

单词 coupé
释义 I. coupé, a. Her.|kupe|
Also 6 coupye, 7 -ée.
[F. coupé, pa. pple. of couper to cut.]
= couped 2.
1572J. Bossewell Armorie iii. 16 An Arme Coupye, Partie per Pale, Or and Ermine.1634Peacham Gentl. Exerc. 158 The heads..of beasts Coupée or erazed, that is cut or pluckt off.1761Brit. Mag. II. 362 The bust of a king..coupé at the breast proper.1830Robson Brit. Herald III. Gloss., Couped or Coupey.
II. coupé, n.|kupe|
[F.; specific application of coupé (pa. pple.) cut: in sense 1 Littré has also carosse coupé cut carriage.]
1. A short four-wheeled close carriage with an inside seat for two, and outside seat for the driver.
1834Medwin Angler in Wales II. 182 There we met with his ‘Coupé’ and the fair Ravennese en route.1880Mrs. Forrester Roy & V. I. 13, I will send the coupé for you at a quarter to one.1892Times 16 Feb., The Coupé company wish to return..a rug..left in one of their carriages.
b. A closed two-door motor car, usually with two seats (see also quot. 1967). Also attrib. In U.S. freq. spelt coupe and pronounced |kuːp|.
1908A. Bennett Buried Alive ix. 207 This agreeable Jew in the hall, and the coupé at the kerb.1912Motor 23 July 1104/2 The ordinary coupé or doctor's car.1915Scotsman 3 Apr. 12/1 Wanted, 2-Seat Car, with Coupé Body preferred.1924Morris Owner Sept. 653 The coupé is the ideal car for..the business man who has to motor in all weathers.1927in Amer. Speech (1967) XLII. 307 The coupe roadster for two passengers with rumble seat.1934[see crookish a.].1936H. L. Mencken Amer. Lang. (ed. 4) vii. 347, I have..heard..coop for coupé.1967Consumer's Car Glossary (ed. 2) 26 Coupé, car in which the roof slopes down sharply behind the front seat, leaving little or no head room in the back, or car with no back seat. In a drophead coupé the roof can be folded back behind the seats.
c. coupé de ville: a type of motor car in which the passenger seats are covered but with the driver's compartment open or adapted to fold down.
1939E. Ambler Mask of Dimitrios viii. 149 The chauffeur..ushered Latimer ceremoniously into a huge chocolate-coloured coupé de ville, and drove off.1969J. Leasor They don't make them like that any More vi. 169 A special type of body, very popular on Rolls chassis in the late twenties and early thirties. The passengers sat under cover in the rear..while the..chauffeur and footman, sat..up front... English coach-builders called this style coupé de ville.
2. a. The front or after compartment of a continental diligence.
1834J. Barrow Excurs. N. Europe ii. 82 The coupé in front accommodates one who sits next to the conducteur..In the rear in another coupé.Ibid. 83 A seat in the after coupé of a Russian diligence.
b. An end compartment in a railway carriage, seated on one side only.
1853Ann. Reg. 132 Two ladies, who were seated in a coupé.1859All Y. Round No. 30. 78, I have written a column of close ‘copy’ in a coupé.
c. coupé lit, a coupé (sense 2 b) in which the seats can be extended to form a couch or bed. (Not in current use.)
1882H. De Windt Equator 10 A sound sleep in a comfortable coupé lit.1896Daily News 28 Oct. 3/7 A coupé-lits-toilette and first-class carriage will run through to Vintimille by the 2.13 p.m. train from Boulogne.1898Ibid. 18 Oct. 2/2 A coupe-lit compartment at the Nord Station.
3. Fencing. A movement of the sword equivalent to a disengage, but effected by drawing the sword along and over the point of the adversary's.
1889W. H. Pollock, etc. Fencing (Badm. Libr.) 49 The coupé is the opposite of the disengage, the blade being passed over the adversary's blade instead of under.Ibid. 62 Simulate disengagement into tierce and make a coupé.
4. Dancing. = coupee, q.v.




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