

单词 Indo-European root: stā-
To stand; with derivatives meaning "place or thing that is standing. " Oldest form *steh2, colored to *stah2, contracted to *stā‑.
Derivatives include steed, stud2, arrest, instant, understand, static, prostitute, insist, ecstasy, and system.
  1. Basic form *stā‑.
    1. Extended form *stādh‑.
      1. steed, from Old English stēda, stallion, studhorse (< "place for breeding horses"), from Germanic *stōd-jōn‑;
      2. stud2, from Old English stōd, establishment for breeding horses, from Germanic *stōdō.
    2. Suffixed form *stā-lo‑.
      1. stool, from Old English stōl, stool;
      2. Germanic compound *faldistōlaz (see pel-2). Both a and b from Germanic *stōlaz.
    3. estancia, stage, stance, stanch1, stanchion, stanza, stative, stator, stay1, stet; arrest, circumstance, constant, contrast, cost, distant, extant, instant, obstacle, obstetric, oust, rest2, restharrow, restive, substance, from Latin stāre, to stand.
    4. stir2, from Sanskrit ātiṣṭhati (stem ā-sthā‑), he stands by, remains on (ā‑, near, to, at).
    5. Suffixed form *stā-men‑. etamine, stamen, stammel, from Latin stāmen, thread of the warp (a technical term).
    6. Suffixed form *stā-mon‑. penstemon, from Greek stēmōn, thread.
    7. Suffixed form *stā-ro‑. starets, from Old Church Slavonic starŭ, old ("long-standing").
  2. Zero-grade form *stə‑ (before consonants).
    1. Nasalized extended form *stə-n-t‑.
      1. stand, from Old English standan, to stand;
      2. understand, from Old English understandan, to know, stand under (under‑, under‑; see n̥dher);
      3. standard, from Frankish *standan, to stand;
      4. stound, from Old English stund, a fixed time, while, from secondary zero-grade form in Germanic *stund-ō. a-d all from Germanic *standan.
    2. Suffixed form *stə-tyo‑. stithy, from Old Norse stedhi, anvil, from Germanic *stathjōn‑.
    3. Suffixed form *stə-tlo‑. staddle, stall2, starling2; stalwart, from Old English stathol, foundation, from Germanic *stathlaz.
    4. Suffixed form *stə-mno‑.
        1. stem1, from Old English stefn, stem, tree trunk;
        2. stalag, from Old High German stam, stem. Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic *stamniz.
      1. estaminet, probably from Walloon stamen, post to which a cow is tied at the feeding-trough, from a source derived from or akin to Germanic *stamniz.
    5. Suffixed form *stə-ti‑.
        1. stead, from Old English stede, place;
        2. stadholder, from Dutch stad, place;
        3. shtetl; Lagerstätte, from Old High German stat, place. (i), (ii), and (iii) all from Germanic *stadiz.
      1. stat2, from Latin statim, at once;
      2. station, from Latin statiō, a standing still;
      3. armistice, solstice, from Latin -stitium, a stoppage;
      4. stasis, from Greek stasis (see III. 1. b.), a standing, a standstill.
    6. Suffixed form *stə-to‑.
      1. bestead, from Old Norse stadhr, place, from Germanic *stadaz, placed;
      2. -stat, static, statice, stato-; astasia, astatine, from Greek statos, placed, standing.
    7. Suffixed form *stə-no‑.
      1. destine, from Latin dēstināre, to make firm, establish (dē‑, thoroughly; see de-);
      2. obstinate, from Latin obstināre, to set one's mind on, persist (ob‑, on; see epi).
    8. Suffixed form *stə-tu‑. estate, étagère, stage, state, statistics, statue, stature, status, statute; constitute, destitute, institute, prostitute, restitute, substitute, superstition, from Latin status, manner, position, condition, attitude, with derivatives statūra, height, stature, statuere, to set up, erect, cause to stand, and superstes (< *-stə-t‑), witness ("who stands beyond").
    9. Suffixed form *stə-dhlo‑. stable2; constable, from Latin stabulum, "standing place," stable.
    10. Suffixed form *stə-dhli‑. establish, stable1, from Latin stabilis, standing firm.
    11. Suffixed form *stə-tā. -stat; enstatite, from Greek -statēs, one that causes to stand, a standing.
    12. Suffixed form *stə-mno‑. stamnos, from Greek stamnos, stamnos (< "one that stands upright").
  3. Zero-grade form *st‑, *st(ə)‑ (before vowels).
    1. Reduplicated form *si-st(ə)‑.
      1. assist, consist, desist, exist, insist, interstice, persist, resist, subsist, from Latin sistere, to set, place, stop, stand;
      2. apostasy, catastasis, diastase, ecstasy, epistasis, epistemology, hypostasis, iconostasis, isostasy, metastasis, prostate, system, from Greek histanai (aorist stanai), to set, place, with stasis (*stə-ti‑), a standing (see II. 5. e.);
      3. histo-; histiocyte, histogram, from Greek histos, web, tissue (< "that which is set up").
    2. Compound form *tri-st-i‑, "third person standing by" (see trei-).
    3. Compound form *por-st-i‑, "that which stands before" (*por‑, before, forth; see per1). post1, from Latin postis, post.
    4. Suffixed form *st-o‑ in compound *upo-st-o‑ (see upo).
  4. Extended root *stāu‑ (< *staəu‑), becoming *stau‑ before consonants, *stāw‑ before vowels; basic meaning "stout-standing, strong."
    1. Suffixed extended form *stāw-ā‑. stow, from Old English stōw, place, from Germanic *stōwō.
    2. Probable o-grade suffixed extended form *stōw-yā‑. stoa, stoic, from Greek stoā (also stoiā, stōiā), porch.
    3. Suffixed extended form *stau-ro‑.
        1. store; instauration, from Latin īnstaurāre, to restore, set upright again (in‑, on; see en);
        2. restore, from Latin restaurāre, to restore, rebuild (re‑, anew, again; see re-).
      1. staurolite, from Greek stauros, cross, post, stake.
    4. Variant *tau-ro‑, bull (see tauro-).
  5. Zero-grade extended root *stū‑ (< *stuə‑). Suffixed form *stū-lo‑. stylite; amphistylar, astylar, epistyle, hexastyle, hypostyle, octastyle, peristyle, prostyle, stylobate, from Greek stūlos, pillar.
  6. Secondary full-grade form *steuə‑. Suffixed form *steuə-ro‑. Theravada, from Sanskrit sthavira‑, thick, stout, old.
  7. Variant zero-grade extended root *stu‑. Suffixed form *stu-t‑. stud1, from Old English stuthu, studu, post, prop.
  8. Secondary full-grade form *steu‑.
    1. Suffixed form *steu-rā‑. starboard, from Old English stēor‑, a steering, from Germanic *steurō, "a steering.".
      1. steer1, from Old English stīeran, stēran, to steer;
      2. stern2, from Middle English sterne, stern of a boat, possibly from a source akin to Old Norse stjōrn, a rudder, a steering, derivative of stȳra, to steer. Both a and b from Germanic denominative *steurjan.
    2. Suffixed form *steu-ro‑, a larger domestic animal. steer2, from Old English stēor, steer, from Germanic *steuraz, ox.
    3. Probably Germanic diminutive *steur-ika‑. stirk, from Old English stīrc, stierc, calf.
[Pokorny stā‑ 1004.]




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