

单词 continuate
释义 I. conˈtinuate, ppl. a. Obs.
[ad. L. continuāt-us, pa. pple. of continuāre to continue.]
1. pa. pple. continued, kept on. Obs.
1471Ripley Comp. Alch. v. in Ashm. (1652) 151 The Waters of Noyes flud..whych were a hundred dayes contynuate And fyfty.
2. adj. Continued without break or interstices; continuous in space or substance.
1555Eden Decades 218 This lande is continuate and one firme lande with the cape of saynte Augustine.1597Hooker Eccl. Pol. v. lvi. §7 As though our very flesh and bones should be made continuate with his.1610J. Guillim Heraldry iii. xxiii. (1611) 170 The Hardnes of Scalie fish is not continuat, but Plated, fitting for Motion; but there is another sort of hard couering, which is continuate. Of which.. some are shelled.1656[J. Sergeant] tr. T. White's Peripat. Inst. 326 If it were divisible, 'twould be continuate and divisible without end.
b. Continuous in time or order, uninterrupted in duration.
1601F. Godwin Bps. Eng. 136 There is not any precise Catalogue or continuate history.1604Shakes. Oth. iii. iv. 178, I shall in a more continuate time Strike off this score of absence.1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God vii. xxvi. (1620) 272 The same hath Euemerus written in a continuate history.
3. Continued, long-continued, lasting, chronic.
1607Shakes. Timon i. i. 11 A most incomparable man; breath'd as it were, To an vntyreable and continuate goodnesse.c1621S. Ward Life of Faith (1627), As a constant and continuate as is the vse of fire and water.1621Burton Anat. Mel. i. i. i. v, A Chronick or continuate disease, a setled humor.1635R. Brathwait Arcad. P'cess 36 The continuate remembrance of our owne integrity.
4. ? Constantly adjourned. Obs.
1598Barret Theor. Warres v. v. 163 The encamping of an army being a continuate thing, the dislodging or remouing of a campe must needs be a consequence.
Hence conˈtinuately adv., conˈtinuateness.
1601–2W. Fulbecke 2nd Pt. Parall. 59 Esau and Iacob famous twinnes were borne so continuatly together.1641Wilkins Mercury xi. (1707) 47 Writing continuately, without any Distinction betwixt the Words.1645Digby Nat. Bodies xxxvi. (1658) 379 That the continuateness of the sent may not lead dogges to their forme.
II. conˈtinuate, v. Obs.
[f. L. continuāt- ppl. stem of continuāre to continue.]
1. trans. To make continuous in space or substance; to give continuity to.
1578Banister Hist. Man vii. 90 To the inuolucre of the hart..the same coate [the pleura]..is continuated, and tyed.a1632L. Hutten Antiq. Oxford in Plummer Elizabethan Oxford (1887) 85 The Deane and Chapter..daming upp the old Channell that ran into Charwell, continuated the two Meadowes into one.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. ii. i, Oyled paper, wherein the interstitiall divisions being continuated by the accession of oyle.a1834Coleridge Shaks. Notes (1849) 87 All that continuates society, as sense of ancestry and of sex.
2. To make continuous in time; to perpetuate.
1611Speed Hist. Gt. Brit. ix. xxiv, To containe, and continuate the remembrance of her vertuous, pious, and glorious gouernment.1624Brief Inform. Affairs Palat. 57 [They] made a mockerie of the said Truce, and continuated their Hostilities.1653Gataker Vind. Annot. Jer. 17 Devising a new Church Government..and..establishing and continuating the same.
Hence conˈtinuated, conˈtinuating ppl. a.
1632tr. Bruel's Praxis Med. 198 The continuated parts..doe appeare loosened.1666G. Harvey Morb. Angl. iv. 32 By a continuated motion upon a continuated body, as all liquors are.1650Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. ii. v. (ed. 2), Bodies run into glass when the volatile parts are exhaled, and the continuating humour separated.




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