

单词 consumption
释义 consumption|kənˈsʌm(p)ʃən|
[ad. L. consumptiōn-em, n. of action f. consūmĕre to consume, perh. immediately from F. consumption (14th c. Oresme), early var. of consomption. To a great extent, the latter has in French been ousted by consommation, owing to the confusion in that lang. of consumer and consommer.]
1. The action or fact of consuming or destroying; destruction.
1563–87Foxe A. & M. (1684) III. 56 Christ shall sit..at the right hand of God, till the consumption of the world.1581Marbeck Bk. of Notes 109 In the fire they felt no consumption.1609Bible (Douay) Num. xvii. 13 Are we al to be destroyed unto utter consumption?1635E. Pagitt Christianogr. i. ii. (1636) 85 The consumption of 12 millions of men.1667Waterhouse Fire Lond. 6 No culinary fire being so speedy in its consumptions.1722J. Macky Journ. thro' Eng. (ed. 4) I. 182 The largest Palace in the World, till its Consumption by Fire.
2. The dissipation of moisture by evaporation.
c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 165 Boile hem to þe consumpcioun of þe .iij. part.c1530in Vicary's Anat. (1888) App. ix. 224 Boyle all thiese to-guether..to the consumption of the waters.1616Surfl. & Markh. Country Farme 331 Boile them to the consumption of the one halfe.1758J. S. Le Dran's Observ. Surg. (1771) Aa iij, Boil them in two Quarts of Water, to the Consumption of the Half.
3. Decay, wasting away, or wearing out; waste.
1513Bradshaw St. Werburge i. 3509 In her body resolued to naturall consumption.1588Fraunce Lawiers Log. Ded., The perpetuall vexation of Spirite, and continuall consumption of body, incident to every scholler.1616Surfl. & Markh. Country Farme 390 Sometimes the Oliue-tree becommeth all withered, and falling into a consumption.1677A. Horneck Gt. Law Consid. iv. (1704) 148 They will soon bring a consumption on their fortune.1708Ozell Rabelais (1737) V. 94 A Consumption in the Pocket, or want of Money.a1711Ken Edmund Poet. Wks. 1721 II. 195 Sleep is an Anodyn by God design'd, To cure each Day's Consumption of the Mind.
4. a. Wasting of the body by disease; a wasting disease; now applied spec. to pulmonary consumption or phthisis.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. vii. xxxv. (1495) 249 Whan blode is made thynne..soo folowyth consumpcyon and wastyng.1542Boorde Dyetary xxxiv. (1870) 296 Swete wynes be good for them the whiche be in cosumpcion.1620Venner Via Recta vii. 129 Commended for those that haue the pthisicke, or consumption of the lungs.1651Wittie tr. Primrose's Pop. Err. ii. 88 They doe not distinguish the true consumption from other diseases, but call every wasting of the body, a consumption.a1806K. White Oh! thou most fatal’, Consumption! silent cheater of the eye.1861F. Nightingale Nursing 26 That consumption is induced by the foul air of houses..is now certain.
b. Formerly with a and pl. (Now only when qualified, as a rapid consumption.)
1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 437 Which languysshid longe in a consumpcion or he dyed.1578Lyte Dodoens i. xlix. 71 Lynseede mengled with hony..is good for such as are fallen into consumtions.1762–71H. Walpole Vertue's Anecd. Paint. (1786) III. 239 He died of a consumption March 11th, 1702.1798Malthus Popul. (1878) 226 The consumptions which are frequent among the common people.1883G. Lloyd Ebb & Flow II. 257 Cure everything, from a tooth⁓ache to a galloping consumption.
c. fig.
a1569A. Kingsmill Man's Est. xiii. (1580) 105 Christ was sicke of that consumption, even of zeale, to make us an holy house to his father.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 337 Freendly services..ceasing, freendshippe must needes be in daunger of a consumption.1742Young Nt. Th. viii. 30 Discontent..Incurable consumption of our peace!
5. Wasteful expenditure, waste.
1691Hartcliffe Virtues xix, How oft they are allayed with the Consumption of a Man's Estate.1732Law Serious C. ii. (ed. 2) 21 The careless consumption of our time.
6. a. The using up of material, the use of anything as food, or for the support of any process.
a1535More De quat. Noviss. Wks. 80/2 That we daily lese by our inwarde consumpcion.1664Evelyn Kal. Hort. (1729) 228 The consumption of that inspiriting balsamick Nouriture.1726Chetwood Adv. Capt. R. Boyle 64 The Liquor is not mine, but I'll stand by you in the Consumption of it.1794Sullivan View Nat. I. 165 The constant and immense consumption of the solar light.1818Jas. Mill Brit. India II. v. iv. 439 There was not rice in the camp for the consumption of a single day.1863Tyndall Heat i. §15 (1870) 14, I wish now to..show you the consumption of heat in mechanical work.
b. fig.
1885Ld. Granville Let. Jan. in Marq. of Zetland Ld. Cromer (1932) xix. 216 It is extremely desirable..that we should do something both for the thing itself and for home consumption.1912W. Owen Let. 29 May (1967) 138 Leslie has just dropped in to borrow a book for Dorothy's immediate consumption.1930Wodehouse Very Good, Jeeves! ix. 250 The Pyke is entirely unfit for human consumption and must be cast into outer darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.1964Frozen Assets ii. 42 ‘What's wrong with the poor guy?’ ‘He's a mess. Totally unfit for human consumption.’
7. Pol. Econ.
a. The destructive employment or utilization of the products of industry.
1662Petty Taxes 11 Good accompts of our..manufacture, consumption, and importation.1719W. Wood Surv. Trade 306 The Expence of Consumption of our whole People, must amount to 49 Millions per Annum.1776Adam Smith W.N. I. Introd. 3 Those funds which..have supplied their annual consumption.1832Babbage Econ. Manuf. xv. (ed. 3) 143 Increased price will cause a diminished consumption.1873Morley Rousseau II. 44 Those middle exchanges between production and consumption.
b. The amount of industrial products consumed.
1752Hume Ess. & Treat. (1777) I. 365 The best taxes are such as are levied upon Consumptions, especially those of luxury.1846McCulloch Acc. Brit. Empire (1854) I. 621 Exclusive of this immense home consumption, we annually export from 13,000,000 to 14,000,000 bushels.
c. Short for consumption duty: excise. Obs.
1694Molesworth Acc. Denmark (ed. 3) 93 First, The Customs..Secondly, The Excise, commonly called the Consumption; which is upon Tobacco, Wine, Salt, Grain, etc. and all Eatables and Drinkables brought into any Town.
8. Rom. Law. (= consumptio actionis). Exhaustion of a right of action.
1875Poste Gaius iv. Comm. (ed. 2) 575 The novation or consumption whereby a right of action was extinguished or annihilated.Ibid. 579 Extinctive (ipso jure) consumption of a right of action vanished with the formulary system.Ibid. A plaintiff who lost his cause..by consumption of process (duration of suit for eighteen months, or termination of prætorship). Cf.1880Muirhead Gaius 480.
9. attrib. consumption credit (= consumers' credit), consumption market, consumption tax; consumption goods = consumers' goods; consumption test, trial, the test of a motor vehicle with regard to its economical consumption of petrol.
17..Lady M. W. Montague Lett. II. xliv. 16 The consumption cough, so common in London.1890[see consumer 2 b].1894Palgrave Dict. Pol. Econ., Consumers' Goods (or Consumption Goods) include all those desirable things which directly satisfy human needs and desires, e.g. food and clothing.1895Daily News 6 June 7/3 The chief Chinese consumption markets.1902A. R. Colquhoun in Westm. Gaz. 10 Nov. 6/3 The treaty provided for a ‘consumption tax’ on native produce.1903Motor Ann. 148 Hill-climbing and consumption trials.Ibid. 155 The consumption test was to determine which cycle would travel the greatest distance on a pint of petrol, at a minimum pace of 15 m.p.h.1909Westm. Gaz. 24 Aug. 4/2 In the consumption trial of the Liverpool Motor Club a 10–12 Humber car..carried off the first prize.1927Seligman Econ. Instalment Selling I. 141 Consumption credit would denote credit utilized for the purposes of consumption.Ibid. 174 Consumption credit is in itself quite as legitimate as production credit.1941‘G. Orwell’ Lion & Unicorn 103 A managed internal economy based simply on the amount of consumption-goods available.1944J. S. Huxley Living in Revol. xiii. 155 Germany is now going short of consumption goods.




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