

单词 corporatize
释义 corporatize, v.
Brit. |ˈkɔːp(ə)rətʌɪz|, U.S. |ˈkɔrp(ə)rəˌtaɪz|
Forms: 19– corporatise, 19– corporatize
[‹ corporate adj. + -ize suffix.]
orig. and chiefly U.S. 1. trans. To make corporate by introducing or imposing the structures, practices, or values associated with a large business corporation; to commercialize; (hence) (sometimes depreciative) to deprive of independence or individual character; to homogenize. Also occas. intr.
1947A. G. Gruchy Mod. Econ. Thought viii. 568 Businessmen have found it profitable to ‘corporatize’ economic activities. They have found it to their economic advantage to use the interlocking directorate, the multiple holding company, no-par and nonvoting common stock, and many other corporate devices for centralizing the control of industrial assets.1988Washington Post 17 Nov. b1/2 What a revolting development this is, corporatizing bowl games.1998Guardian 22 Oct. ii. 5/1 It wasn't just feminism that was being corporatised.1999Elyria (Ohio) Chron.-Telegram 15 July c2/3 Staffers say the station's parent company..is trying to make KPFA more mainstream... ‘There is no attempt to corporatize.’2003I. MacDonald People's Music 207 Beats are regularised, chord-sequences standardised, stylistic and tonal qualities corporatised, lyrics increasingly generated by mere patterns of association.
2. trans. Business and Econ. To convert (a state-run company or organization) into an independent commercial company; to privatize.
1986Times 5 June 10 The government plans to ‘corporatize’ six of the big government trading departments.1988Gettysburg (Pa.) Times 18 Feb. 4 a/3 Some state-owned enterprises [in New Zealand] have been sold; the rest ‘corporatized’.1992Economist 18 Apr. 61/3 It is happening again. China recently objected to a plan to ‘corporatise’ the government-owned broadcasting outfit, Radio Television Hong Kong, to insulate it from possible political meddling.2003A. Sparks Beyond Miracle vi. 122 Meanwhile, the attempt to merge television and radio is being abandoned and there is a new plan to ‘corporatize’ the SABC and split it into two entitites, one to carry out the public broadcasting mandate and the other to be a commercial broadcaster.
Derivatives. corporatized adj.
1969C. C. Alexander Nationalism in Amer. Thought, 1930–45 iv. 102 Most papers were *corporatized, bureaucratized operations whose editorials were conceived and written by committees, not by recognizable individuals.1997AOPA Pilot Nov. 14/2 The corporatized Canadian air navigation service, has already set user fees for large aircraft.2002Entertainm. Weekly 20 Sept. 104/1 ‘The Last DJ’, a barbed look at the corporatized state of the medium.
corporatizing n.
1969T. J. Lowi End of Liberalism iii. 80 Many of his most important proposals mark his contribution to the *corporatizing of the government-group nexus in the United States.1995Edge Nov. 7/2 Perhaps the real message..is that the corporatising of the games industry is nearly complete. Most smaller publishing houses have now been swallowed up or have cut deals with larger ones.2001R. Shuker Understanding Pop. Music (ed. 2) x. 184 The recent corporatising of Television New Zealand..has led to a duplication of..programmes across the various channels.




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