

单词 confessional
释义 I. confessional, n.|kənˈfɛʃənəl|
[In sense 2 a. F. confessional = It. confessionale, med.L. confessiōnāle (neuter of confessiōnāl-is adj.), quoted by Du Cange in the sense ‘sacrum pænitentiæ tribunal’ in 1563. Sense 1 is app. a distinct subst. use of the adj.]
1. A due for hearing or giving permission to hear confession. Obs.
1596in Foxe A. & M. Hen. VII. Cases Papal 728 What should I speake here of my dailie reuenues, of my first fruites, annates, palles, indulgences, buls, confessionals, and such like, which come to no small masse of money.
2. A desk, stall, cabinet, or box, in which the priest sits to hear confessions in a Roman Catholic church.
1727Chambers Cycl., Confessional is also used in the Romish church for a little box or desk in the church, where the confessor takes the confessions of the penitents.1740Warburton Div. Legat. iv. iv. Wks. 1811 IV. 118, I [Acosta] have seen an Indian bring to the confessional a confession of all his sins written..by picture and characters.1858Hawthorne Fr. & It. Jrnls. (1872) I. 7 A confessional..a little oaken structure about as big as a sentry-box with a closed part for the priest to sit in, and an open one for the penitent to kneel at.
b. Taken typically for the practice of confession, with its concomitants.
1816Byron Siege Cor. iii, More constant at confessional, More rare at masque and festival.1862Goulburn Pers. Relig. i. (1873) 7 Before the Reformation, the Confessional existed as a living power in the Church.1871Morley Voltaire (1886) 126 The clergy had the pulpit and the confessional, and their enemies had the press.
c. attrib., as confessional-box, confessional-chair.
1792Archæologia 261 Confessional chairs..probably always were of wood.1840Clough Amours de Voy. i. 109 Pseudo-learning and lies, confessional-boxes and postures.
3. = confession 8, confessionary 2. Obs.
1704Addison Italy (J.), In one of the churches I saw a pulpit and confessional, very finely inlaid with lapis-lazuli.1727–51Chambers Cycl., Confessional, or Confessionary, in church-history, a place in churches, usually under the main altar, wherein were deposited the bodies of deceas'd saints, martyrs, and confessors.
II. confessional, a.|kənˈfɛʃənəl|
[f. confession + -al1: corresp. to med.L. confessiōnāl-is and mod.F. confessionel.]
1. Of the nature of or pertaining to confession.
1817N. Drake Shaks. II. 72 If we dismiss these confessional sonnets.1823Galt Entail II. xxiv. 231 In the confessional moments of contrition.1827G. S. Faber Orig. Expiatory Sacr. 216 Not an expiatory sin-offering, but an offering merely confessional of sin.
2. a. Of or pertaining to Confessions of Faith, or systems of formulated Theology.
1882–3Schaff Encycl. Relig. Knowl. III. 1972 Confessional differences concern the condition of the dead during the period between death and the resurrection.1889A. B. Bruce Sp. at Mansf. Coll. Oxf. 16 Oct., In theology our position might be described as Biblical, as distinct from confessional. We want to know what the Bible really teaches.
b. Denominational; holding or according with a certain system of dogmas or beliefs.
1907Daily Chron. 10 Jan. 6/4 The erection and endowment by the State of confessional schools.1920Q. Rev. July 172 It is treated strictly as a working hypothesis of science and not as a dogma of ‘confessional’ validity.1950Internat. Affairs Jan. 40 The Catholics..supported confessional schools of the individual Churches.1957Economist 30 Nov. 768/2 In spite of the early links of the Labour party with Methodism and of ‘Tory Democracy’ with Anglican social reform, British political parties are not confessional.
c. Confessional Church: see quot. 1957.
1938A. S. Duncan-Jones Relig. Freedom in Germany iv. 82 The Confessional Church foreshadowed at Ulm came into definite existence at Barmen.1939N. Micklem Nat. Socialism & Christianity 22 The right wing [of German Protestantism] are those who stand in unswerving loyalty to the old Confessions of the Church, and who have been profoundly influenced by the teaching of Dr. Karl Barth. They are sometimes called ‘the Confessional Church’.1957Oxf. Dict. Chr. Ch. 325/2 ‘Confessional Church’ (Bekenntnis-Kirche). The group of German Evangelical Christians which most actively opposed the ‘German-Christian’ Church Movement sponsored by the Nazis between 1933 and 1945 and which claimed..to stand fast by the Augsburg and other Reformation Confessions.




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