teeth in a grin. [VERB noun]
10. bare bones phrase
The bare bones of something are its most basic parts or details.
There are not even the bare bones of a garden here–I've got nothing.
11. with one's bare hands phrase
If someone does something with their bare hands, they do it without using any weapons or tools.
Police believe the killer punched her to death with his bare hands.
Rescuers were using their bare hands to reach the trapped miners.
12. to lay something bare phrase
If you lay something bare, you uncover it completely so that it can then be seen.
The clearing out of disused workshops laid bare thousands of Italianate glazed tiles.
13. lay sth bare phrase
If you lay bare something or someone, you reveal or expose them.
No one wants to expose themselves, lay their feelings bare.
14. to bare one's soul phrase [VERB inflects, oft PHRASE to noun]
If you bare your soul, you tell someone your most secret thoughts and feelings.
with your bare hands
without using any weapons or tools
Rescue workers and residents were digging through tonnes of mud with shovels and their bare hands yesterday in search of survivors.
the bare bones
the most basic parts or details of something
We worked out the bare bones of a deal.
bare your soul to someone
to tell someone all the thoughts and feelings that are most important to you
We all need someone we can bare our souls to, someone we can confide in.
bare branches
Spherical clusters of flowers perch on the tips of stems and along the bare branches.
Times, Sunday Times
The bare branches of the trees look eery and mysterious lit up by the glow of streetlamps as it gets dark.
Times, Sunday Times
Wrens come up from the undergrowth, and one can see their whole body vibrating as they sing on bare branches and walls.
Times, Sunday Times
It was like a bird of paradise materialising in the bare branches of a small tree.
Times, Sunday Times
Often overlooked, these petalfree plants dangle and dance from bare branches, shaking out clouds of pollen into the breeze.
Times, Sunday Times
bare brick
Oblivious of the events around him, he leant his head against the bare brick wall and cast suspicious glances at yet more foreign visitors.
Times, Sunday Times
If the bouncer, squinting through a grate, approves, you'll be led into... a bare brick room containing nothing but a phone booth.
Times, Sunday Times
The top floor was still bare brick and it took several more years to fit it out.
Times, Sunday Times
Many rooms have bare brick walls, or patches of lath and plaster, and exposed f loorboards.
Times, Sunday Times
Clients are ushered into a brightly lit showroom where rare and collectible basketball shoes line the bare brick walls.
Times, Sunday Times
bare earth
The floor was bare earth with the larger and looser boulders removed.
Brian Thompson DEVASTATING EDEN: The Search for Utopia in America (2004)
And a little something leafy underneath just hides that rather gauche moment when a tulip stem leaves the bare earth.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The second reason is that they draw the eye away from any immature planting or bare earth.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
There is a sandy brick wall on one side, layers of bare earth on the other, and a superhighway of lead pipes everywhere.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Leave patches of bare earth in sunny locations, for ground-nesting solitary bees.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
bare essentials
What would you throw together from a fridge with only bare essentials in it?
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
We can strip it to its bare essentials, make it into a domestic drama and see what happens.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
In such situations, life is reduced to its bare essentials.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
bare floor
There are no beds - the inmates sleep on blankets on the bare floor.
Times, Sunday Times
It's why people pay a lot of money just to sit on a bare floor.
Times, Sunday Times
After the floor mats are removed and everyone has gone, she performs the feat, but apparently breaks a leg when landing on the bare floor.
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bare foot
She tipped herself sideways on her cushions and stretched one bare foot with an anklet around it towards Christopher.
His bare foot then slammed on to the upturned key.
The Sun (2013)
There is no glaze on the surface of the tile, which means that they are cool and not slippery under bare foot.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
bare ground
Here several hundred pairs of them nest on bare ground or among the short grass.
Times, Sunday Times
Families talk of spending several nights on the bare ground, without tents or blankets.
Times, Sunday Times
The seeds need to germinate in wet, bare ground and the seedlings have to be submerged over winter.
Times, Sunday Times
They're readily available and require nothing more than bare ground for scattering the seeds.
Times, Sunday Times
They will spread happily into every last bit of bare ground, giving you deep-blue, boundless joy every spring and well into summer.
Times, Sunday Times
bare hand
You have two defensive tricks, but a bare hand offensively.
Times, Sunday Times
I lost a glove yesterday, so this bare hand goes deep into my pocket, amongst the snotty tissues and the fossils.
Times, Sunday Times
Freer gained a reputation for performing effects like freezing ice in his bare hand.
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He still holds the bare hand record (no sticks) of 1138 single strikes in 60 seconds, a very difficult achievement.
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Originally, the stool was defended with a bare hand.
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bare light bulb
There was a lone bare light bulb hanging from the shed ceiling.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Inside, it was fuggy with cigarette smoke and stale air, and lit with one bare light bulb.
Christina Jones TICKLED PINK (2002)
The bare light bulb, hanging lopsidedly on its frayed piece of flex, brashly illuminates the room.
Alex George LOVE YOU MADLY (2002)
bare majority
The move would require only a bare majority to pass.
Christianity Today
This was partly arithmetic - even with them we were eight short of a bare majority.
Times, Sunday Times
But two years later they failed to gain even a bare majority when the country went to the polls.
Times, Sunday Times
It actually picked up the one seat it needed for a bare majority.
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While committee leaders create the supermajority, they try to achieve their personal goals and help a bare majority of members achieve theirs.
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bare metal
Warmer and more decorative than bare metal, it still looks agreeably workmanlike.
Times, Sunday Times
The remaining surfaces of the crown are bare metal.
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I do not trace on to the copper, but copy a few important lines on to the bare metal with litho-chalk.
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The school canteen was renovated to new floor and pillar tiles, and wooden seats were added to previously bare metal benches.
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The two left-most areas (with the spool post on the left) are both common (ground) and are thus always bare metal.
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bare minimum
Weekly rubbish collection should be the bare minimum in a civilised society.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
This system has been simplified to a bare minimum.
Smithsonian Mag (2017)
To win two is the bare minimum.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
`Have you noticed," said Thyrza Primp, after suffering a bare minimum of my polite inanities, `what that young man is wearing?
Barnard, Robert THE DISPOSAL OF THE LIVING (2003)
The reform of the penal code is an attempt to suggest modernity while doing the bare minimum about it.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
bare outline
Only a bare outline of his life survives, although some facts are known.
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To the east of the gatehouse ruins, the barest outline of the former church can be seen, including the choir and transepts.
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Art historians spent almost another century determining attributions, studying iconography, and establishing bare outlines of even the major artists' lives.
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bare rock
Between broad, quiet blues, a couple of chairlifts took us high over bare rock faces, dangerous-looking icicles and animal tracks - chamois, fox, marmot.
Times,Sunday Times
As a result, he said climbers struggle to get traction on bare rock.
The Sun
It moves like an enormous spider, all eight spindly limbs in creepy conjunction, holding it against the bare rock.
Times, Sunday Times
There's no route as such, just a nerve-jangling jungle scrabble up a shockingly steep mountainside, over a surface that's alternately slimy mulch and bare rock.
Times, Sunday Times
The cable wound its way up the bare rock, curling onto ledges, sliding across traverses, zipping up cliffs.
Times, Sunday Times
bare room
Now, though, he sat on the other side of a desk from me in a bare room adjoining the cell block.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
He showed me into a bare room and left.
Marsden, Philip The Crossing-Place (1993)
Such was the potential danger that she was assigned a bare room in a heavily protected compound and given a flak jacket.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The words echoed whisperingly round the bare room, drifting in the air like motes of dust.
West, Charles STAGE FRIGHT (2002)
I was in a bare room, its walls and woodwork painted a light gray.
Christianity Today (2000)
bare stage
The production makes terrific use of a bare stage.
The Times Literary Supplement
The two principals are joined on the bare stage by a real choir — a different one every night, singing pop, hymns and original songs.
Times, Sunday Times
Across the bare stage the emotion rises, crackles between them.
Times, Sunday Times
At the start he sits on a bare stage, goatee gone and head shaved, and announces that 'we are all trapped inside our heads'.
Times, Sunday Times
A fine young cast of five, all but one new to his work, swirl and shift on an often shadowy, bare stage.
Times, Sunday Times
bare stem
Cut to ground level (coppice) if you want a low clump, or to the top of a bare stem (pollard) if you want more height.
Times, Sunday Times
Throughout the autumn and winter, it produces large clusters of small, violet berries on slender, bare stems.
The Sun
Its clusters of sugary blooms are a strong pink and highly fragrant and are produced on bare stems, which makes them all the more visible.
Times, Sunday Times
The delicate blooms are borne on bare stems and, in truth, are not particularly showy.
Times, Sunday Times
Most importantly, do not prune too severely into old, bare stems as many varieties will not produce new growth from old wood.
The Sun
bare tree
One of the landscapes she captured was this stark forest - an endless array of bare tree trunks and branches.
Times, Sunday Times
Bare tree limbs and branches are drawn against the winter sky, as whimsical as pencil sketches.
Christianity Today
These will stay conspicuous on the bare tree long into the winter, not dropping their seeds.
Times, Sunday Times
Bare trees and silvery shrubs, scorched by the tropical winds, turned green overnight.
Times, Sunday Times
Bare trees drum their knobbly branches menacingly on the windows.
Times, Sunday Times
bare wall
It's just a bare wall that cool people know to stand in front of.
Times, Sunday Times
The back of the house was south-facing on clay, with a bare wall on which to grow sun-loving climbers.
Times, Sunday Times
Various band members are seen pushed up against a bare wall.
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Texts transcribed from various 'observations' are projected on the bare walls behind him.
The Times Literary Supplement
As we lowered our ambitions, the bare walls, droning televisions and stench of mashed bananas were overwhelming.
Times, Sunday Times
bare wire
Above the turn of insulated wire, the bare wire wraps around the post.
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The second die type, known as a pressure type die, relies on contact between the jacketing polymer and bare wire inside the die.
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This portable device allows workers to quickly check electrical conductors for live voltage without actually touching the bare wire.
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One terminal of the power energizer releases an electrical pulse along a connected bare wire about once per second.
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Recap the wires with the marrette connectors and be sure no bare wires are showing.
Globe and Mail
bare wood
In general, if you prune conifers back to old, bare wood they will not produce new foliage.
The Sun
Never prune back into old bare wood as they will not regrow.
The Sun
This space and the adjoining kitchen both feature open fireplaces and bare wood flooring, but are bright, modern rooms.
Times, Sunday Times
Bare wood tables and chairs on flagstone floors in the bar area give way to a bright blue and terracotta-painted restaurant.
Times, Sunday Times
Bare wood usually looks best, and the shouty colour of newly sawn timber fades soon enough.
Times, Sunday Times
completely bare
Not to mention your kitchen cupboards are completely bare.
The Sun
Many horse chestnuts, ash trees and hawthorns are completely bare of leaves though the hawthorn branches are still weighed down with dark red berries.
Times, Sunday Times
It was about two metres by two metres, and completely bare - with no light, curtains, cupboards or even a bed.
Times, Sunday Times
It hadn't been lived in for eight years, and was completely bare.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the dunes are covered in shrubs and grasses, while others are completely bare.
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Chinese: 赤裸的, 露出, 空的
Japanese: むき出しの, むき出しにする, 空っぽの




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