释义 |
werg- To do. Oldest form *werg̑‑, becoming *werg‑ in centum languages. Derivatives include work, allergy, surgery, wrought, and orgy.- Suffixed form *werg-o‑.
- work; handiwork, from Old English weorc, werc, work;
- boulevard, bulwark, from Old High German werc, work. Both a and b from Germanic *werkam, work.
- erg1, ergative, -urgy; adrenergic, allergy, argon, cholinergic, demiurge, dramaturge, endergonic, endoergic, energy, ergograph, ergometer, ergonomics, exergonic, exergue, exoergic, georgic, hypergolic, lethargy, liturgy, metallurgy, surgery, synergid, synergism, thaumaturge, from Greek ergon, work, action.
- Zero-grade form *wr̥g‑.
- Suffixed forms *wr̥g-yo‑, *wr̥g-to‑.
- wrought, from Old English wyrcan, to work;
- irk, from Old Norse yrkja, to work. Both a and b from Germanic *wurkjan, to work, participle *wurhta‑.
- Suffixed form *wr̥g-t‑. wright, from Old English wryhta, maker, wright, from Germanic *wurhtjō‑.
- O-grade form *worg‑.
- organ, organon, from Greek organon (with suffix -ano‑), tool;
- orgy, from Greek orgia, secret rites, worship (< "service").
[Pokorny 2. u̯erg̑‑ 1168.] |