

单词 spool
释义 I. spool, n.1|spuːl|
Forms: α. 4–7 spole, 7 spoole, spowle, 7– spool. β. north. and Sc. 5– spule (6 spwle). γ. 8– 9 spole (8 spoal). δ. 6 spoyle, 8–9 dial. spoil.
[ad. ONF. espole (13th cent.) or the source of this, MDu. *spole, spoele, spuele (Du. spoel), MLG. and LG. spôle (hence Da. and Sw. spole), OHG. spuola fem. (G. spule) and spuolo, spuol masc. (obs. or dial. G. spul). In Romanic now represented by F. espoule, F. and Sp. espolin, It. spola, spuola.
The appearance of spole beside spool in the 18th cent. seems to indicate a second adoption of the word from some Continental source.]
1. a. A small cylindrical piece of wood or other material on which thread is wound as it is spun, esp. for use in weaving; a bobbin.
αc1325Gloss. W. de Bibbesw. in Wright Voc. 157 Les tremes, the spoles.14..Lat.-Eng. Voc. in Wr.-Wülcker 613 Spola, a Quyl, or a Spole.c1440Promp. Parv. 470 Spole, or scytyl, webstarys instrument,..spolia, panulea.1530Palsgr. 274 Spole, a wevers instrument.1620Shelton Quix. IV. xxix. 228 She is skilful in such Works,..never ceasing to handle small Spindles or Spooles.1681O. Heywood Diaries (1881) II. 173 She..rose up, went to the wheel.., winded half-a-score spooles.1783Specif. Oldham & Prestwidge's Patent No. 1368, A sliding frame which moves the bobbins..upon the spindles to distribute the yarn equally upon the spools.1802M. Edgeworth Dun Tales 1848 IV. 416 He continued to throw the shuttle, whilst his little boy and his wife by turns wound spools for him.1842Encycl. Brit. (ed. 7) XXI. 825/1 The yarn destined for the warp is wound off upon little spools of wood called bobbins.1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 274/2 Here the slivers are run side by side upon a wooden spool or bobbin.
β1483Cath. Angl. 357/1 A Spule, panus.1509Burgh Rec. Edin. (1869) I. 122 The armes of the webstaris, viz. thair signe of the spule to be vmaist in ilk baner.a1568R. Semple in Bannatyne MS. (Hunter. Club) 356 Weill wrocht in the lwmis with wobster gwmis, Bayth thik and nymmill gais the spwle.1842Whistle-binkie Ser. iii. 40 Curlers, gae hame..To your pens, to your spules, or your thummills.1887Jamieson's Sc. Dict. Suppl. 226/2 A spule is a pirn for yarn or a pirn of yarn. Besides, the copes of yarn used in thread-making are called spules.
γ1757Dyer Fleece iii. 82 Patient art..has a spiral engine form'd, Which on an hundred spoles, an hundred threads..twines,..easy-tended work.1772in 6th Rep. Dep. Kpr. Pub. Rec. App. ii. 161 A Machine..by which..a great number of Threads may be spun at one and the same time on a number of Spoals.1789E. Darwin Bot. Gard. ii. ii. 103 Then fly the spoles, the rapid axles glow.1837Whittock Bk. Trades (1842) 412 (Spinner), As the threads become twisted by..a tall wheel which carries round the ‘spole’.1877–in dial. glossaries (W.Yks., Linc., Leic., etc.).
δ1796W. H. Marshall Rur. Econ. Yorksh. (ed. 2) II. 346 Spoil, the weaver's quill.
b. In fig. uses.
1611J. Davies (Heref.) Wit's Pilgr. xxvii, The wheeling of the Spheares..Winde vp thy lifes-Threed on the Spowle of yeares.1821Clare Vill. Minstr. I. 170 Short is the thread on life's spool that is mine.1866Geo. Eliot F. Holt ii, That's a spool to wind a speech on. Abuses is the very word.1896C. K. Paul tr. Huysmans' En Route v. 65 The first comer who will wind about me his spool of commonplaces.
c. A small shaped cylinder of wood on which sewing-thread is wound; a reel.
1852Mrs. Stowe Uncle Tom's Cabin xx, She tangled, broke, or dirtied her thread, or, with a sly movement, would throw a spool away altogether.1861Wynter Soc. Bees 260 The needle..carries a continuous thread wound off a reel or spool.1890W. J. Gordon Foundry 160 The spool..holds 400 yards of good cotton. It is a good article, and people can pay for it.
d. Any cylinder on which cord, wire, tape, etc., is wound for convenience or for a special purpose.
1864Reader 5 Oct. 483/2 It also actuates the break-piece,..thereby producing electric induction in the outer coils of the two pairs of spools alternately.1883Cent. Mag. July 381 Reeling up his line to the snell of the hook, and with his thumb on the spool of the reel.1889Anthony's Photogr. Bull. II. 76 We want a film thin enough to be used on spools.1936Discovery Aug. 238/2 The film..is mounted in a supply spool on the top part of the camera. It is carried around guide spools and across the focal plane to the take-up spool.1955R. Hobson Noting Too Good for Cowboy xviii. 186 Two spools are attached in a light-tight box to the top of the instrument.1967Tape Recording Mag. July 260/1 The..conventional, spool-to-spool machines.1977W. Marshall Thin Air v. 58 Feiffer watched the twin spools on the tape recorder winding in Number Two's words.
2. A mesh-pin used in net-making.
1838C. Bathurst Notes on Nets 17 Large meshes may be made on small spools, by giving the twine two or more turns round them.1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm II. 72 Spools, being made as broad as the length of the side of the mesh, are of different breadths.
3. The sliding member of a spool valve.
1960Lee & Blackburn in J. F. Blackburn et al. Fluid Power Control ix. 239 The spool valve must be very accurately made since it depends upon closeness of fit between spool and sleeve to hold the leakage down.1974Encycl. Brit. Micropædia X. 344/3 In the mid or neutral position of the spool, ports A and B are blocked. The movement of the spool may be manually or electrically controlled.
4. attrib., as spool-cotton, spool-frame, spool-pin, spool-stand, spool-ticket, spool-wheel; spool-knave (see quot. 1688); spool valve, a valve in which a shaft with channels in its surface slides inside a sleeve with ports in it, the flow between which depends on the position of the shaft in the sleeve; spool-wood, wood for making spools.
1538Nottingham Rec. III. 200 Unum wollenlome cum ryngrathes, warpbarres et spoyle whele.1688Holme Armoury iii. 288/2 There is another sort of Spool Knave made of Wood..in which there is holes made..for two, three, four, or more Spools to be wound off into Clews.Ibid., He beareth Argent, a Spool Knave, with the Spool Pin therein.1845Glance Interior China 81 The spool-frame..is provided with two long posts, each two feet high, on the top of which is a transverse beam.1851–4Tomlinson Cycl. Arts (1867) II. 470/1 As it is usual to form a rope of three strands, three spole-frames are combined together in this laying machine.1858Simmonds Dict. Trade, Spool-stand, a rest or support for bobbins.1862Catal. Internat. Exhib., Brit. II. No. 3677, Spool cotton, enamelled and six-cord.Ibid. No. 5136, Spooltickets.1895N.B. Daily Mail 4 Oct. 5/2 The barque Assyria, laden with spoolwood and deals.1908R. Peele Compressed Air Plant for Mines xx. 248 The throw of the spool valve..is produced indirectly by the introduction of a system of small, auxiliary ports, connecting the ends of the valve chest with the cylinder.1926R. M. Evans in J. Roberts Mining Educator I. 618/2 There are two forms..: the air-thrown or spool-valve drill for use with compressed air, and the tappet drill for use with steam.1971Farmers Weekly 19 Mar. 82/4 Three hydraulic spool valves were fitted on the side of the trailer. One lifted and lowered the trailer.1976D. E. Turnbull Fluid Power Engin. vi. 172 The spool valve was originally developed..more than a century ago when it was used for controlling the flow of steam to steam engine cylinders at the famous Gorton locomotive works in Manchester.
b. Designating (an article of) furniture popular in N. Amer. during the second half of the 19th cent. and decorated with spool-shaped turnery.
1928Johnson & Sironen Man. Furnit. Arts & Crafts i. xiii. 79 The first and most noticeable product of the [powered wood-working] machine was a type [of furniture] made up almost entirely of turned posts, frames, legs and arms and became known as spool furniture.1931S. Glaspell Ambrose Holt & Family xxvii. 263 She went up to the bed, a walnut spool bed.1946Sun (Baltimore) 16 July 10/3 The spool rack..had nice roomy shelves, which were used to store many back copies of the Sun⁓papers.1969J. Gloag Short Dict. Furnit. 636 Spool Furniture, an American style, introduced in the 1850s, and based on the use of spool turning on the members of chairs, beds, tables, and wash stands. This form of decoration with its string of spools was an attenuated variation of the more robust bobbin turning..of the mid- and late 17th century.1974R. B. Parker God save Child (1975) xxii. 153 There was a spool bed with a gold-patterned spread.1981Times Lit. Suppl. 20 Feb. 210/1 Jane Carlyle sitting in her spool chair.
Hence spoolful. rare—0.
1611Cotgr., Fusée, a spoole-full, or spindle-full, of thread, yarne, &c.
II. spool, n.2 Sc. Obs.
In 5 spule.
[app. an alteration of spune spoon n. 1 b.]
collect. Wooden roofing-shingles. Also attrib.
1496Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. I. 279 Item,..in part payment of theking of the chapell..with spule, iiij li. xij d.Ibid. 302 For theking of a rude of spule thak.Ibid. 307 Item, giffin to Johne Lam of Leith, in part of payment of nalis to the spule thak of the werkhous and chapel in the Castel of Edinburgh,..iij li. xij s.
III. spool, v.|spuːl|
[f. spool n.1 Cf. Du. spoelen, LG. spôlen, G. spulen.]
a. intr. To wind spools. Also with advbs. and transf.
b. trans. To wind (thread, film, etc.) on (to) a spool. Also transf.
1603Holland Plutarch's Mor. 337 A weaver will say that his worke is to make a web.., and not to spoole, winde quils,..or raise and let fall the weights.1623in Hist. MSS. Comm., Var. Coll. I. 94 Some of them make..their workfolkes..spoole their chaines, twist their list.1845S. Judd Margaret ii. ix. (1871) 271, I spooled on the doorstone for ma.1976S. Brett So Much Blood x. 126 I'll spool through and see if there's anything relevant.’.. Gerald busied himself spooling on and playing snatches of the tape.1976B. Lecomber Dead Weight iii. 46 The Boeing's engines spooled up to a keening howl.1977Time 10 Jan. 6/1 Poised at the gate. Once more the course spools through the mind. Now the Starter's signal.1978J. Carroll Mortal Friends iv. iv. 433 His fear unraveled itself and then spooled quickly around his winch of a throat.1979G. Scott Hot Pursuit ix. 80, I began to spool the film of what had happened through my mind.1980S. Brett Dead Side of Mike x. 116 Shall I spool it [sc. a cassette] back and see if there's something we missed?
Hence spooled ppl. a.
1862Catal. Internat. Exhib., Brit. II. No. 3885, Thrown silks, gum and soft-dyed and spooled.1897Sears, Roebuck Catal. 333/1 Spooled Wire for Tissue Paper Work.

trans. Computing. To transfer (data, esp. output data) to a temporary store from which it can be fed to, or accessed by, a peripheral device (typically a printer) that operates while the main system performs other processes.
1967J. Golden IBM 360 Programming & Computing 324 The technique of performing peripheral operations on the same system concurrently with running the major programs is called spooling.1971R. Braden & S. Wolfe Request for Comments (Network Working Group) (Electronic text) No. 88. 1 The jobs arespooled into the operating system and run in their turn, and theprinted and/or punched output is returned to the remote terminal.1984Today's Computers May 57/2 Multiprocessing will allow a local area networking communications program to run in the background, even as a word processing application runs in the foreground and a file is spooled to the printer.1989Daily Tel. 18 Dec. 26/4 Printing can be ‘spooled’ and so allow the user to carry on working, without having to wait for the printer to finish before being free to use the screen again.1993Macworld Dec. 44/2 PowerBook users on the road can spool documents and have them printed automatically when users reconnect to their printer.2001Express (Nexis) 6 May 46 You usually get Spool32 error messages if something is preventing the print job from being spooled correctly.




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