

单词 Nazi
Na·zi (nätsē, năt-)
n. pl. Na·zis
1. A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.
2. An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist.
3. often nazi Informal A severely intolerant or dictatorial person: food nazis who want to ban salt in restaurants.
1. Of, relating to, controlled by, or typical of the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
2. often nazi Informal Severely intolerant or dictatorial: loathed the nazi gym teacher.

[German, short for Nationalsozialist (the abbreviation being in part popularized by opponents of the Nazis, perhaps influenced by earlier German regional Nazi, awkward, clumsy person, from Nazi, Iggy, short for the name Ignatius), from Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, National Socialist German Workers' Party.]

Nazi·fi·cation (-sə-fĭ-kāshən) n.
Nazi·fy (-sə-fī) v.




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