

单词 zaguan
za·guan (zä-gwän, sä-)
A roofed entryway, especially one leading to the patio or courtyard of a house in the southwest US or Latin America.

[Spanish zaguán, from medieval Andalusian Arabic istawán, from classical Arabic 'usuwān, 'usuwāna, column, portico, partly from Persian ustuvān, firm, steady (from Middle Persian ōstīgā, probably from Old Iranian *abi-stā-, to put, place (from abi, to, over to, toward; see ambhi in the Appendix of Indo-European roots) + *stā-, to stand; see stā in the Appendix of Indo-European roots + *-kān-, adj. suff.) and partly from Syriac 'estwā, portico (from Greek stoa; see STOA) and Syriac 'estūnā, pillar (from Greek stūlos; see PERISTYLE).]




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