

单词 chronic
chron·ic (krŏnĭk)
1. Of long duration; continuing: chronic money problems.
2. Lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases: chronic colitis.
3. Subject to a habit or pattern of behavior for a long time: a chronic liar.

[French chronique, from Latin chronicus, from Greek khronikos, of time, from khronos, time.]

chroni·cal·ly adv.
chro·nici·ty (krŏ-nĭsĭ-tē) n.

Synonyms: chronic, confirmed, habitual, inveterate
These adjectives describe people who have a longtime habit, behavior, or tendency: a chronic complainer; a confirmed alcoholic; a habitual cheat; an inveterate smoker.




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