

单词 cor-
释义 I. cor-1
assimilated form of the prefix com-, con-, before r; as in L. correctus correct, corrupt-us corrupt, etc. For the general sense see com-.
II. cor-2, coro-, (core-)
Gr. κόρη girl, doll, pupil of the eye (cf. baby), has been taken as the basis of modern surgical terms relating to the pupil. The combining form of the Gr. word (as in other words in -η, -α) is κορο-, coro-, before vowels cor-; but core- representing the Gr. nom. case has by some been erroneously taken as the formative, giving the barbarous forms corelysis, coremorphosis, and the illiterate coreometer, coretodialysis, etc. Few of these combinations are English in form: the chief being coˈrectomy, coˈrotomy (core-), excision and incision of the pupil, ˈcoroplasty (core-), an operation for forming an artificial pupil; coˈrectome, an instrument used in cutting through the iris; coroˈplastic (core-) a., relating to coroplasty.
1819Guthrie Lect. Surg. Eyes (1823) 393 Coretomia, division of the iris.Ibid., Corectomia, when a portion of the iris is cut off.Ibid. 394 Coredialysis, the separation of the iris.1826S. Cooper First Lines Surg. (ed. 5) 348 Mr. Guthrie approves of corectomia, or a free transverse division of the iris with a sharp edged needle, or iris-scalpel.1830Dict. Surg. (ed. 6) 1007 The separation of a part of its circumference from the ciliary ligament called in the language of oculists corodialysis.1875H. Walton Dis. Eye 433 Coredialysis, produces a second and false pupil.1860Braithwaite Retrospect of Med. XLII. 250 Mr. Streatfeild..now names his operation Corelysis (meaning Pupil freeing.)1857Dunglison Med. Dict. 242 Coreplasty..The operation for artificial pupil.




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