

单词 cross-connect
释义 ˈcross-coˌnnect, v. Electr.
[cross- 6 a.]
trans. To interchange the connections of (electric wires); to connect (each of a set of two or more wires or terminals) to a different wire or terminal of another set. Also in ppl. a. and vbl. n. Hence ˈcross-coˌnnection, the arrangement of wires in this way; ˈcross-coˌnnector, a device used to effect this.
a1877Knight Dict. Mech. III. 2512/2 To cross-connect wires is to interchange them, so that a current from one wire is shifted to another at one station and then back again at a farther station, to work around a faulty station.1884F. Krohn tr. Glaser de Cew's Mag.- & Dyn.-Electr. Mach. 261 The segments of the collector are internally cross connected.1893W. P. Maycock Electric Lighting ii. vii. 205 The armature is cross connected to avoid the use of 4 brushes, the cross-connectors consisting of copper rings with two lugs.1893Sloane Electr. Dict. 157 Cross-connecting board, a special switch board used in telephone exchanges and central telegraph offices. Its function is, by plugs and wires, to connect the line wires with any desired section of the main switchboard.1893G. Kapp Dynamos viii. 176 A four-pole cylinder armature with cross-connections.1910Hawkins's Electr. Dict., Cross connected dynamo, a dynamo having the coils of its armature connected to corresponding bars of the commutator.1967D. H. Hamsher Communications Syst. Engin. Handbk. xxi. 10 Cross connection is a method of..connecting a terminated cable pair to any one of a group of other cable pairs similarly connected.Ibid., Weather-proof terminals with prewired and soldered conductors of plastic-insulated wires are designed to cross-connect circuits at any one location.




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