

单词 son of a bitch
释义 son of a bitch slang.
Also son-of-a-bitch, sonofabitch, sonuvabitch, etc. In pl., sons of bitches.
[Cf. son n. 7 d.]
Now more common in the U.S. than elsewhere.
1. a. A despicable or hateful man. Also attrib. Cf. S.O.B. s.v. S. I. 4 a.
[c1330Of Arthour & of Merlin (1973) 333 Abide þou þef malicious! Biche-sone þou drawest amis Þou schalt abigge it ywis!1605Shakes. King Lear ii. ii, One that..art nothing but the composition of a Knave, Begger, Coward, Pandar, and the Sonne and Heire of a Mungrill Bitch.]1707J. Shirley Triumph of Wit (ed. 5) 203 There stands Jack Ketch, that Son of a Bitch, that owes us all a grudge.1744A. Hamilton Itinerarium (1907) 229 It was the landlord ordering his negroes, with an imperious and exalted voice. In his orders the known term or epithet of son of a bitch was often repeated.1762L. Sterne Let. 8 Apr. in Times Lit. Suppl. (1965) 8 Apr. 284/4 Phelps is a son of a Bitch for saying I was worse than when I left You for I am ten, nay 15 per Cent better.1800J. Sappington in T. Jefferson Notes on Virginia 52 Logan's brother..attempted to strike him, saying, ‘White man, son of a bitch’.1823Byron Juan xi. xli. 123 Pray ask of your next neighbour, If he found not this spawn of tax-born riches, Like lap-dogs, the least civil sons of b―s.1833[see bitch n.1 2 a].1924M. Kennedy Constant Nymph iii. xvi. 217 You think I ought to want to please every son of a bitch who can pay for a sixpenny ticket.1929E. Pound Let. 1 Feb. (1971) 224 The stinking sons-of-bitches who rot the country.1939S. Spender tr. Toller's Pastor Hall ii. 77 Here, you fat-bellied son of a bitch, hand me some of your margarine.1945L. Saxon et al. Gumbo Ya-Ya iii. 65 The old woman looked at her for a minute, then she said, quiet-like, ‘Well, I'm a son of a bitch!’1951J. D. Salinger Catcher in Rye iii. 30 Boy, I can't stand that sonuvabitch.1959Times 25 Sept. 9/1 Hume..said..that a Scotland Yard report must have been prepared by ‘some son-of-a-bitch inspector who wants to blacken my name’.1963R. Seaver tr. Beckett's End in Writers in Revolt 357 He went bustling along..bowing and scraping and flourishing his hat... The insufferable son of a bitch.1977I. Shaw Beggarman, Thief ii. iii. 139 Arrogant Hollywood sonofabitch.
b. With weakened force and neutral or friendly overtones: a fellow, a man.
1951E. Paul Springtime in Paris xv. 294 ‘The son of a bitch is crazy,’ said, in soft English, but completely without malice or disapproval.1958J. Carew Wild Coast ix. 124 He was a drinking, whoring, kindly savage son-of-a-bitch.1979‘A. Hailey’ Overload iii. xiii. 258 Besides, the son-of-a-bitch had guts and was honest.
2. Applied to animals, etc., as a term of abuse.
1771Smollett Humph. Cl. I. 167 Damn the nasty son of a bitch, and them he belongs to!1954C. Odets Big Knife in Famous Plays 1954 434 Our story is that the dog—a big son of a bitch—yanked the leash and threw her to the floor.1958J. Kerouac On Road iv. 24 We been riding this sonofabitch since Des Moines.1977New Yorker 27 June 78/3, I figured that that grouse wouldn't be a meal for me... I..went over to the tree, shook it, and yelled, ‘Get outa there you son of a bitch.’
3. Applied to a woman as a term of abuse. rare.
1936H. Miller Black Spring 250 He got to working overtime in order to lay aside the little bribe which would make the frigid son of a bitch come across like a nymphomaniac.
4. Used as an expletive.
1953W. Burroughs Junkie (1972) ii. 28 ‘Sonofabitch!’ she snarled. ‘They can tell when a woman isn't looking for a pickup.’1957M. Millar Soft Talkers iii. 33 Sonuvabitch, I don't get it. What's the matter? What did I do?
5. Used in comparisons to suggest strength, ferocity, speed, etc.
1953W. Burroughs Junkie (1972) viii. 75, I hit Philly sick as a sonofabitch.1976New Yorker 15 Mar. 32/3 Well, I hit that bastard with my white fist and ran out of there like a sonuvabitch.
Hence son-of-a-bitching a., a general epithet of abuse.
1930J. Dos Passos 42nd Parallel i. 101 Every sonofabitchin yellerleg in the State of Nevada.1941E. P. O'Donnell Great Big Doorstep vii. 98 Tayo put his bag down, and shed his coat uncertainly. ‘Son of a bitchin pole-vaulter,’ he muttered.1960J. Kirkwood There must be a Pony! (1961) i. 12 The meanest son-of-a-bitching parrot you could ever run up against.1979‘A. Hailey’ Overload iv. xiv. 370 ‘People!’ Paulsen exploded. ‘Son-of-a-bitching, stupid people!’




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