

单词 Indo-European root: bhel-
To thrive, bloom. Possibly from bhel-2.
Derivatives include foliage, blossom, flora, bleed, bless, and blade.
  1. Suffixed o-grade form *bhol-yo‑, leaf.
    1. foil2, foliage, folio, folium; cinquefoil, defoliate, exfoliate, feuilleton, milfoil, perfoliate, portfolio, trefoil, from Latin folium, leaf.
    2. -phyll, phyllo-, -phyllous; chervil, gillyflower, podophyllin, from Greek phullon, leaf.
  2. Extended form *bhlē‑ (< *bhleə‑).
    1. O-grade form *bhlō‑.
      1. Suffixed form *bhlō-w‑. blow3, from Old English blōwan, to flower, from Germanic *blō-w‑;
        1. bloom1, from Old Norse blōm, blōmi, flower, blossom;
        2. bloom2, from Old English blōma, a hammered ingot of iron (semantic development obscure). Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic suffixed form *blō-mōn‑.
      2. blossom, from Old English blōstm, blōstma, flower, blossom, from Germanic suffixed form *blō-s‑;
      3. ferret2, flora, Flora, floral, floret, floriated, florid, florin, florist, -florous, flour, flourish, flower; cauliflower, deflower, effloresce, enfleurage, florigen, millefiori glass, millefleur, from Latin flōs (stem flōr‑), flower, from Italic suffixed form *flō-s‑;
      4. suffixed form *bhlō-to‑, possibly in the meaning "swell, gush, spurt" in Germanic *blōdam, blood.
        1. blood, from Old English blōd, blood;
        2. bleed, from Old English *blēdan, to bleed, from Germanic denominative *blōdjan;
        3. bless, from Old English bloedsian, blētsian, to consecrate, from Germanic *blōdisōn, to treat or hallow with blood.
    2. emblements, from Medieval Latin blādum, bladium, produce of the land, grain, from Germanic suffixed form *blē-da‑.
    3. Suffixed zero-grade form *bhlə-to‑. blade, from Old English blæd, leaf, blade, from Germanic *bladaz.
[Pokorny 4. bhel‑ 122.]




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