

单词 rabbish
释义 ˈrabbish, a. Obs.
Forms: 4 rabbisshe, 5 rabbishe, -isch, -yshe, rabyssh, -sch.
[? f. OF. rabi, rabbi rabid, raging + -ish, or directly from the OF. fem. rabice, rabiche, the ending being associated with -ish.]
Unruly, turbulent; inconsiderate, rash; rough or precipitate in action.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VIII. 85 Þan þe rabbisshe peple..up wiþ staves, battes, and stoones.1398Barth. De P.R. ii. xix. (1495) 45 By rabbyssh foole hardynesse he takyth moore vpon hym than he maye doo.1494Fabyan Chron. vii. 357 Many of the rabbishe and wylde commoners, were in full purpose to haue defended the cytie.
Hence ˈrabbishly adv.; ˈrabbishness. Obs.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VIII. 147 A manere kyndeliche rabbischness of wit.c1400Harl. Contin. ibid. VII. 523 Me wondreth gretlich that ȝe demeth ȝoure bischop so rabbischlich.c1475Partenay 4690 He..A chambre perceiued, in went rabbishly.1494Fabyan Chron. v. cxxxvi. 123 The kynge handelyd the body of Seynt Denys so rabbysshely, yt he brake one of his armes.




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