释义 |
ar- Also arə-. To fit together. Oldest form *h2erh1‑, colored to *h2arh1‑, with variant *h2reh1‑, becoming *rē‑. Derivatives include army, harmony, inert, aristocracy, adorn, hatred, rite, arithmetic, and rhyme.- Basic form *arə.
- Suffixed form ar(ə)-mo‑.
- arm1, from Old English earm, arm, from Germanic *armaz;
- ambry, arm2, armada, armadillo, armature, armoire, army; alarm, disarm, gendarme, from Latin arma, tools, arms;
- armillary sphere, from Latin armus, upper arm.
- Suffixed form *ar(ə)-smo‑. harmony, from Greek harmos, joint, shoulder.
- Suffixed form *ar(ə)-ti‑.
- art1, artisan, artist; inert, inertia, from Latin ars (stem art‑), art, skill, craft;
- further suffixed form *ar(ə)-ti-o‑. artiodactyl, from Greek artios, fitting, even.
- Suffixed form *ar(ə)-tu‑. article, from Latin artus, joint.
- Suffixed form *ar(ə)-to‑. coarctate, from Latin artus, tight.
- Suffixed form *ar(ə)-dhro‑. arthro-; anarthrous, diarthrosis, dysarthria, enarthrosis, synarthrosis, from Greek arthron, joint.
- Suffixed (superlative) form *ar(ə)-isto‑. aristocracy, from Greek aristos, best.
- Possibly suffixed lengthened o-grade form (or separate root) *ōrə-dh‑.
- ordain, order, ordinal, ordinance, ordinary, ordinate, ordo; coordination, inordinate, subordinate, from Latin ōrdō, order (originally a row of threads in a loom).
- exordium, primordial, from Latin ōrdīrī, to begin to weave.
- ornament, ornate; adorn, suborn, from Latin ōrnāre, to adorn.
- Variant *rē‑ (< earlier *h2reh1‑).
- rate1, ratio, ration, reason; arraign, from Latin rērī, to consider, confirm, ratify.
- Suffixed form *rē-dh‑.
- read, rede; dread, from Old English rǣdan, to advise;
- hatred, kindred, from Old English rǣden, -rǣden, condition. Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic *rēdan.
- rathskeller, from Old High German rāt, counsel;
- riddle2, from Old English rǣdels(e), opinion, riddle. Both (i) and (ii) from Germanic *rēdaz.
- Zero-grade form *rə‑. Germanic *radam, number, in dialectal North and West Germanic compound *hund(a)-rada‑ (see dekm̥).
- Variant root form *h2reh1i‑, with zero-grades *h2rh1i‑ and (metathesized) *h2rih1‑, the latter contracted to *rī‑.
- Suffixed metathesized zero-grade form *rī-tu‑. rite, from Latin rītus, rite, custom, usage.
- Suffixed unmetathesized zero-grade form *ərəi-dhmo‑. arithmetic, logarithm, from Greek arithmos, number, amount.
- rhyme, from a Germanic source akin to Old High German rīm, number, series.
[Pokorny 1. ar‑ 55.] |