释义 |
ud- Also ūd-. Up, out. Derivatives include utmost, carouse, outlaw, and hubris.- out; utmost, from Old English ūt, out;
- carouse; auslander, from Old High German ūz, out;
- outlaw, from Old Norse ūt, out;
- uitlander, from Middle Dutch ute, uut, out;
- utter1, from Middle Low German ūt, out;
- utter2, from Old English ūtera, outer, from Germanic suffixed (comparative) form *ūt-era‑;
- but; about, from Old English būtan, būte, outside (adverb), from Germanic compound *bi-ūtana, "at the outside" (*bi‑, by, at; see ambhi). a-g all from Germanic *ūt‑, out.
- Extended form *uds.
- ersatz, from Old High German irsezzan, to replace, from ir‑, out;
- ort, from Middle Dutch oor, out;
- Germanic compound *uz-dailjam (see dail-);
- Ursprache, from Old High German ur‑, out of, original. a-d all from Germanic *uz, *uz‑, out.
- Suffixed (comparative) form *ud-tero‑. hysteresis, hysteron proteron, from Greek husteros, later, second, after.
- hubris, from Greek compound hubris, violence, outrage, insolence (bri‑, perhaps "heavy," "violent"; see gwerə-1), from hu‑.
- vigorish, from Russian vy‑, out.
[Pokorny ū̆d‑ 1103.] |