

单词 stereotype
ster·e·o·type (stĕrē-ə-tīp, stîr-)
1. A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image.
2. One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.
3. Printing A metal printing plate cast from a matrix molded from a raised printing surface, such as type.
tr.v. ster·e·o·typed, ster·e·o·typ·ing, ster·e·o·types
1. To make a stereotype of.
2. To characterize by a stereotype: "Elderly Americans are the neglected sector of the fashion industry, stereotyped by blue hair and polyester pantsuits" (American Demographics).
3. To give a fixed, unvarying form to.
4. To print from a stereotype.

[French stéréotype, stereotype printing : stéréo-, solid (from Greek stereo-; see STEREO-) + type, printing type (from Old French, symbol, from Late Latin typus; see TYPE).]

stere·o·typer n.
stere·o·typic (-tĭpĭk), stere·o·typi·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.
stere·o·typi·cal·ly adv.




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