释义 |
ghē- To release, let go; (in the middle voice) to be released, go. Oldest form *g̑heh1‑, becoming *g̑hē‑ in satem languages and *ghē‑ in centum languages. Derivatives include heir, and gait.- go1; ago, forego1, forgo, from Old English gān, to go, from Germanic variant form *gaian.
- Suffixed form *ghē-ro‑. heir, hereditament, heredity, heritage; inherit, from Latin hērēs, heir (? < "orphan" < "bereft").
- Possibly suffixed o-grade form *ghō-ro‑, "empty space."
- -chore, horiatiki; anchorite, chorography, from Greek khōros, place, country, particular spot;
- choripetalous, from Greek khōris, khōri, apart, separate.
- Possible suffixed zero-grade form *ghə-t(w)ā‑.
- gait, gate2, from Old Norse gata, path, street;
- gantlet1, gauntlet2, from Old Swedish gata, lane. Both a and b from Germanic *gatwōn‑, a going.
- Suffixed zero-grade form *ghə-no‑. Hinayana, from Sanskrit hīna‑, inferior, verbal adjective of jahāti, he leaves, lets go (< reduplicated *ghe-ghē-ti, *ghe-gheə-ti).
[Pokorny 1. g̑hē‑ 418.] |