释义 |
‖ sottoportico, n. Arch.|ˌsottoˈpɔrtiko| Also as two words, and as It. dial. sottoportego. [It., f. sotto under + portico portico n.] The covered passage running behind an arcade or colonnade and freq. beneath the projecting first floor of a building.
1909Webster, Sotto portico,..an arcade; a street passageway under the overhanging story of a building. 1927C. Mackenzie Vestal Fire i. vi. 95 It was a large villa... One reached it by a sotto portici [sic]. 1981B. Healey Last Ferry ii. 30 The sottoportico at the bottom end of St. Mark's Square. 1983E. Webster Venetian Spy-Glass viii. 75, I followed Renzo..through the maze of calliselle and sottoporteghi. 1984‘J. Gash’ Gondola Scam xiii. 105 A sottoportego, a little alley going under a building. |