释义 |
trei- Three. Derivatives include three, trio, testicle, detest, and trinity.- Nominative plural form *treyes.
- three, thrice; thirteen, thirty, from Old English thrīe, thrēo, thrī, three, with its derivatives thrīga, thrīwa, thrice, thrītig, thirty, and thrēotīne, thirteen (-tīne, ten; see dekm̥);
- trillium, from Old Swedish thrīr, three. Both a and b from Germanic *thrijiz.
- trey; trammel, trecento, trephine, triumvir, trocar, from Latin trēs, three.
- triskaidekaphobia, from Greek treis,tris, three.
- Zero-grade form *tri‑.
- Suffixed form *tri-tyo‑.
- third, from Old English thrid(d)a,thirdda, third;
- riding2, from Old Norse thridhi, third. Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic *thridjaz, third.
- tercel, tercet, tertian, tertiary, tierce; sesterce, from Latin tertius, third.
- Combining form *tri‑.
- tri-, tribe, trio, triple, from Latin tri‑, three;
- tri-; triclinium, tricrotic, tridactyl, triglyph, tritone, from Greek tri‑, three;
- Trimurti, from Sanskrit tri‑, three.
- triad, from Greek trias, the number three.
- trichotomy, from Greek trikha, in three parts.
- trierarch, from Greek compound triērēs, galley with three banks of oars, trireme (-ērēs, oar; see erə-).
- Suffixed form *tri-to‑. tritium, from Greek tritos, third.
- Compound form *tri-pl‑, "threefold" (*-pl‑, < combining form *-plo‑, -fold; see pel-2). triploblastic, from Greek triploos, triple.
- Compound form *tri-plek‑, "threefold" (*-plek‑,-fold; see plek-). triplex, from Latin triplex, triple.
- Compound form *tri-st-i‑, "third person standing by" (-st‑, standing; see stā-). testament, testimony, testicle, testis; attest, contest, detest, obtest, protest, testify, from Latin testis, a witness.
- sitar, teapoy, from Persian si, three.
- Extended zero-grade form *tris, "thrice."
- tern2; termolecular, terpolymer, from Latin ter, thrice.
- trisoctahedron, Hermes Trismegistus, from Greek tris, thrice.
- Suffixed form *tris-no‑. trine, trinity, from Latin trīnī, three each.
- Suffixed o-grade form *troy-o‑. troika, from Russian troje, group of three.
[Pokorny trei‑ 1090.] |