

单词 decision
释义 decision|dɪˈsɪʒən|
Also 5 decysion, 6 -syon, decisioun, desision.
[a. F. décision (14th c. in Hatzf.), ad. L. dēcīsiōn-em cutting down, decision, n. of action from dēcīd-ĕre to decide.]
1. a. The action of deciding (a contest, controversy, question, etc.); settlement, determination.
1490Caxton Eneydos vi. 23 He hath not rendred the reason or made ony decysion.1538Starkey England ii. ii. 192 Thys causyth sutys to be long in decysyon.1651Hobbes Leviath. ii. xviii. 91 The decision of Controversies.1769Junius Lett. i. 9 In the decision of private causes.1833H. Martineau Manch. Strike vii. 73 For the decision of questions daily arising.
b. (with a and pl.) The final and definite result of examining a question; a conclusion, judgement: esp. one formally pronounced in a court of law.
1552Abp. Hamilton Catech. (1884) 5 The decisiouns and determinatiouns of general counsallis.1611Bible Transl. Pref. 11 Then his word were an Oracle, his opinion a decision.1651Hobbes Leviath. iii. xlii. 311 To compell men to obey his Decisions.1827Jarman Powell's Devises (ed. 3) II. 95, I have not been able to discover more than one dictum and one decision in favour of the distinction.1883Froude Short Stud. IV. i. iii. 35 The decisions of the clergy were more satisfactory to themselves than to the laity.
2. The making up of one's mind on any point or on a course of action; a resolution, determination.
1886St. George Stock tr. Aristotle's Ethics iii. i. 43 It is hard at times to decide what sort of thing one should choose..and still harder to abide by one's decisions.Mod. Let me know your decision. Decision for Christ.
3. As a quality: Determination, firmness, decidedness of character.
1781Burke Corr. (1844) II. 438 We want courage and decision of mind.1805Foster Ess. ii. (title), Decision of Character.1856Emerson Eng. Traits Wks. (Bohn) II. 30 On the English face are combined decision and nerve.
4. Cutting off, separation. Obs.
1584R. Scot Discov. Witchcr. iv. ii. 59 Without decision of seed.1602Warner Alb. Eng. x. lvi. (1612) 246 By..decision of the Lymme whence all the bayne did floe.1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 827 (R.) From rocks and stones along the sea..there be decisions pass of some parcels and smal fragments.1659Pearson Creed I. 221 Human generation..is performed by derivation or decision of part of the substance of the Parent.
5. attrib. and Comb., as decision-maker, decision-making, decision-taker, decision-taking, decision theory; decision method = decision procedure; decision problem [tr. G. entscheidungsproblem] Math. and Logic, the problem of finding a decision procedure for a class of formulas; the Entscheidungsproblem; decision procedure Math. and Logic, an effective formal routine or mechanical method for deciding whether any selected formula of a given system, or a given class of formulas, is true or derivable within the system to which it belongs.
1938S. Chase Tyranny of Words xviii. 233 Mr. Baldwin was long the chief *decision-maker for the British Empire.1955D. Chapman Home & Social Status 2 Collaboration between researchers and ‘decision-makers’.
1953Amer. Political Sci. Rev. Mar. 7 The right of every voter to participate equally in the community's *decision-making process.1956J. Klein Study of Groups xi. 148 The group moves into the decision-making phase.Ibid., Progress in decision-making.1960Times 24 Mar. 2/2 An electronic laboratory (specialising in decision-making machines).1965M. Frayn Tin Men v. 27 The decision-making faculties of a professional decision-maker like himself had to be nursed.
1948A. Tarski (title) A *decision method for elementary algebra and geometry.1958Fraenkel & Bar-Hillel Found. Set Theory v. 297 A formalized theory T is decidable if there exists an effective, uniform method—a so-called decision method—of determining whether a given sentence, formulated in the vocabulary of T, is valid in T.
1939Jrnl. Symbolic Logic IV. 1 (heading) On the reduction of the *decision problem.1954I. M. Copi Symbolic Logic vii. 235 The decision problem for any deductive system is the problem of stating an effective criterion for deciding whether or not any statement or well-formed formula is a theorem of the system.
1945W. V. Quine in Jrnl. Symbolic Logic X. 3 No *decision procedure is possible for the validity of polyadic schemata.1950Methods of Logic (1952) §15. 82 A ‘decision procedure’—i.e., a mechanical routine for deciding validity, implication, consistency, etc.1957Technology July 182/2 Any game of a finite kind which can be completed in a finite number of moves—and this includes simple games like noughts and crosses as well as draughts and chess—must have a decision procedure, even though we may not know for any particular game what this procedure is.
1962Times Lit. Suppl. 24 Aug. 634/1 Wider ranges of privilege for economic *decision-takers (and their wives and children).
1964T. W. McRae Impact of Computers on Accounting iii. 98 Raw statistics, the backbone of the *decision-taking process.1964J. Z. Young Model of Brain iii. 28 ‘Signals’ are the physical events in the communication channels that operate the decision-taking mechanism.
1961Jrnl. Acous. Soc. Amer. XXXIII. 358/1 An algorithm based on statistical *decision theory.1964T. W. McRae Impact of Computers on Accounting v. 120 Decision theory is probing the psychology of decision making, and attempts to provide an algorism for taking decisions.

Add:[5.] decision tree, a tree diagram representing a sequence of decisions to be taken as a means of selecting one course of action out of many.
1964P. C. Fishburn Decision & Value Theory ii. 26 A *decision tree is a graphical representation of the alternative actions available to the decision maker and the ‘alternative actions available to nature’.1976Path. Ann. XI. 145 The decision tree depicts a sequence of binary, yes or no, decisions which progress until a conclusion is reached.1991Processing June 56/2 Also included are decision trees for determining the best approach in particular applications.




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