释义 |
skel-1 Also kel-. To cut. Derivatives include scalp, skill, cutlass, half, scalpel, and sculpture.- shell, from Old English scell, sciel, shell;
- scagliola, from Italian scaglia, chip. Both a and b from Germanic *skaljō, piece cut off, shell, scale.
- shale, from Old English sc(e)alu, husk, shell;
- scale1, from Old French escale, husk, shell. Both a and b from Germanic *skalō.
- scall, from Old Norse skalli, bald head (< "closely shaved skull");
- scalp, from Middle English scalp, top of the head, from a source akin to Old Norse skalpr, sheath, shell. Both a and b from Germanic *skal‑.
- scale3, skoal, from Old Norse skāl, bowl, drinking vessel (made from a shell), from Germanic *skēlō.
- shield, from Old English scield, shield (< "board"), from Germanic *skelduz.
- skill, from Old Norse skil, reason, discernment, knowledge (< "incisiveness");
- sheldrake, from Middle English scheld, variegated, from a Low German source akin to Middle Dutch schillen, to diversify, with past participle schillede, separated, variegated. Both a and b from Germanic *skeli‑.
- school2, shoal2, from Middle Low German schōle, troop, or Middle Dutch scōle, both from Germanic *skulō, a division.
- Suffixed variant form *kel-tro‑. coulter, cultrate, cutlass, from Latin culter, knife.
- Suffixed zero-grade form *skl̥-yo‑. scalene, from Greek skallein, to stir up, hoe (> skalenos, uneven).
- Extended root *skelp‑.
- shelf, from Middle Low German schelf, shelf (< "split piece of wood"), from Germanic *skelf‑;
- possibly Germanic *halbaz (< variant root *kelp‑), divided. half, halve, from Old English healf, half;
- perhaps variant *skalp‑. scalpel, sculpture, from Latin scalpere, to cut, scrape, with derivative sculpere (originally as the combining form of scalpere), to carve.
[Pokorny 1. (s)kel‑ 923.] |