释义 |
de- Demonstrative stem, base of prepositions and adverbs. - Form *dō (possibly instrumental).
- to, too, from Old English tō, to;
- tsimmes, from Old High German zuo, ze, to;
- tattoo1, from Middle Dutch toe, to, shut. (i)-(iii) all from Germanic *tō.
- Italic *dō in compound *kwām-dō (see kwo-).
- Form *dē (possibly instrumental), perhaps source of forms meaning "from, out of."
- de-, from Latin dē, dē‑, from;
- deteriorate, from Latin dēterior, worse, from suffixed form *dē-tero‑;
- compound *dē-bel-i‑ (see bel-);
- Celtic *dī, from, in compound *eks-dī-sedo‑ (see sed-).
[Pokorny de‑ 181.] |