

单词 Indo-European root: per
Base of prepositions and preverbs with the basic meanings of "forward," "through," and a wide range of extended senses such as "in front of," "before," "early," "first," "chief," "toward," "against," "near," "at," "around."
Derivatives include far, paradise, afford, first, protein, veneer, probe, privy, pristine, and priest.
  1. Basic form *per and extended form *peri.
      1. turnverein, from Middle High German vereinen, to unite, from Old High German far‑;
      2. farklempt, from Yiddish farklemmen, to clamp, choke up, from Middle High German verklemmen, from Old High German far‑;
      3. veer2, from Middle Dutch vieren, to let out, slacken;
      4. Germanic compound *fer-getan (see ghend-);
      5. frump, from Middle Dutch verrompelen, to wrinkle. a-d all from Germanic *fer‑, *far‑, used chiefly as an intensive prefix denoting destruction, reversal, or completion.
    1. Suffixed (comparative) form *per-ero‑, farther away. far, from Old English feor(r), far, from Germanic *fer(e)ra.
    2. per, per-; paramount, paramour, parget, parterre, parvenu, from Latin per, through, for, by.
    3. peri-; perissodactyl, from Greek peri, around, near, beyond.
      1. pantoum, puggree, from Sanskrit pari‑, couch;
      2. paradise, from Avestan pairi‑, around;
      3. bard2, purdah, from Old Persian pari, around, over;
      4. Old Iranian compound *pari-vāraka‑ (see wer-4). a-d all from Indo-Iranian *pari‑, around.
    4. perestroika, from Old Russian pere‑, around, again, from Slavic *per‑.
  2. Zero-grade form *pr̥‑.
      1. for, from Old English for, before, instead of, on account of;
      2. for-, from Old English for‑, prefix denoting destruction, pejoration, exclusion, or completion. Both a and b from Germanic *fur, before, in.
    1. Extended form *pr̥t‑. forth; afford, from Old English forth, from Germanic *furth‑, forward.
    2. Suffixed (comparative) form *pr̥-tero‑. further, from Old English furthra, furthor, farther away, from Germanic *furthera‑.
      1. Compound *pr̥-st-i‑ or *por-st-i‑, with o-grade form *por‑ (see stā-);
      2. porrect, from Latin por‑, forth, forward. Both a and b from Latin por‑ from *pr̥‑.
    3. Suffixed form *pr̥-sōd. parget, from Latin porrō, forward.
  3. Extended zero-grade form *pr̥ə‑.
    1. Suffixed (superlative) form *pr̥ə-mo‑.
      1. former2, from Old English forma, first, from Germanic *fruma‑, *furma‑;
      2. foremost, from Old English formest, first, from Germanic *frumista‑, *furmista‑;
      3. Latin compound prandium, "first meal," late breakfast, lunch (probably < *prām-d-ium < *pr̥əm-(e)d-yo‑; second element *-(e)d‑, to eat; see ed-).
    2. Suffixed (superlative) form *pr̥ə-isto‑. first, from Old English fyrst, fyrest, first, from Germanic *furista‑, foremost.
    3. Suffixed form *pr̥ə-wo‑.
      1. prow, from Greek prōira, forward part of a ship, from analogically suffixed form *prōw-arya;
      2. protein, protist, proto-, proton, from Greek prōtos, first, foremost, from suffixed (superlative) form *prōw-ato‑. Both a and b from Greek *prōwo‑, first, foremost.
    4. Suffixed form *pr̥ə-i. arpent, from Latin arepennis, half-acre (second element obscure), from Gaulish ari (combining form are‑), before, from Celtic *(p)ari, *are.
  4. Extended form *pr̥əā̆.
      1. fore, fore-; forefather, from Old English fore, for, before;
      2. vorlage, from Old High German fora, before;
      3. before, from Old English beforan, before, from Germanic prefixed and suffixed form *bi-fora-na, in the front (*bi‑, at, by; see ambhi). a-c all from Germanic *fura, before.
    1. para-1; palfrey, from Greek para, beside, alongside of, beyond.
    2. Purana, from Sanskrit purā, before.
  5. Extended form *prō̆.
      1. frae, fro; froward, from Old Norse frā, from, from Germanic *fra, forward, away from;
      2. Germanic *fra‑, completely, in compounds (see ed-, aik-).
    1. Suffixed form *prō̆-mo‑.
      1. frame, from, from Old English fram, forward, from, from Germanic *fram, from;
      2. furnish, furniture, veneer, from Old French f(o)urnir, to supply, provide, from Germanic derivative verb *frumjan, to further, from Germanic *frum, forward;
      3. pram2, from Czech prám, raft.
    2. Suffixed form *prō-wo‑.
        1. Frau, Fräulein, from Old High German frouwa, lady;
        2. Freya, from Old Norse freyja, lady. Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic *frōwō‑, lady, lengthened-grade feminine of *frawan‑; lord.
      1. Frey, from Old Norse Freyr, from Germanic *frawa‑, alteration of *frawan‑. lord;
      2. form *prō-wo‑, independently created in Slavic. naprapathy, from Old Church Slavonic pravŭ, true.
    3. pride, pro1, pro-1, prodigality, proud, prowess; improve, purchase, from Latin prō, prō̆‑, before, for, instead of.
    4. Suffixed form *prō-no‑. prone, from Latin prōnus, leaning forward.
    5. Possible suffixed form *pro-ko‑. reciprocal, from Latin compound reciprocus, alternating, "backward and forward" (*re-ko‑, backward; see re-).
    6. Suffixed adverb *pro-kwe.
      1. approach, rapprochement, reproach, from Latin prope, near;
      2. suffixed form *prokw-inkwo‑. propinquity, from Latin propinquus, near;
      3. suffixed (superlative) form *prokw-isamo‑. proximate; approximate, from Latin proximus, nearest.
    7. Compound *pro-bhw-o‑, growing well or straightforward (*bhw-o‑, to grow; see bheuə-). probable, probe, probity, proof, prove; approve, improbity, reprove, from Latin probus, upright, good, virtuous.
    8. pro-2, from Greek pro, before, in front, forward.
    9. Suffixed (comparative) form *pro-tero‑. hysteron proteron, Proterozoic, from Greek proteros, before, former.
    10. Prakrit, from Sanskrit pra‑, before, forth.
    11. Celtic *ro‑, intensive prefix. galore, from Old Irish roar, enough, from Celtic compound *ro-wero‑, sufficiency (*-wero‑, from root *wer‑, also the source of Old Irish feraid, he supplies, provides).
  6. Extended forms *prai‑, *prei‑.
      1. pre-; preterism, preterit, from Latin prae, before;
      2. compound *prai-ghes-to‑ (see ghes-).
    1. Suffixed (comparative) form *prei-yos‑. prior2, from Latin prior, former, higher, superior.
    2. Suffixed form *prei-wo‑.
      1. private, privilege, privity, privy; deprive, from Latin prīvus, single, alone (< "standing in front," "isolated from others");
      2. proper, property; appropriate, expropriate, proprioception, proprioceptor, proprium, from Latin proprius, one's own, particular (< prōprīvō, in particular, from the ablative of prīvus, single; prō, for; see V. 4.).
    3. Extended form *preis‑.
      1. Suffixed (superlative) form *preis-mo‑.
        1. premier, primal, primary, primate, prime, primitive, primo, primus; imprimis, primavera1, primeval, primipara, primogenitor, primogeniture, primordial, from Latin prīmus (< *prīsmus; ablative plural prīmīs), first, foremost;
        2. prince, principal, principle, from Latin compound prīnceps, "he who takes first place," leader, chief, emperor (-ceps,"-taker"; see kap-).
      2. suffixed form *preis-tano‑. pristine, from Latin prīstinus, former, earlier, original.
  7. Extended form *pres‑ in compound *pres-gwu‑, "going before" (*gw-u‑, going; see gwā-). presbyter, Prester John, priest; presbyopia, from Greek presbus, old, old man, elder.
  8. Extended form *proti. pros-, from Greek pros, against, toward, near, at.
[Pokorny 2. A. per 810.]
Other possibly related forms are grouped under per-2, per-3, per-4, per-5.




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